Civil War Timeline Assignment

DUE Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Objective: Demonstrate knowledge of events leading to Civil War and events during the Civil War


  1. You will work as a group but you will “Group Grading Sheet” to document how you will be graded, each person in a group will have their own grade.
  2. You will use butcher paper to demonstrate your understanding out the events given
  3. Please title your poster Civil War Timeline, neatly in color with great design
  4. You may use a regular timeline format, or you may use a road or other visual aid to organize events
  5. Each group will be given a time period with eight events within that time period, these events should be divided up between group members
  6. You will create an information page for each event that is AT LEAST 8 ½”, 11” page (you can create more than that by that is the minimum should have)at least 2 pictures and 50 words describing each event. These sentences should be summaries and should not be plagiarized from the text!
  7. Each picture should be colored and sentences written neatly (These can be printed online or drawn)
  8. You may use online resources, the textbook, and Mrs. Bryan’s notes to gather your information.


Civil War Timeline Assignment

Kansas Nebraska Act

First Battle of Bull Run

The Lincoln-Douglas Debates

The Compromise of 1850

Jefferson Davis elected for CSA

Battle of Fort Sumter


Abraham Lincoln elected

Civil War Timeline Assignment


Civil War Timeline Assignment

Second Battle of Bull Run

Battle of Shiloh

Lincoln’s Son Willie Dies

Battle of Fredericksburg

Battle of Antietam

Battle of Shiloh

Battle between USS Monitor and CSS Virginia

Battle of the Seven Pines

Civil War Timeline Assignment


Civil War Timeline Assignment

Emancipation Proclamation

Congress enacts a draft

Battle of Chattanooga

Gettysburg Address

Battle of Chancellorsville

Battle of Gettysburg

Battle of Vicksburg

Battle of Chickamauga

Civil War Timeline Assignment


Civil War Timeline Assignment

Sherman’s March to the Sea

Battle of Nashville

Battle of Atlanta

Siege of Petersburg

Battle of Cold Harbor

Lincoln is Reelected

Grant made general-in-chief

McClellan runs for President

Civil War Timeline Assignment


Civil War Timeline Assignment

Lee Surrenders

Thirteenth Amendment is ratified

Lincoln is Shot

Booth is killed

Peace Conference with Alexander Stephens

Lincoln’s Second Inauguration Address

Battle of Petersburg

Richmond Surrenders

Group Grading Sheet

Please list events and the person’s name responsible for completing the event










Please list those responsible for butcher paper design Grade

______Title of Butcher Paper _____/10

______Design (Timeline, Road Map, and Etc.)_____/10

______Resources (list of websites used or other resources) _____/10

Finally, please list all group members below; I will tally their grade.

1.______Events _____/20 Responsibilities _____/10 Effort___/10

2.______Events _____/20 Responsibilities _____/10 Effort ___/10

3.______Events _____/20 Responsibilities _____/10 Effort ___/10

4.______Events _____/20 Responsibilities _____/10 Effort ___/10

5.______Events _____/20 Responsibilities _____/10 Effort ___/10

6.______Events _____/20 Responsibilities _____/10 Effort ___/10

Category / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / 0
Use of Class Time/Effort / Worked on-task during the project. Never distracted others / Usually worked on-task during the entire project. Did not distract others / Worked some of the time on-task during the project. Occasionally distracted others / Rarely worked on-task during the entire project. Frequently distracted others. / Did not use class time to focus on project or often distracted others
Event (2 pictures and 50 words, information to fill 8 1/2” 11” piece of paper) / Through visual aids and facts shows a full understanding of Civil War Event / Through visual aids and facts shows a good understanding of Civil War Event / Through visual aids and facts shows understanding of parts of Civil War Event / Does not seem to understand Civil War Event very well, had little information / Did not add information or detail the Civil War Event
Responsibilities / Helped group members and shared responsibilities. Timeline is appealing and put together nicely / Usually helped group members and shared jobs. Timeline looks somewhat appealing / Worked some of the time with group and shared jobs. Timeline is put together but looks broken up / Rarely worked with group and did NOT shared jobs. Timeline needs improvement / Did not work with group and share jobs. Timeline is incomplete