COMM 40133 Communication and Character

Preparation for Exam 1

The purpose of this exam is to show that you have read, comprehended, and thought deeply about the content we have covered so far.

Five questions worth 20 points each will be drawn from the following list. Plan to writeadouble-spaced page or twofor each question. Some will require more writing than others.

  1. Describe in some detail the theoretical model of leadership we discussed in class. Explain clearly how the cultivation of good character relates to this model. Include an example to show how each part of the model applies to your own life experience, either as a leader or follower.
  1. Describe the research conducted by Dr. Kinnier and his colleagues. For example, what data did they analyze, and what conclusions did they draw? To what extent do our nine traits align with Kinnier’s universal moral values?
  1. Describe cognitive-developmental and virtue ethics perspectives on moral development, including general concepts, notable scholars, and specific examples or illustrations from your own life experience. Which viewpoint do you more readily support, and why?
  1. Describe in some detail Kohlberg’s three stages of moral development. Which stage do you think best reflects where you are today? Be honest, and justify/explain your answer with a specific illustration from a recent experience.
  1. Describe attribution theory, and tell how the tenets of the theory might explain differences between your character self-assessment and your assessment of other TCU students. Include theory-specific terms and concepts in your answer.
  1. Describe moral disengagement theory, and illustrate the main tenets with examples from your own experience or observation. Why do you think we mentioned this theory before starting our study of character traits?
  1. Tell me what you know about the theory of emerging adulthood. In what specific ways does this theory describe your present life circumstances? Are there ways in which you diverge from the typical emerging adult? Explain your answer.
  1. Tell me what you know about postmodernism, including the historical/philosophical foundations as well as practical manifestations in society and culture. In what ways do you find postmodern pluralism to be liberating? Can it also pose challenges to leading a life of good character? Explain both of these answers with personal examples.

COMM 40133 Communication and Character

Preparation for Exam 2

The purpose of this exam is to show that you have read the textbook and required follow-up articles.The more detail you provide, the more certain I can be that you have read and thought about the material.

Two questions worth 35 points each will be drawn from the following list. Plan to write 2-3 double-spaced pages for each question.

  1. Tell me what you learned from the textbook about HONESTY, including answers to the four questions, other major points, and stories or illustrations from the chapter.
  2. Tell me what you learned from the textbook about COMPASSION, including answers to the four questions, other major points, and stories or illustrations from the chapter.
  3. Tell me what you learned from the textbook about COURAGE, including answers to the four questions, other major points, and stories or illustrations from the chapter.

Two additional questions worth 15 points each will be drawn from the following list. Plan to write a double-spaced page for each question.

  1. Write a thoughtful summary of the follow-up article on HONESTY (When Presidents Lie), relating it to specific content from the chapter.
  2. Write a thoughtful summary of the follow-up article on COMPASSION (Starbucks president), relating it to specific content from the chapter.
  3. Write a thoughtful summary of the follow-up article on COURAGE (Sen. McCain’s book), relating it to specific content from the chapter.

COMM 40133 Communication and Character

Preparation for Exam 3

The purpose of this exam is to show that you have read the textbook and required follow-up articles. The more detail you provide, the more certain I can be that you have read and thought about the material.

Two questions worth 35 points each will be drawn from the following list. Plan to write 2-3 double-spaced pages for each question.

  1. Tell me what you learned from the textbook about PATIENCE, including answers to the four questions, other major points, and stories or illustrations from the chapter.
  2. Tell me what you learned from the textbook about HUMILITY, including answers to the four questions, other major points, and stories or illustrations from the chapter.
  3. Tell me what you learned from the textbook about PERSISTENCE, including answers to the four questions, other major points, and stories or illustrations from the chapter.

Two additional questions worth 15 points each will be drawn from the following list. Plan to write a double-spaced page for each question.

  1. Write a thoughtful summary of the follow-up article on PATIENCE (tips from Trent Hamm), relating it to specific content from the chapter.
  2. Write a thoughtful summary of the follow-up article on HUMILITY (servant leadership), relating it to specific content from the chapter.
  3. Write a thoughtful summary of the follow-up article on PERSISTENCE (FWISD students) relating it to specific content from the chapter.

COMM 40133 Communication and Character

Preparation for Exam 4

The purpose of this exam is to show that you have read the textbook and required follow-up articles. The more detail you provide, the more certain I can be that you have read and thought about the material.

Two questions worth 35 points each will be drawn from the following list. Plan to write 2-3 double-spaced pages for each question.

  1. Tell me what you learned from the textbook about FORGIVENESS, including answers to the four questions, other major points, and stories or illustrations from the chapter.
  2. Tell me what you learned from the textbook about CONNECTEDNESS, including answers to the four questions, other major points, and stories or illustrations from the chapter.
  3. Tell me what you learned from the textbook about WHOLE HEALTH, including the three criteria (goal, factors, threats), other major points, and stories or illustrations from the chapter.

The exam will conclude with these two questions worth 15 points each. Plan to write a double-spaced page for each question.

  1. Write a thoughtful summary of the follow-up article on FORGIVENESS (New York Times article), relating it to specific content from the chapter.
  2. Write a thoughtful summary of the follow-up article on CONNECTEDNESS (Hardwired to Connect), relating it to specific content from the chapter.
  3. Write a thoughtful summary of the TED talk by Emily Smith, relating it to specific content from the course you have just completed.