To: All Members of the Council

You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of the Parish Council to be held at the Village Hall, Sutton Courtenay, on Tuesday 3rd March, 2009, at 7.30 p.m. for the transaction of the business stated below.

Mrs. L.A. Martin Orchard House,

Clerk of the Council 90 Howard Cornish Road,

Marcham, Abingdon,

Tel: (01865) 391833 Oxon. OX13 6PU

P ------


1. Apologies for Absence

2. Declarations of Interest

To receive any declaration of Personal or Prejudicial Interests in respect of items on the

Agenda for this meeting. (Please refer to the notes at the end of agenda).

Members are reminded that should they have a personal interest in an item they must disclose the existence and nature of that interest to the meeting prior to the matter being debated. Where that personal interest is also a prejudicial interest then the Member must withdraw from the room in which the meeting is being held and not seek improperly to influence any decision about the matter. Council has adopted clause 12(2) of the Model Code of Conduct for Parish Councils 2007 and anyone with a prejudicial interest will be permitted to address Council during the section set aside for public participation.

3. Minutes of the meeting held on 3rd February, 2009

To approve the minutes as a correct record of the proceedings.

4. Matters arising from the Minutes

9 Drayton Road

Confirmation has been received from the Vale of White Horse District Council that they are further investigating a possible business use at this residential property.

5. County Councillor’s Report

To receive a report on County Council matters from Cllr. C. Lamont

6. District Councillor’s Report

To receive a report on District Council matters from Cllr. G. Duffield

7. Landfill Site - Energy from Waste Incinerator Planning Application

(i) To note Cllr. Mrs. Atkinson made a statement to the County Council at its meeting on 10th February.

(ii) To note that although the Environmental Permit application has been made by WRG to the Environment Agency, this is on hold pending revisions to the reports submitted. This will go out for consultation once WRG has finalised its submission.

8. Matters raised by Councillors for information

9. Public Participation

10. Police Matters

11. Planning Applications

a) Decisions on previous applications

b) Applications dealt with prior to the meeting

No applications received


c) Applications for consideration at the meeting

SUT/4047/3 Demolition of existing dwelling. Erection of 2 x 5 bed dwellings

with vehicle access.

2 Abingdon Road

For: Sweetcroft Homes Ltd

SUT/2124/2 Demolition of existing garage and utility room. Erection of two storey extensions to north flank and front. Erection of single storey extensions to both flanks and rear.

Beechfield House, Abingdon Road

For: Mr and Mrs. D. Chung

SUT/20088/4 Dropped kerb to vehicular access

39 High Street

For: Mr. T. Elford

SUT/11139/2 and SUT/111/39/3-CA Demolish 8 garages and 1 shed. Erection of 3 bed house with attached car port. New access to Churchmere Road.


14a The Green

For: Mrs. P. King

12. Recreation Ground

a) To receive the report on the condition of the play equipment/recreation ground – weekly inspection by Council.

b) To receive quarterly inspection report from Ventur Play.

c) To appoint the play equipment inspection/litter bin emptying person for the next month.

d) To note and consider quotations for repair to rotating disk roundabout

e) To consider a request from Sutton Courtenay cricket club to use the recreation ground for a Summer Ball on 22nd August and to erect a marquee.

13. WRG – Local Liaison Committee - Chairman

To consider recommending to the County Council / WRG a change in the constitution of the committee, so that the Chairman of the Committee is elected from the appointed representatives of either Sutton Courtenay or Appleford Parish Councils.

14. Correspondence

a) Oxfordshire Association of Local Councils – update for February

b) Culham Science Site

Invitation by UKAEA for members to visit the Culham site and see the fusion experimental facilities Wed. 22nd April at 6.30 p.m.

c) Thames Valley Police – Community Policing Awards

Nominations invited for the awards scheme. An opportunity to put forward a member of Police staff who deserves recognition for their service to the community.

d) Thames Water Utilities Ltd – Invitations to meetings – Response to Consultations on Draft Water Resources Management Plan

5th March at Abingdon Guildhall, 6.30 p.m. for 7.00 p.m.

17th March Panel meeting at Steventon 7.00 p.m.

15. Environment Agency – Consultation for the Oxford Flood Risk Management Strategy

To consider any Parish Council comments.

16. Communities and Local Government - Consultation

Real people, real power : Code of recommended practice on Local Authority Publicity

This consultation paper is published on the Local Government website

To consider any Parish Council comments

17. Website

(i) To note Evergreen is progressing with design. The Camera Club has been asked to produce photographs of the village which could be used.

(ii) To select a domain name.

18. Accounts

To approve accounts for payment

19. Date of Next Meeting. The next meeting will take place on Tuesday 7th April, 2009.

Notes on Declaration of Interest

(i) any Member arriving after the start of the meeting is asked to declare personal interests as

necessary as soon as practicable after his/her arrival even if the item in question has been


(ii) it is not practical to offer detailed advice during the meeting on whether or not a personal interest should be declared, or whether a personal interest should also be regarded as prejudicial.

Other Literature

1. Abingdon Town Crier

2. Abingdon Arts Festival 2009

3. Dragonfly magazine – Wilts and Berks Canal Group