Bread Mass

Mike Lotto, DRE at St. Francis Xavier & St. Mary, De Pere

Box 70, de Pere, WI 54115 920 337-2333

Purpose: Share/make loaves of bread as an activity recalling Christ’s miracle of the loaves and fishes and Eucharist. This “Bread Mass” is the kick-off to our 2nd graders preparation for First Communion.

Intended participants and/or audience: Children beginning their preparation for First Eucharist are participants; audience are parishioners at Saturday weekend Mass.

Time and materials needed: 5-8 minutes during Mass. Each family brings a loaf of bread, either homemade or purchased. Nametags are attached to each loaf with a sacred symbol that the child has colored on the front with room for the child’s first name. On the back is a prayer that the recipient might daily pray for the child.

Description of the Activity: the children sit anywhere in church with their families. Immediately after the Petitions, Father calls to the front of the church those who will make their First Communion in a few months. He explains that each has bought or made a loaf of bread which she/he wishes to give to one person who will pray for him/her. He asks the children to pick out an older parishioner with gray hair. Older people are usually very appreciative of being selected and have lots of time to pray.

The wording of the Blessing by Father:

Today we gather to continue your journey of initiation as you prepare for First Communion.At Baptism, you were adopted as Children of God.At First Reconciliation, you experienced God’s forgiving love.Now you are preparing to join us at the banquet table of the Eucharist and receive food from the hand of God.

Are you willing to prepare your hearts to receive Jesus?


Today we invite the entire congregation to join in supporting you.

Please hold up your loaves of bread:

Let us Pray:
God, the Father of mercies,
you willed your Son to become one of us,
in order to give us life.
Bless + these loaves of bread,
so that in the spirit of genuine love for one another,
we may always remain one in you,
and be brought to the table of the Eucharist.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.


The children are invited to give a loaf of bread to someone in the congregation, who will then support the child through prayers as they prepare for First Communion.