1.  In which city Pakistan Steel Mill is situated?

a)  Multan

b)  Lahore

c)  Peshawar

d)  Karachi

2.  What does Pakistan’s Nuclear Policy promote in the South Asian Region?

a)  Nuclear Proliferation

b)  Arm Race

c)  Peace and Balance of Power

d)  Deterrence

3.  Race includes colour, nationality, ethnic or national origins. “Racial discrimination” makes a distinction between individuals on the foundation of real and supposed racial differences, and has been authorized government policy in several countries.

Which one of the following has experienced the above definition?

a)  South Africa, Zimbabwe

b)  Namibia, Afghanistan

c)  Kashmir, South Africa

d)  Zimbabwe, Afghanistan

4.  Sovereignty, state survival, territorial integrity, military security arrangements, bilateral and multilateral relations, all are the features of______

a)  International Relations

b)  World Politics

c)  Foreign Policy

d)  Diplomacy

5.  “The political right of the majority to the exercise of power within the

boundaries of a generally accepted political unit, area, or territory.

Which one of the following fits in the above definition?

a)  Decolonization

b)  Right of self-determination

c)  Freedom movement

d)  Anti –colonialism

Which one of the following copes with above?

a) The Lahore Resolution

b) The First Basic Principles Committee Report

c) The Objective Resolution

d) Muhammad Ali Bogra Formula

2) What was the primary task of Basic Principles Committee (BPC)?

a) To decide the Islamic or Secular Status of the State

b) To settle on Separate or Joint Electorate

c) To choose Parliamentary or Presidential System

d) To frame a set of basic principles for state’s future constitution

3) For what purpose “Shahabuddin Commission” was established in 1960?

a)  To frame the future constitution of Pakistan

b)  To examine the causes of the failure of parliamentary system in Pakistan

c)  To hold presidential Referendum in Pakistan

d)  To evaluate the “Basic Democracy System” in Pakistan

4) When did Governor General Ghulam Muhammad dissolve the First Constituent

Assembly of Pakistan?

a)  In July, 1955

b)  In October, 1954

c)  In December, 1955

d)  In October, 1953

5) When did “The Political Parties Act” pass in Pakistan?

a)  In 1958

b)  In 1960

c)  In 1962

d)  In 1956

6) In the case of upper house there will be equal representation to all the units of Pakistan and for this purpose Pakistan was divided into five units’ one unit was East Pakistan and four units were in West Pakistan and each unit was given equal representation it means that in the upper house 10 members were from Eastern part and 40 members were to come from the four units of West Pakistan.

Which document the above text belongs to?

a)  First Basic Principle Committee Report

b)  One Unit Scheme of 1955

c)  Second Basic Principle Committee Report

d)  Muhammad Ali Bogra Formula

7) When did The Language Movement start in East Pakistan?

a) March, 1952

b) February, 1952

c) September, 1962

d) August, 1972

8) For what purpose “One Unit Scheme” was introduced for West Pakistan?

a)  To resolve the issue of representation in the provinces

b)  To resolve the issue of minority rights in both the wings of Pakistan

c)  To resolve the administrative problems in both wings of Pakistan

d)  To resolve the territorial and language problems in Pakistan

9) How many members were there in the Constituent Assembly initially?

