CU Student Government Association

Unapproved Minutes

January 22, 2007

I.Call to Order

a. Meeting was called to order by SGA President Marcos Rivera at 5:20

b. Pledge of Allegiance

II.Roll Call

a. Absent-Amista Melvin, Andrea Brock, Chris Heath, Clarice Dillon, Elaine Weinheimen, Elizabeth Bryan, Mary Soper, Merita Tyrell, Ornelo Nano, Rachel Ross, Randi Harrison, Sarah Oates, Sarah Phillips, Julianne Moini, Karen Tibbetts, Kim Jackson, Derik Cadavid, Jonathan Beckett, Daniel Brown, Ivica Ristovski

b. Excused- Jessica Daoang

c. Late Arrivals/Early Departures-John Kirk, Brett Barnett

III.Approval of Minutes

a.Motion to approve the minutes made by Senator Johnson. Seconded by Senator Hurley, and consented by Representative Jackson.

IV. Presidential Remarks

a. Members of the election committee need to meet with Sergeant of Arms Hubbard after the meeting.

b.Homecoming Committee Members:

Senator Hurley, Senator Rivera, Senator Murphy, Senator Carden, Senator Hidalgo, Senator White, Senator Rubio, Senator McCorgary

C.Constitution Committee Members:

Senator Johnson, Senator England, Senator Sharp, Senator Hurley, Senator Barbour, Representative McCarty, Representative Adkinson, Senator Kirby

D.Rolling With the Aggies is on February 19th. Pick up an application

E.Higher Ed Day at the Capitol is on February 27th

F.N.E.W. Leadership-See Dean Holland for questions

G.Internship opportunities with Senator Cole’s office Contact Kerry Dennis

V.Old Business


VI.New Business

a.Motion made by Sergeant at Arms Hubbard to change Senator Kirby’s name to Senator It’s a Surprise. Seconded by Senator Johnson, and consented by Senator McCorgary.

b.Motion made by Dean Holland to move to Amendment One. Seconded by Senator Johnson, and consented by Senator Hurley

c.Motion made by Senator Johnson to move to previous question. Objection heard, Motion passed.

d.Amendment Passed

e.Motion made by Senator Sharp to move to Amendment Two. Seconded by Senator Hurley, and consented by Senator Hidalgo.

f.Motion made by Senator Kirby to move to previous question. Seconded by Representative Page, and consented by Senator Johnson.

g.Amendment Passed

h.Motion made by Senator Johnson to move to Amendment Three. Objection heard, Motion passed.

i.Motion made by Senator Hurley to move to previous question. Seconded by Senator Johnson, and consented by Senator Murphy.

j.Amendment Passed.

k.Motion made by Vice President Wozencraft to move to previous question on the bill as amended. Objection heard. Motion Passed

l.Bill passed.


a. Thursday, January 25th at 8:00 p.m., come to the McMahon Center to make free Cameron shirts

b. If interested in OIL/SGA, pick up an application

c. If interested in being an OSGA officer, pick up an application

d. Be sure to apply for money for your organization from the distribution funs

VIII. Adjourn

a. Motion to adjourn made by Senator Johnson, Seconded by Senator McCorgary, Consent made by Senator Hurley. Meeting Adjourned at 6:05.