Community Rehabilitation Provider (CRP)

Request for Applications (RFA) 2017

The Department of Rehabilitation Services (DORS), hereinafter referred to as the Department, is seeking applications from organizations to provide community based rehabilitation employment services. These services will be purchased by the Department’s Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) and Employment Opportunities Programs (EOP) for the purpose of assisting individuals with significant physical, and/or mental disabilities to prepare for, obtain, advance in and maintain employment. Through the provision of individual and group community based rehabilitation employment services, persons with disabilities who are eligible for these programs are supported in planning for, achieving and maintaining their employment goals.

Eligible Entities:

·  Public/private non-profit or for-profit providers, organizations or companies,


·  Accredited Colleges and Universities


The Applicant must meet all of the prescribed qualifications stated in the CRP_RFA_2017 Section IV, Part 1. C. to be considered a Community Rehabilitation Provider. This is an ELECTRONIC SUBMISSION. Applicants shall use the Word Document entitled “CRP Application” and the accompanying forms and attachments to respond to all requirements listed.

The anticipated start date of contracts resulting from this procurement will be March 1, 2018.

The RFA is available in electronic format on the State Contracting Portal at, under the Department of Rehabilitation Services or from the Department’s Official Contact:

Name: Mary VanNess, Contract Administration and Procurement

Address: 55 Farmington Avenue, Hartford, CT 06105-3725


The RFA is also available on the Department of Rehabilitation Services (DORS) website at Questions or requests for information in an accessible form must be directed to the Department’s Official Contact at the email address above.





A. Introduction ...... 4

B. Application outline ...... 4


A. Official Contact, Schedule and Delivery Requirements . . 5

B. Application Format Information...... 8

C. Evaluation of Submissions...... 9

Section III - MANDATORY PROVISIONS . . . . . 11

A. Standard Contract, Parts I and II . . . . . 11

B. Assurances ...... 11

C. Terms and Conditions ...... 12

D. Rights Reserved to the State ...... 13

E. Statutory and Regulatory Compliance. . . . . 14


PART 1 Overview and Contractor Qualifications . . . 16

A. Department Overview ...... 16

B. Program Overview ...... 17

C. Qualifications of the Resultant Contractor(s) for Approval

as a Community Rehabilitation Provider . . . 18

D. Qualifications of the Resultant Contractor(s) for Mitigation

of Communication Barriers . . . . . 18

E. Objectives, Activities and Expectations of the Resultant

Contractor(s) ...... 22

PART 2 Structure and Scope Requirements of Community

Based Rehabilitation and Employment Services . . 23

A. Work Attachment ...... 23

B. Assessment Model ...... 26

C. Work Readiness Training ...... 27

D. On the Job Supports ...... 29

E. Additional Services Specific to Individuals with

Communication Barriers ...... 30

PART 3 Program Tracking and Reporting Requirements. . 32

A. Program Tracking ...... 32

B. Reporting Requirements ...... 33

C. Invoicing Requirements ...... 33

PART 4 Employment Services Rates . . . . . 34

A. Required Core Services ...... 34

B. Additional Services Specific to Individuals with

Communication Barriers ...... 35



1. RFA Name Community Rehabilitation Provider: Request for Applications (CRP_RFA_2017)

2. Qualifications The Applicant must meet all requirements in Section IV, Part 1. C.

3. Commodity Codes The services that the Department wishes to procure through this RFA are as follows:

a.  2000: Community and Social Services

b.  3000: Educational and Training Services

4. Application Submission Process THIS IS AN ELECTRONIC SUBMISSION

Please refer to Section II, INSTRUCTIONS, A. and B. for detailed submission requirements.


This section presents the required outline that must be followed when submitting an Application in response to this RFA. Applications must include each of the components listed below, in the order specified:

1.  A Required Outline that exactly conforms to the requirements as stated in Section II, B. 1. and includes each of the required components.

