Final Student Presentations

Purpose and Instructions

After reading your proposed adventure program, investors at I Love Wilderness (ILW) Inc. are very interested in funding a program. However, coordinated with your ideas, they have requested that a few others be added and would like to see what proposal a group of you could create that would integrate the best ideas of yours and your group members initial programs that you designed. Furthermore, they would like to see and experience a small application or preview of what your adventure program would then provide.

Your Assignment:

In your group of three, create an outdoor adventure program that includes the following:

v  Prepare some type of poster presentation with the company name and logo on it.

v  Identify the objectives of your program (aim and purpose).

v  Choose one genre of clientele that you will appeal to and identify why your program will work best for them.

v  Present the newly formed program to the class and design an activity that demonstrates your program’s mission and objectives.

v  In one class period, present the company and implement an activity that demonstrates the application of skills and/or knowledge learned during the course.….

v  It is encouraged that as a group you do some research and learn how to apply an activity that you did not know how to do before so that you may add to your own knowledge base. Also, kudos to those of you who go one step further and create an entirely new activity to apply in an outdoor setting.

v  Lastly, students will provide a 1-2 page handout for other students and the instructor that briefly describes your company and the activity. This should include: what principles and/or skills it demonstrates, where it can be used, who it is designed for. Also, please include any references that you used.

v  The total duration of the activity and presentation should encompass the entire class period, so plan accordingly. (Approximately 75 minutes and allow for discussion time and/or any questions at the end.)


Students will be evaluated by fellow classmates and the instructor on the following criteria:

Flow: Are there smooth transitions from activities and presentations and from presenter to presenter (if multiple speakers will be used)?

Quality: Did the activity effectively present principles and either further knowledge or teach new skills?

Creativity/Organization/Professionalism: Was the presentation done in an organized, creative way? Were the materials and presentation done in a professional manner (not sloppy)? How effective would this presentation be in the real world?

Lastly, group members will evaluate each other by using the following Evaluation sheet, fold it in half, put name on the outside of sheet and turn in to instructor at the time of your presentation.



Please rate each member of your team (including yourself) using the criteria below.

For each person, for each criterion, place a:
for an effort that is WAY ABOVE average;
for an effort that is ABOVE average;
for an AVERAGE effort,
for an effort BELOW average;
for an effort that is WAY BELOW average;


Contributed ideas during discussions
of the project
Dependability, completed agreed to tasks on time
Willingness to actively seek opinions of others
Actual contribution; did their fair share of the work
Worked to resolve differences between group members
TOTAL (5 - 25/25)

Any Comments you care to make: