Job Title: Lead Practitioner

Grade: Lead Practitioner Range 1 – 5 (+ maximum SEN Allowance)

Accountable to: Vice Principal

Accountable for: A team at one of NW SILC settings

Purpose of the Role:

To actively contribute to the development of the NW SILC’s organisational vision and communicate that vision in compelling terms to gain interest and commitment of all staff and stakeholders. To ensure professional activities contribute to the future development of the NW SILC and support the planning, implementation and performance of all aspects of its operations and strategies, including:

o  To maintain specialist provision in centres of excellence for children and young people with more complex needs;

o  To develop the capacity of mainstream schools to successfully include and provide appropriate learning and personal development programmes for children and young people with a wide range of individual needs;

o  To work in partnership with schools, other agencies and services to improve and develop services and provision to benefit children and young people with special needs.

The Core Purpose of this Role is to:

1.  Model outstanding practice in teaching and provide pedagogic leadership to teachers across the whole school so that the NW SILC is an outstanding provider of education for children with special educational needs.

2.  To play a key part in raising teaching and learning standards through the quality of your own teaching and by supporting the professional development of colleagues, resulting in learners making outstanding progress.

3.  To contribute to the day to day running of a NWSILC site by being part of the daily management team

To work as part of the wider leadership team to implement and support the school’s mission statement and development plans. Also, to realise its strategic objectives to ensure a strong commitment to local communities and to provide cost effective high quality education and training.

The post holder is subject to the current conditions of employment set out in the School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document.


·  Plans are in place and they clearly set out the strategies for improving learner achievement. The plan is clearly understood by all and leads to all teaching being at least good with a significant element being judged as outstanding;

·  All learners at least meet national expectations regarding progress with a significant proportion exceeding expectations;

·  In conjunction with the VP (Learner Achievement) curriculum reviews and innovation inspires team members and clearly translates into high quality teaching and the highest levels of achievement and progress;

·  Other teachers, within the team and from across the SILC, and those beyond, are developed as a result of delivering model lessons and leading professional development workshops. This leads to the dissemination of innovative teaching strategies and individual pupil interventions that accelerate pupil progress.

·  By acting as a professional coach to other teachers – within the team and across the SILC – there is a significant improvement and impact on the quality of teaching.

·  The CPD needs within the team are clearly identified and set out in a Plan that is successfully implemented and clearly shows impact in relation to learner progress and the quality of teaching.

·  Assessment judgements by the team are secure as a result of a robust moderation process. This leads to reliable data informing teaching to accelerate pupil progress;

·  Pupil progress tracking and work scrutiny within the team is systematic and regular so that pupils falling below progress expectations are highlighted and interventions are identified and implemented..

·  Teacher development and support has an impact on the quality of teaching and accelerates pupil progress because the Appraisal Policy is effectively applied within the team.

Main Duties:

In order to promote and achieve the SILC vision and purpose, the Lead Practitioner should:

·  Maintain expert knowledge of teaching and learning and disseminate this to other teachers

·  Maintain knowledge and understanding of the SILC aims, development priorities, targets, self-evaluation and action plans and be a critical element in the positive delivery of these.

·  Understand and promote the benefits and effective use of ICT

·  Assist in planning the induction year for NQT staff. In accordance with the school policy document and the DFE regulations and the LA programme, arranging regular meetings with them and undertaking classroom observation as appropriate

The Lead Practitioner will support teachers to consistently and effectively plan and sequences lessons, to meet pupils’ individual learning needs by:

·  Disseminating examples of effective planning practice

·  Ensure that teachers are aware of the needs of all pupils and groups and make provision for this in their planning

·  That feedback from lesson observation, work scrutiny and analysis of assessment data is appropriately reflected in teachers’ planning

·  Establishing strategic planning, including short, medium and long term plans for the development of their team

The Lead Practitioner will support teachers to consistently and effectively use a range of appropriate strategies for teaching and classroom management through;

·  Ensuring teachers are clear about the learning objectives in lessons, and they understand the sequencing of teaching to communicate this to students

·  Modelling lessons and leading regular professional development workshops, professional coaching and evaluative and developmental feedback on the effectiveness of their teaching strategies.

·  Developing and promoting innovative and effective strategies to meet the needs of all pupils

The Lead Practitioner will support teachers to consistently and effectively use information about attainment and progress data to set well-grounded expectations for students, to monitor progress, and to give clear and constructive feedback by:

·  Evaluating and interpreting relevant local and school data, research and inspection evidence to inform policies, expectation and teaching methods.

·  Monitoring and evaluating assessment data across the team to identify trends in pupil performance and issues for development

·  Devising intervention strategies to address issues for development that are identified through lesson observations.

·  Evaluating and reporting on the effectiveness of intervention strategies used to address identified issues.

·  Use assessment data to make comparative evaluation of pupils performance

The Lead Practitioner will support teachers so that, as a result of their teaching, their pupils achieve highly – making progress that at least meets national expectations with a significant proportion exceeding expectations:

·  Identifying quantifiable and challenging pupil progress targets with teachers within their appraisal objectives ;

·  Supporting teachers in planning appropriate strategies to achieve pupil progress target levels and objectives

·  Taking steps to ensure that agreed pupil progress target levels within the school are achieved or exceeded

·  Encouraging pupils’ motivation and enthusiasm in the school, developing positive responses to challenge and high expectations

The Lead Practitioner will take responsibility for their own professional development and use the outcomes to improve their teaching and pupil learning by:

·  Maintaining ‘leading edge’ knowledge through reading, CPD activities and research to inform their own practice, demonstrating impact in teaching and on pupils’ learning

·  Assimilating and implementing curriculum developments to lead the process of change within the SILC

·  Prioritising and managing their own time effectively, balancing the demands made by teaching, leadership and developing others and involvement in SILC development

·  Achieving their own challenging professional objectives

The Lead Practitioner will contribute to the policies and aspirations of the SILC, co-ordinating strategies to achieve relevant improvement priorities that have been identified by:

·  Evaluating and reporting the effectiveness of practice in the team, and their work across the SILC and beyond, suggesting areas and issues for further improvement through the performance management and quality assurance process.

·  Leading and delivering professional development within their team and in other areas of the SILC and in other educational settings

·  Building effective links with our partners and the community in order to develop the SILC

The Lead Practitioner will be an effective professional who challenges and supports all pupils to do their best by:

·  Creating a climate, which enables staff to develop, challenge and support each other, resulting in positive growth

·  Mentoring and coaching staff to develop confidence and maintain positive attitudes

·  Communicating effectively with professional integrity within and beyond the SILC community

·  Taking action to build and maintain effective teamwork with high expectations of outcome

Employees will be expected to comply with any reasonable request to undertake work of a similar level that is not specified in this job description