Parent and Student


Samuels Elementary

2012- 2013

Samuels Elementary Staff

Mikel Royal / Principal
Anne Larkin / Assistant Principal
Valecia Hopper / Principal Resident
Sharlyn Flaxer / Secretary
Pam Uyemera / Secretary
Allison Bellina / Psychologist
Tara Stapleton / Nurse
Ann Clark / ECE
Shawn Hinsvark/ Mireya Serna / ECE
Sandy Miller / ECE
Jessa Garrow / Kindergarten
Katerina Anadiotis / Kindergarten
Ann Linn / Kindergarten
Jennifer Moylett / Kindergarten
Samantha Jackson / 1st
Gayle Gaeth / 1st
Tara Phillips / 1st
Robin Miranda / 1st
Cheryl George / 2nd
Kari Peterson / 2nd
Marianela Silverstein / 2nd
Stephanie Star / 2nd
Dolly Calderon / 3rd
Rachel Nichols-Johnson / 3rd
Terri Goodspeed / 3rd
Lisa Gelwick / 4th
Lisa Bond / 4th
Jodi Johnston / 4th
Bethany Gensrich / 5th
Rhonda Rau / 5th
Susan Eberspacher / 5th
Judy Carroll / Art
Patrick Cleveland / Music
Deni Gibbons / PE
Debra Comfort / Speech
Christen Morris / OT/PT
Careth Wilson / MM
Eileen Wilson / MM
Kim Kelly / Intervention
Karen Ruzycki / Teacher Effectiveness Coach
Earlene Carter / ESL
Rebecca Rosenau / ESL


Samuels Code:

At Samuels, we FLY like eagles!

F – Be a friend

We create and build a community of kindness and respect.

We celebrate our diversity!

L- Be a learner

We come to school ready and excited to learn.

We persevere to achieve our goals. We have fun!

Y – You own it

We care about who we are and how we behave,

Even when no one is watching!

School Hours

Office Hours: 7:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.

School Day: 8:10 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Free Breakfast and morning supervision: K- 5: 7:45 a.m. – 8:10 a.m.

Free Breakfast and morning supervision: ECE 7:50 a.m. – 8:10 a.m.


Regular daily attendance is required of all students. Please notify us if your child will be absent or tardy by telephoning the school at 720-424-4450. The office staff will contact parents if a child’s absence has not been called in earlier. A written note signed by parent or guardian explaining an absence or tardiness should be sent with your child when returning to school.


Being on time is a necessary lifetime skill. In order for your child to benefit from instruction and not create disruption to teaching and learning, students are to be lined up on the blacktop by 8:10 a.m. or in the classroom by 8:15 a.m. every day. Children who are tardy must report to the office before reporting to class. Students that are still in the cafeteria eating breakfast will also be marked tardy.

Kiss N Go:

Samuels has developed a Kiss N Go drop off and pick up procedure to help with the beginning of the day. Staff members will be available to help your students leave the cars in the morning and return to the cars after school. This will help alleviate parking issues in the neighborhood. K – 5th grade parents may drop their students off beginning at 7:45 a.m. ECE parents may drop their students off beginning 7:50 a.m. Please remember at pick-up parents need to buckle their students into car seats. Teachers are not responsible for this.

After School Dismissal:

Parents are asked to provide an after school plan to the classroom teacher. If changes arise, please provide written notice to the classroom teacher. All students should be picked up at 3:00 pm. At 3:10 students are taken to the office where parents need to sign them out.

Dismissal during the School Day:

If your child must be excused before the end of the school day, please come to the office to sign your child out. Teachers may not release a student without office authorization. Children are only released to the people listed on the emergency card unless written authorization is presented to the office. Students will only be released before 2:30 p.m. Because of the end of the day wrap up with instruction and the time it takes to prepare for students to be released, requests for students to be released after 2:30 will be held until 3:00 p.m.

School Dress

Student dress is an essential aspect of creating a school environment that is safe and conducive to learning. Student dress and personal appearance shall meet reasonable standards of cleanliness and safety and must show respect for others. Hats and hoods are okay outside if used and worn appropriately. Students should also dress appropriately for weather. The following are not permitted: clothing referencing drugs, violence, gangs etc.; skirts and shorts shorter than mid-thigh length; clothing that exposes the stomach or back (including shirts with thin straps; all shoulder straps should be at least two finger width wide); low-waisted trousers or excessively baggy clothing; and unsafe footwear including rubber-soled thongs (flip-flops). Generally, the initial consequence for violation of the dress code will be a request for immediate change of dress. If this is not possible, the student’s parent/guardian will be contacted to bring clothes or the student may be sent home. Exceptions to the dress code may be made by the principal due to religion or a medical condition.

Inclement Weather Days:

When the weather conditions prevent children from being outside before school, they will come into our auditorium or gym at the regular supervision time.

In case of a severe storm, schools will be in session unless closings are announced on radio or TV. Radio stations KOA 850 or KBNA 1220 are the official announcement stations for school closing information. TV stations begin announcements at 5:00 a.m. If it is announced that the Denver Public Schools are on a “STORM SCHEDULE,” it means school starts on time but elementary buses are running ½ hour late.

