Recommendation for promotion to Senior Lecturer and Senior Research Fellow

Please complete this form in full and submit it as a coversheet to the promotion submission.

a / Candidate information
Title and name
Staff number
Title of present post
Line manager
Promotion profile:
Dates of all previous submissions to the Committee, if any
(including personal submissions) / Date of first academic
appointment at OU
Submission of Individual Circumstances form: / Yes / No
b / Statement
Please give name and details of the line manager providing a statement for the candidate.
Line Manager
c / Referee information
Please list the names and details of the two referees approached by the Head of School who are internal to the University, with one normally being from outside the candidate’s own Department (or equivalent). The references should be included with the submission.
Please list the name and details of the referee approached by the Head of School who isexternal to the University. The reference should be included with the submission.
d / Career development and staff appraisal
The Head of School is required to provide a statement on the following points.
The statement should be signed by the Head of School, whether or not s/he conducted the appraisal(s), and also by the candidate.
If agreement cannot be reached on the final point in this section, two answers may be given.
Has the candidate been appraised in the last 12 months? / YES/NO
i / If yes, when did the appraisal(s) take place?
ii / If yes, has the Head of School seen the appraisal records? / YES/NO
The promotion submission takes full account of the appraisal(s) and the promotion case is entirely consistent with the appraisal(s) on aspects relevant to promotion / YES/NO
e / Additional documentation and evidence
Please list any additional documents which have been referred to in this submission. This can include details of any reviewers feedback being suppliedin respect of unsuccessful grant applications.
f / Declaration
Head of School
I confirm that ______has made an effective contribution in all duties required within their current role.
Signature:...... (Head of School)
Date: ......

10 April 2017Page 1 of 3