Welcome to Head-Royce Middle School!


Middle School Head: Linda Hoopes ()

Assistant to Middle School Head: Francine Peters ()

School Hours: 8:25am – 3:20pm Monday-Friday

School Website: www.headroyce.org

You can log on to the Parent Portal with username and password that will be sent this summer. If you have questions regarding the website, contact the tech department at .

Transportation To and From School:

Head-Royce School is dedicated to reducing our carbon footprint, reducing traffic congestion and offering a no-hassle way to get to and from school. Please consider using the bus, finding a carpool or having your teen bike/walk to school. It will also save YOU lots of time! For more details on each option, check “Transportation/Bus Schedules” under the About Us tab on the HRS website. If you have any additional questions, contact Mary Fahey ().

If you are picking up your student at the end of the day, line up in the car queue located along Lincoln Avenue above campus. The queue continues into the Mormon temple’s overflow parking lot at the corner of Lincoln and Monterey Blvd. Your student will wait for you by the mid-campus gates until their name is called.

After School Options:

After 3:45 p.m., all Middle School students still on campus must go to the After School Program (ASP) in the Read Library. At 4:45 p.m., they will break for a snack and continue waiting for pick up in the Lower School ASP room. All students must be picked up by 6 p.m. Charges will be added to your billing statement. For more information, check “After School Program” under the Campus Life tab on the HRS website.

Where to Get Information:

The school website (www.headroyce.org) is your primary source of information. There, you can find many resources, including:

•  HRS Master Calendar – a live calendar that you can customize by division or special interest (like athletics)

•  Middle School Bulletin (www.headroyce.org/MSbulletin) – Middle School specific information, including announcements, appointment procedures, forms and curriculum maps.

•  Head-Royce School Handbook (www.headroyce.org/handbook) - contains most of the information that you will need to know about school policies regarding attendance, behavioral expectations, grading standards, appropriate dress, safety and other important issues. We highly recommend that you review this!

•  Parent Portal – Once classes start, you will be able to access your student’s class curriculum, homework assignments, test dates and more. To access the Parent Portal on the website, click in the “log in” button at the top of the school’s home page.

In addition, once school starts you will receive regular email communications via eLines, the school’s weekly newsletter and a bi-monthly bulletin from the Middle School Head and the Middle School Parent Liaisons.


What happens at orientation on Monday, August 25th (8:25 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.)?

All students first attend an assembly. Afterwards, they meet in their homeroom and get their pictures taken. You will get more information about picture ordering in the fall enrollment mailing. This photo will also be used for their student ID cards.

After dropping your student off, head over to the Welcome Coffee hosted by the Parents’ Association. This is a great way to meet MS families. After the Welcome Coffee, MS Head Linda Hoopes will lead an orientation for all MS parents/guardians. This talk will include an overview of the Middle School calendar and an opportunity for you to ask any questions.

What is “Fall Out”?

This is a two-day overnight trip on the first week of school. This is an opportunity for students and teachers to get to know each other through various bonding activities. You will receive more information in August about this fun-filled, grade-level team-building retreat.

When do I have to order books and purchase school supplies?

You will get a list of supplies that needs to be purchased during the summer. Students do not have to bring them in to school until after Fall Out. Sixth grade students will not have to order textbooks. The school will distribute textbooks to the students in school and will charge your account.

Who do I contact if I need to update my contact information?

If you have changed your contact information since the enrollment forms, please send the updated information to Francine Peters in the Middle School Office ().

How does my student buy lunch at school?

A hot lunch, including a vegetarian option, is available for purchase. Lunch menus can be found online at the Head- Royce School website under the Campus Life section, on the Jayhawk Café Lunch Program page. Your student can also purchase beverages, after-school treats, snacks, sandwiches, pizza, salads and breakfast items using their student account. Note that this is a cashless environment and you will receive more information about signing up for an account in the summer.

How does my student get their student ID?

Each student is assigned a Student ID number, which will be emailed to you. This ID is used for various purposes, including purchasing food from Jayhawk Café. For questions about Student IDs, please contact Deirdre Williams in the Business Office at .

When do we find out our child’s homeroom and teachers?

Homeroom assignments will be sent to your home the week before school starts. Class schedules will be handed out in homeroom.

What can I do to help my child transition to Middle School?

Three summer picnics will be organized over the summer for students and their families. This is a great low-key way to meet other students. Also, buddy assignments between new students and students who are rising from Head-Royce’s Lower School is included in your welcome folder and you are encouraged to meet during the summer.

How can I purchase Head-Royce insignia items?

Spirit items such as Head-Royce sweatshirts, t-shirts and water bottles will be sold on the first day of school and various events such as Back-to-School Night. They are also available year round online — click on the Spirit Store button at the bottom of the school’s home page.

How can I get involved?

There are many ways to get involved, including organizing the summer picnic get-togethers, chaperoning at a dance, driving on service learning days or volunteering to be a room parent. Opportunities will be offered at the beginning of the school year. For more questions, contact your Middle School Liaisons, Eva Camp () and Julia Chin ().

Who can I talk to if I have more questions?

The parents of your student’s buddies are a great source of information. Feel free to give them a call or set up a coffee!

We look forward to welcoming you to Head-Royce School. In the meantime, please contact us if you have any questions.

Your Middle School Parent Liaisons,

Eva Camp ()

Julia Chin ()