Valuables and Toys

Personal belongings such as toys, athletic equipment, etc. should remain at home. The school will not be responsible for lost, damaged, or stolen items.

Cell Phones:

Students should not bring cell phones to school. If a child needs to bring a cell phone to school, they should turn it off and place it in their backpack. The school will not be responsible for lost, damaged, or stolen items. When parents or visitors are at the school, we ask that cell phones be turned off or switched to silent mode as to not interrupt instruction.

Lost and Found:

The center for lost and found is located in the lunch room. Small items, such as glasses, are held with the office staff. Please mark your child’s name inside all jackets on their lunchboxes and backpacks anything else they might lose. The school is not responsible for lost items! Once a trimester we will

donate unclaimed items to charity organizations.


If a child becomes ill, has a fever, or is injured at school, the nurse or a member of the office staff will contact the person listed on the emergency form and supervise the child until pick-up. In cases of emergency we call 911. Please keep your child’s emergency card updated.


If possible all medication should be given at home. If a child must be given medication during school hours, the Student Medication Request Release Agreement must be filled out by your child’s doctor (for prescription and non-prescription medicine) and returned to the office. All medication must be labeled by the pharmacy. Keep medications in the original container. Medication may only be administered by the nurse or the office staff in the office. For safety reasons, students should not have any medication in their pockets, classroom or backpack (including cough drops).


We understand the importance of sharing treats in the classroom to celebrate special occasions such as birthdays. In order to make these celebrations successful and in the best interest of all students, pre-packaged “quick and easy” finger food items that do not require plates, silverware or refrigeration, may be brought to school for all the students in the classroom. Treats will be passed out at a time when there will be little or no disruption of instructional time (right before lunch, end of the day). If you are planning to bring a treat to the classroom on your child’s birthday, please contact the teacher to schedule a time that will be the least disruptive to instruction.Please make sure to check with your student’s classroom teacher for their policy.


Parents are always welcome and encouraged to visit the school. It is required that all visitors sign-in at the office to obtain a Visitor’s Badge.


Parents are welcomed and encouraged to volunteer at Samuels. Please speak with your student’s classroom teacher about volunteering. All parents must sign-in the office before going to a classroom.

Thursday Folders:

Families at Samuels will have the chance to decide if they would like to receive their Thursday Folders through email or with a folder. Those families that would like a folder will be given a Thursday Folder for the student to bring home each week. The folders and/or emails will contain notes from both the school and classrooms. Please make sure to check for this every Thursday and make sure your child returns the folder the next day.


Samuels has a website that contains the most current information about school events. Please visit our website at:


PTA is the acronym for Parent Teacher Student Association. The PTA is a way for parents to become involved in the school and support their students. By becoming a member, you automatically help your child as a portion of your dues stays at Samuels Elementary and supports the program. The PTA meets once a month and all parents are welcomed and encouraged to come.


CSC is the acronym for the DPS Collaborative School Committee. The Samuels Elementary CSC is an elected body of community representatives, parents, teachers, and staff who work together to provide for the short and long term direction of the school. The CSC determines school policies, develops the school improvement plan, approves the budget and makes a variety of policy decisions that affect the school.

Behavior Supports and Interventions:

Teachers at Samuels Elementary have systems for setting up rituals, routines, and building a sense of community in their classroom that involves shared expectations.

Discipline Procedures:

When student behavior or disruptions require discipline interventions. Samuels’ teachers follow the DPS District Discipline ladder. For a complete description of the Denver Public Schools discipline policies, go to the home page of the DPS web site. A copy of the discipline ladder is also included in this booklet.

Samuels Elementary School

Student / Teacher / Parent/Guardian Compact

2012 – 2013 School Year

Parent/Guardian Agreement

I want my child to achieve. Therefore, I will encourage him/her by doing the following:

  • See that my child is punctual and attends school regularly.
  • Support the school in its efforts to maintain Proper discipline.
  • Establish a time for homework and review it regularly.
  • Encourage my child’s efforts and be available for questions.
  • Stay aware of what my child is learning.
  • Read with my child and let my child read to me.
  • Attend Parent/Teacher conferences.

Student Agreement

It is important that I work to the best of my ability. Therefore I shall make every effort to do the following:

  • Attend school regularly and on time.
  • Come to school each day prepared to learn.
  • Complete and return homework assignments.
  • Follow the rules within the school.
  • Maintain a positive attitude toward my peers and teachers.

Teacher Agreement

It is important that students achieve. Therefore, I shall make every effort to do the following:

  • Provide homework assignments for students that are clear and understood.
  • Provide necessary assistance to parent/guardians so that they can help with the assignments if necessary.
  • Encourage my students and parent/guardians by providing information about

student progress.

  • Incorporate special activities in the classroom to make learning fun.

Principal Agreement

I support this form of parent/guardian involvement. Therefore, I shall make every effort to do the following:

  • Provide an environment that allows for positive communication between the teacher, parent, and student.
  • Encourage teachers to regularly provide homework assignments that will reinforce classroom instruction.

Student’s Name/s: ______

Parent/Guardian Name: ______

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______

Date: ______

Samuels Elementary Denver, CO

Phone: 720 424 4450 Fax: 720 424 567