2.  CRP Application Package

a. (Forms A 1 through D 1 are found as links within the CRP Application)

b.  Form A 1 Required Director of Vocational Services Credentials

c.  Form B 1 Organizational Description

d.  Form B 2 Blind-Low Vision and Assistive Technology

e.  Form B 3 Organization Attestation

f.  Form B 4 Organization Procedures and Controls

g.  Form B 5 Organization Assurances

h.  Form B 6 Organizational Chart

i.  Form C 1 Applicant Direct Service Capacity

j.  Form C 2 Direct Service Plan

k.  Form D 1 Applicant Strategy to Mitigate Communication Barriers

3.  State of Connecticut Contract Items

a.  Gift and Campaign Contribution Certification, as noted in Section III E.1.

b.  Consulting Agreement Affidavit, as noted in Section III E.2.

c.  Affirmation of Receipt of State Ethics Laws Summary, as noted in Section III E.3.

d.  Iran Certification, as noted in Section III E.4.

e.  Freedom of Information Act exemptions (FOIA), as noted in Section III E.5, if applicable

f.  Conflict of Interest Disclosure Statement, as noted in Section II A.8, if applicable.

NOTE: To submit a responsive Application, the Applicant SHALL submit completed State of Connecticut Contract Items a., b., c., and d. listed above with their application. Forms are available at OPM’s website at:

4.  Addendum Acknowledgement forms shall be completed, signed and returned with Applicant’s submission when applicable. Applicable Addendum Acknowledgement forms shall be placed at the end of each addendum or addenda posted to this RFA.

The Official Contact is the only authorized recipient of applications submitted in response to this RFA. THIS IS AN ELECTRONIC SUBMISSION.



1. Official Contact. DORS has designated the individual below as the Official Contact for purposes of this RFA. The Official Contact is the only authorized contact for this procurement and, as such, handles all related communications on behalf of the Department. Applicants, Prospective Applicants and other interested parties are advised that any communication with any other Department employee(s) (including appointed officials) or personnel under contract to the Department about this RFA is strictly prohibited. Applicants or prospective Applicants who violate this instruction may risk disqualification from further consideration.

Name: Mary VanNess, Contract Administration and Procurement

Address: 55 Farmington Avenue, Hartford, CT 06105-3725


Applicants are required to ensure that e-mail screening software (if used) recognizes and will accept e-mails from the Official Contact.

2. RFA Information. The RFA, addenda to the RFA and other information as associated with this procurement are available in electronic format from the Official Contact or from the Internet at the following locations:

The State Contracting Portal, under the Department of Rehabilitation Services:

The Department of Rehabilitation Services:

It is strongly recommended that any Applicant or prospective Applicant subscribe to receive e-mail alerts from the State Contracting Portal. Subscribers will receive a daily e-mail announcing procurements and addenda that are posted on the portal. While this service is provided as a courtesy to assist in monitoring activities associated with State procurements, including this RFA, it is incumbent upon each Applicant or prospective Applicant to monitor the State Contracting Portal for information regarding this and any other procurement.

3. Application Schedule. See below. The Department may amend the schedule, as needed. Any change will be made by means of an amendment to this RFA and will be posted on the Department’s Web Page and the State Contracting Portal. Dates listed after the Application Due Date below are target dates only.

Procurement Schedule / Dates
RFA Released / September 22, 2017
Questions / Due October 6, 2017
Responses to Questions Posted / October 20, 2017
Letter of Intent / October 27, 2017
Application Due Date / November 10, 2017
Successful Applicant(s) Announced / December 22, 2017
Contract Negotiations Begin / December 22, 2017
Contract Begins / March 1, 2018

4. Letter of Intent. Prospective Applicants are encouraged, but not required to submit a Letter of Intent (LOI). The LOI is non-binding and does not obligate the sender to submit an Application. The LOI must be submitted to the Official Contact by e-mail by the deadline established in the Procurement Schedule. The LOI must clearly identify the sender, including name, postal address, telephone number and e-mail address. Please submit your LOI via e-mail, subject line: LOI CRP RFA, to the Official Contact for this RFA () and include the proposed regions to be served.

