Total No. of Pages: 2

Register Number: 6218

Name of the Candidate:




(paper – IV)


May) (Time: 3 Hours

Maximum: 100 Marks

Answer any FIVE questions(5×20=100)

a)What is the finance function? Explain the functions of a finance executive of a five star hotel.
b)Write notes on (i) Ratio analysis (ii) Current ratio (iii) Variance analysis.
a)Why is beta a measure of systematic risk? What is its meaning?
b)Explain the following (i) industrial finance corporation of India (ii) Foreign collaboration in hotel. (iii) Forfeiture of shares.
a)What is the uses of cost-volume profit analysis and how it helps in profit planning?
b)Explain breakeven point, its uses and any two important break even profit volume –charts.
a)“Budgetary control means worry before work, rather than after. Its key notes are planning, co-ordination and control – Discuss this statement.
b)What are the points to be considered while setting rate for Holiday package tour?
a)What is the goal of working capital management?
b)What are the public institutions that help in hotel financing? What role do they play in it and how?
a)Define cost accounting. How does cost-accounting facilitate managerial decision-making in a hotel?
b)Write short notes on (i) Food cost (ii) Operating cost (iii) Budgetary control.
a)What is a fund flow statement? How it is prepared?
b)What do you understand by pricing? Explain briefly different methods of pricing in catering operations.
a)Define the term ‘auditing’. Explain the procedure of night audit in a hotel.
b)What are the statutory records required to be maintained as per different government laws / by laws.
a)Why is portion control essential in a catering establishments food and beverage control system?
b)List atleast 10 items of equipments which would assist in portion control.
a)What is KOT? Explain the role of KOT in controlling sales in the food and beverage department of a five star hotel.
b)Which departments are revenue producing departments in hotel?