a) 49

b) 59

c) 69

d) 79

10) Which constitution was immediately promulgated after the creation of


a)  Government of India Act 1935

b)  Interim constitution of Pakistan

c)  The Constitution of 1956

d)  Indian Independence Act

1. Which constitutional document is called as a black law?

a)  Government of India Act of 1935

b)  Government of India Act 1909

c)  Rowlett Act of 1919

d)  Indian Councils Act 1892

2. Why fourteen points presented by Quaid-e-Azam in 1928?

a)  In response to Delhi Proposals

b)  In response to Rowlett Act

c)  In response to Nehru Report

d)  In response to Lucknow Pact

3. Jallianwala Bagh Incident took place in?

a)  1922

b)  1919

c)  1920

d)  1921

4. Why Khilafat Movement was launched by the Muslims of Sub Continent?

a)  For the retention of the institution of Khilafat

b)  To get independence from the British

c)  To show solidarity with the Hindus

d)  To get the right of Separate Electorate

5. Who coined the word PAKISTAN for the new state of the Muslims of Sub Continent?

a)  Liaquat Ali Khan

b)  Chaudhry Rehmat Ali

c)  Quaid-e-Azam

d)  Hafeez Jhalandari

6. The Nehru Report Committee was headed by?

a)  Jawaharlal Nehru

b)  Motilal Nehru

c)  Gandhi

d)  Lal Bahadar Shastri

7. On which Issue Muslim League was divided into two parts?

a)  Representation in the Legislative Council

b)  On the issue of Separate Electorate

c)  No reservation of seats for the Muslims in the provinces

d)  Rights of the minority communities in India

8. What was Poona Pact of September 1932?

a)  It was an agreement between Congress and the British

b)  It was an agreement between Congress and the Muslim League

c)  An agreement between Congress and lower caste in India

d)  An agreement signed between Muslim League and the British

9. Raja Syed Muhammad Mehdi presented Pirpur Report on?

a)  March 1939

b)  November 1938

c)  December 1939

d)  October 1937

10. The magazines “COMRADE and HAMDARD” were written by?

a)  Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad

b)  Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar

c)  Sir Syed Ahmed Khan

d)  Zafar Ali Khan

(i). Province of Bengal was divided in 1905

a) 1906

b) 1905

c) 1911

d) 1913

(ii). Risala “Asbab-i-Baghawat-i-hind” was written by Sir Syed

Ahmad Khan

a) Chiragh Ali

b) Nazir Ahmed

c) Sir Syed Ahmed Khan

d) Maulana Shibli

(iii). Mohammedan Defence Association was founded in 1893

a) 1893

b) 1890

c) 1887

d) 1895

(iv). Din-e-Elahi was introduced by Shehansha Akbar

a) Jahangir

b) Shehansha Akbar

c) Aurangzeb Alamgir

d) Shah

1.  _ Iskander Mirza was first President and last Governor Generals of Pakistan.

2.  The Prime Minister __ Liaquat Ali Khan was assassinated on 16th October, 1951 by Akbar Ali in Rawalpindi.

3.  _ Kh. Nazimuddin _was Governor General from Sept. 1948-Oct 1951 he served as Prime Minister from Oct. 1951-April 1953.

4.  2nd Martial Law was enforced in Pakistan in March 1969.

5.  Legal Framework Order (LFO) by Yahya Khan was issued in March 1970 as an interim law.

6.  In General Elections of December 1970; Awami League won 160 general seats and Pakistan People’s Party won 81 general seats.

7.  According to the Constitution of 1956 all legislative powers were rested with National Assembly.

8.  Islam was declared as religion of state in the Constitution of 1973.

9.  The Constitution of 1962 remained enforced from June 8 1962 to March 25, 1969.

10.  Zia-ul-Haq introduced amendments to Constitution of 1973 on 2nd March, 1985.

1: The Nagpur Session of the Congress approved non-cooperation with Government but Jinnah opposed and left the Congress.

2: In March 1924, Mustafa Kamal abolishes Khilafat.

3: Dehli Muslim Proposals were forwarded in March 1927.

4: The Congress called All Parties Conference that appointed a 10-member committee in May 1928 under the Chairmanship of Motilal Nehru.

5: Simon Commission arrived in India in 1927 and published its report in 1930.

6: Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar died after the First Round Table Conference.

7: Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald announced the Communal Award in August 1932.

8: Allama Iqbal has been the member of Punjab Legislative Council during 1927-1930.

9: Chaudhry Rahmat Ali established the Pakistan National Movement in 1940.

10: Wardha Educational Scheme was to convert Muslims to Hinduism through primary educational literature.

1. What were the key issues for discussion in the 2nd Round Table Conference?

  1. Issue of Separate Electorate for the Muslims
  2. Issue of Rights of minorities in the Sub-Continent

c.  Issue of Federation and minorities in the Sub-Continent

  1. Issue of Representation of Muslims in the legislative assembly

2. When did the British Government Issue White Paper on Constitutional


a.  In March, 1933

  1. In November, 1932
  2. In May, 1934
  3. In July, 1931

3. What were the main matters that were discussed in the correspondence between

Allama Iqbal and Muhammad Ali Jinnah from May 1936 to November 1937?

a.  The matter of reorganization of the Muslim League

b.  Problems faced by the Muslim community

c.  The matter of separate federation of Muslim provinces

d.  The attitude of the Congress towards Muslims

4. What was the main obstacle which delayed constitution making in Pakistan?

  1. Exact nature of the state
  2. Lack of interest among the members of the Constituent Assembly
  3. Corrupt administration

d.  The distribution of powers between the federal and provincial governments

5. “The North Western areas are Muslim majority areas. We will not only keep these majorities but will turn them into a Muslim state. Muslims should get rid of Indianism, it is better for Muslims and Islam”

Who said this statement?

a.  Allama Iqbal

b.  Chaudhry Rehmat Ali

c.  Quaid-e-Azam

d.  Hafiz Jalandhry

6. What was the main reason behind Muslim League Failure in the Elections of


a.  The organizational problems and opposition by local Muslim groups

  1. The British government was against the Muslim League
  2. The Congress Party was very famous among the masses

d.  The elections were not transparent and clearly rigged by Congress

7. When did the incident of Chora Chori take place?

a.  In February, 1922

  1. In March, 1920
  2. In June, 1922
  3. In March, 1921

8. “Indian problem is not communal but international. No Constitution can work without recognizing this reality. Muslims of India will not accept a constitution that establishes a government of the Hindu majority on them. If Hindus and Muslims are placed under one democratic system, this would mean Hindu Raj.”

When did Quaid-e-Azam say this statement?

a.  On March 24, 1940

  1. On December 22, 1939
  2. On September 16, 1944
  3. On August 14, 1942

9. Why did All India Muslim League boycott the first session of Constituent


  1. Be Muslim representation was low

b.  Because Congress wanted to frame the constitution for united India

  1. Due to some differences among the Muslim leaders
  2. Session was called on the demand of the Congress party

10. When did the British government send Cripps Mission to India?

  1. In August, 1940

b.  In March, 1942

  1. In September, 1944
  2. In March, 1940