5. Inquiry Procedures. All questions regarding this RFA or the Department’s procurement process must be submitted via e-mail to the Official Contact. The early submission of questions is encouraged. Questions will not be accepted or answered verbally – neither in person nor over the telephone. All questions will be answered unless the source is unknown (i.e., nuisance or anonymous questions) or the questions are deemed unrelated to the requirements of the RFA or the procurement process. The Department may combine similar questions and give only one (1) answer. All questions and answers will be compiled into a written addendum to this RFA. If any answer to any question constitutes a material change to the RFA, the question and answer will be placed at the beginning of the addendum and duly noted as such. The agency will release the answers to questions on the dates established in the Procurement Schedule. The Department will publish any and all amendments or addenda to this RFA on the State Contracting Portal and the Department of Rehabilitation Services Website. Applications must include a signed Addendum Acknowledgement for each amendment or addenda posted to this RFA. The applicable Addendum Acknowledgement form(s) shall be placed at the end of each posted amendments or addenda.

6. Application Due Date. The Official Contact is the only authorized recipient of applications received in response to this RFA. Applications must be received by the Official Contact via e-mail.

This is an electronic Application Submission. Applicants shall put in the subject line, CRP_RFA_2017.

Applications will be accepted by the Official Contact, . The last date for submission of Applications is November 10, 2017.

The electronic submission must be compatible with Microsoft Office and/or Adobe Acrobat.

NOTE: Applications received after the stated deadline may be accepted as a clerical function but will not be reviewed. Please be aware of the amount of time it may take for an electronic submission to be sent from one server and accepted to another.

7. Claim of Exemption from Disclosure.Applicants are advised that all materials associated with this request, procurement or contract are subject to the terms of the Freedom of Information Act, Conn. Gen. Stat.(CGS) § 1-200 et seq. (FOIA).Although there are exemptions in the FOIA, they are permissive and not required.If an Applicant believes that certain information or documents or portions of documents required by this procurement are exempt from disclosure under theFOIA, the Applicant must mark such information or documents or portions of documents as EXEMPT.

For information or documents so referenced, the Applicant must provide a detailed explanation of the basis for the claim of exemption.Specifically, the Applicant must cite to the FOIA exemption that it is asserting as the basis for claim that the marked material is exempt. In addition, the Applicant must apply the language of the statutory exemption to the information or documents or portions of documents that the Applicant is seeking to protect from disclosure.For example, if an Applicant marks a document as a trade secret, the Applicant must parse the definition in CGS § 1-210(b)(5)(A) and show how all of the factors are met.Notwithstanding this requirement, DORS shall ultimately decide whether such information or documents are exempt from disclosure under the FOIA.

8. Conflict of Interest - Disclosure Statement. Applicants must include a disclosure statement concerning any current business relationships (within the last three (3) years) that pose a conflict of interest, as defined by C.G.S. § 1-85. A conflict of interest exists when a relationship exists between the Applicant and a public official (including an elected official) or State Employee that may interfere with fair competition or may be adverse to the interests of the State. The existence of a conflict of interest is not, in and of itself, evidence of wrongdoing. A conflict of interest may, however, become a legal matter if an Applicant tries to influence, or succeeds in influencing, the outcome of an official decision for their personal or corporate benefit. The Department will determine whether any disclosed conflict of interest poses a substantial advantage to the Applicant or is not in the best interests of the State. In the absence of any conflict of interest, an Applicant must affirm such in the disclosure statement. Example: “[name of Applicant] has no current business relationship (within the last three (3) years) that poses a conflict of interest, as defined by C.G.S. § 1-85.”


1.  Required Format. All applications must follow the Required Outline presented in SECTION I-GENERAL INFORMATION, B. Application Outline, to include each of the following required components:

a.  Required Outline

b.  CRP Application including written reference letters

c.  Forms A1 through D1

d.  State of Connecticut Contract Items a. through f.

e.  Any documentation related to a Claim of Exemption from Disclosure

f.  All applicable Addendum Acknowledgement Forms

Applications that fail to follow the Required Outline will be deemed non-compliant and will not be reviewed.

2. Attachments. Attachments other than the required appendices and forms identified in SECTION I-GENERAL INFORMATION, B. Application Outline are not permitted. Further, the required appendices must not be altered or used to extend, enhance, or replace any component required by this RFA. Failure to abide by these instructions will result in disqualification.

3. Electronic Submission Requirements. All applications must be submitted via e-mail to , CRP_RFA_2017 shall be in the subject line. For accessibility purposes, all documents shall be in Microsoft Office and/or Adobe Acrobat format. If the number of documents requires submission in multiple e-mails, clearly indicate the Applicant organization in the subject line along with CRP_RFA 2017.