
The Homepage will display the following information:
-Shortcut links: will lead the user directly to the specified sections
-The header logo and the right menu at the top will be displayed at the left and right side of the screen respectively depending on the maximum size possible.
-Our Bands: rotating logo brands. Each brand leads the user to the related page.
Administrator will have the ability to add and order the brand
Brand page will display Logo, Website URL, Short description, Products pictures, Downloadable pdf & a downloadable mobile app is available.
the download mobile app will show a layer to download the various versions of the mobile app. For each version, the webmaster will provide the title (iPhone, iPad, iPhone / iPad, Windows, Android, etc) and the link to the app. If no apps exist, the button will not appear.
In brands page, same concept of downloadable links will be done for the PDF files. The layer will show the titles of PDF files and allows the user to download them.
-Latest news: If no news available the link will not display
-Social Media connector: If link not available the icon will not display
About Us:
In this section, where the diagonal cut is applied to the background, this cut will become a straight line and stretch vertically as needed by the content. The background that will be repeated is also fixed. The designers will provide the maximum length for the diagonal cut. After that, the cut will become a straight one.
This section will display all the company information and profile, details related to the history, vision, mission, objectives that will display in accordion
Administrator has the ability to manage the content, in addition to add as many sub pages as he would like, each section will include a title a text, and an icon, icons will be displayed in transparent opacity, and the active section will be completely opaque.

Lighting: similar to electrical

This dynamic section is divided into 4 category:
-Products: This category will display an introduction text in addition to a product images that on mouse over the product name will display. User will have the ability to filter by Category & by Brand.
In product page, the pagination will take the user to the next or previous product based on the whole listing of the section.
Note: A product can belong to more than one category.
Upon clicking on the product, it will display Picture, product name, Description & sharing icon (facebook – Twitter)
-References: this category will display list of references pictures
Upon clicking on the pictures it will display Picture, Project name, Description & sharing icon (facebook – Twitter)
-Media: This Category will display list of Videos & Pictures that that be ordered by the admin
Each picture & video will contain a short description
When adding videos, YouTube videos will be used. Admin will provide the Video ID,
the thumbnail and the preview photo.
If in videos, we have only one video, display the video directly. If not, display the MEDIA layout with the title VIDEOS.
-Knowledge base: List of knowledge base with the date and a downloadable file
an entry can be an article or a video. In both cases, the details page will allow to download a related PDF file.
All the above is managed by the admin interface
This dynamic section is divided into 4 category:
-Products: This category will display an introduction text in addition to a list of Brand Logos
Upon clicking on the Brand it display the Logo, Website URL, Short Description & list of product pictures Picture & sharing icon (Facebook – Twitter)Downloadable pdf & a downloadable mobile app is available
In product page, the pagination will take the user to the next or previous product based on the whole listing of the section.
Note: A product can belong to several categories.
-References: this category will display list of references pictures
Upon clicking on the pictures it will display Picture, Project name, Description & sharing icon (Facebook – Twitter)
Media: This Category will display list of Videos & Pictures that can be ordered by the admin.When adding videos, YouTube videos will be used. Admin will provide the Video ID, the thumbnail and the preview photo.
Each picture & video will contain a short description. If there exists only one video, the user will then be directed to that video, however, if there is more than one video then the media layout will be displayed, with the title VIDEOS.
-Knowledge base: List of knowledge base with the date and a downloadable file
an entry can be an article or a video. In both cases, the details page will allow to download a related PDF file.
No buttom to download file in psd with video
All the above is managed by the admin interface

Our Showrooms

This dynamic section will show all the showrooms of Simon Electric Center, displaying a photo & Video gallery of the showrooms, highlighting the information of every showroom. This section will also display a virtual tour of the showroom, if available the VIRUTALTOUR will be a collection of panoramic photos with a plugin to allow the user to navigate left, right, top and bottom. If only one panoramic photo exists, the user is taken to that photo directly. Otherwise, the MEDIA layout will be displayed with the title VIRTUAL TOUR.
Picture will have the ability to display in full screen
The administrator has the ability to add several showrooms, as well as the pictures/Videos and related information.

Різниця між малюнками. Шо зображено на першому?


This section allows the portal administrator to post job vacancies online. Portal visitors will be able to browse available vacancies as well as upload their CV in WORD or PDF format to apply for a specific job or to simply submit their CV for future openings.

In this section, resumes (CVs) will be filtered as per;




-Cover Letter



Contact us

This section displays contact information as well as a form where user can send a message.

Every purpose will be assigned to an email, with possibility of multiple emails to be created and managed.

Google map will show the location of the company.