held on Tuesday 4th December 2012

1. Present: Mr. R. Bryan, Mr. P. Killingback, Mrs. J. Morgan, Mr. G. Peck, Mr. M. Phelps, Ms. A. Shaw.

Apologies: Mr. J. Agnew

In attendance: Councillor David Harrison

2. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 30th October were approved and signed.

3. Declarations of Interest: All councillors present signed an application form for dispensation of Disclosable Personal Interest in respect of the Parish Precept. Ms. Shaw further declared an interest in item 6 in respect of discussions about strimming the playground by Jonathan Pearce and also as a trustee of Blickling Rural Community Association.

4. Matters Arising:

(i)Anaerobic Digester – a further visit has been arranged for the 8th December at 10.30 to see the digester working.

(ii) Marquee – repairs were going well and should be finished by the end of January. The clerk was asked to email insurance companies to find out if it was possible to arrange storm damage.

5. Opportunity for members of the public to speak: Councillor Harrison brought the Parish Council up-to-date on local matters.

6. Financial Report: One cheque was signed to Paul Killingback for £25 for the wreath for Remembrance Sunday.

The precept was discussed. The Parish Council had very low reserves and it was decided that we should no longer contribute to the Norfolk Playing Fields Association, a saving of £20. The Clerk was asked to write to Oulton Parochial Church Council and the Rural Community Association at Blickling saying that we were unable to contribute in the next financial year, but payment of the donations would be considered in future years.

Cutting the grass in the playground was discussed. At present the playground takes up a quarter of the precept. The Parish Council has signed a contract with Norse Commercial Services which has a further three years to run. They do an excellent job. Tom Gay cuts the hedge and is given a crate of cider by the Playground Committee. Jonathan Pearce strims round the edges of the field and also round the equipment. A decision was made of cap his payments to £200 for the year and should this not purchase sufficient time to complete the job and it was necessary to carry out further strimming, then members of the Parish Council would do so voluntarily.

The decision was made that the Box Day Fund would contribute to the upkeep of the playground to the amount of £100. The rent for the marquee for private events would be raised to £75 with the rent for the table and chairs to stand at £25. Although Box Day and other village events had had the use of the marquee free of charge, in future they could be asked to make a donation for its use.

The precept had remained at £1,800 for the past four years and the Chairman worried that should an election be necessary for members of the Parish Council, there would be insufficient funds. It was proposed that the precept would be set at £2,000 an increase of £200. This was unanimously agreed.

7. Planning Applications: There were no planning applications to hand. A Tree Preservation Order has been put on all the trees at Pine Hill Plantation. This was not new – Broadland were in the final stages of reviewing all TPOs.

Jane Morgan proposed that a letter should be sent to North Norfolk District Council, objecting to the Solar Farm at Strawberry Lane, Saxthorpe. The proposal was seconded by Alison Shaw; the remaining Parish Councillors voted in favour with the exception of Greg Peck who abstained. The Clerk will draft a letter for councillors' approval.

8. Date of the Next Meeting: This will be held on Thursday 24th January 2013.