Installation of SOUL demo version

Installation of SOUL

Please ensure that sufficient space is available in your hard disk for SOUL installation ,before attempting installation,Which is approximately 200MB .

SOUL installation is divided into two components

SOUL Application

SOUL Database Server

SOUL Application

This component contains application files of demonstration version of SOUL

To install please run soul.exe .

SOUL Database Server

This component contains database files along with MSDE [Microsoft(TM) Database Engine] necessary to run demonstration version of SOUL

To install please click here or run soulde.exe.

After installation of SOUL reboot your machine.

Before starting SOUL demo version

Before starting SOUL demo version please make sure that the following things are done.

1. In the C:\SOUL directory open the soul.ini file and in that file set the

ServerName entry with the name of your computer

Eg: ServerName=computer1

Where computer1 is the computer name.

2. In the menu select MSDE and from MSDE select Service Manager.

In Service Manager select MSSQLServer Service and click Start/Continue.

If this service is not running then SOUL will not work .Always ensure that MSSQLServer Service is running.You can ensure the automatic start of MSSQLServer Service by checking the ‘Auto-start service when OS starts’ Option in Service Manager.

3 . Execute souldata.bat file which is stored in c:\soul\souldata\souldata.bat To do this execute following steps

Go to command prompt (Type 'command' ('cmd' in case of Windows 2000) without quotes in Start Menu > Run

You will see the C:\> prompt type C:\soul\souldata\souldata.bat and press <enter> key i.e. it should look like C:\>C:\soul\souldata.bat <ENTER>

Click OK to dialogue box and it will start creating database structure for you.

Limitations of SOUL demo version

SOUL demo version contains almost all features of SOUL Network/Stand-alone versions.

But there are so many restrictions applied to SOUL demo version.The following are the restrictions

·  The number of book records that can be entered in SOUL demo version is 500 only

·  The number of serials records that can be entered in SOUL demo version is 50 only

·  The number of library members that can be created using SOUL demo version is 50 only

·  Printing facility is not available.But users can view the report and print-priview of reports

·  Export/Import from CCF/MARC to SOUL and vice versa is not available in SOUL demo version.But user's can see the interface of Export/Import program and when prompted for user name and password they should give username = inf01 and password = inf01

·  Administration module of SOUL is not provided with SOUL demo version .

·  Grammar/Spell check facility is not available.

Removal of SOUL Demonstration version

Removal of SOUL Application

Open Control Panel in Windows 98/NT/2000

Select Add/Remove Programs

In the Uninstall/Install option select SOUL and then click Add/Remove button.This will remove all SOUL application files from your computer.

Removal of SOUL database server:

Open Control Panel in Windows 98/NT/2000

Select Add/Remove Programs

In the Uninstall/Install option select Soul database server and then click Add/Remove button.This will remove all Soul database server files from your computer.

Removal of MSDE

SOUL uses MSDE(Microsoft DataEngine) for the database server.

MSDE is a Stripped down version of MSSQL SERVER7.0 RDBMS and has the same database engine as MSSQL SERVER7.0.

MSDE can be removed in the following way.

Open Control Panel in Windows 98/NT/2000

Select Add/Remove Programs

In the Uninstall/Install option select MSDE and then click Add/Remove button.This will remove all MSDE files from your computer.

Note:Please ensure that the MSSQLServer Service is not running before attempting the Uninstallation of MSDE.

Reinstallation of SOUL demoversion

Before trying Reinstallation of SOUL make sure that all files of SOUL and Soul database server have been removed by the method mentioned above.This is required for smooth reinstallation of SOUL demo version.

For More Details Please contact on following address

Sh. Manoj Kumar K, Acting Director, INFLIBNET Centre, Ahmedabad

E-mail :


Shri C K Shah, Admin. Officer (GS), INFLIBNET Centre, Ahmedabad

E-mail :


Information and Library Network Centre
Opp. Gujarat University Guest House,
Post Box No. 4116, Navrangpura,
Ahmedabad - 380009.
Gujarat, INDIA.


+91-079 – 26308528, + 91- 079-26304695 + 91- 079- 26305971



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