West York Area School District

Teacher Tutorial: How to use Google Docs

What is Google Docs?

Google Docs is Internet-based collaboration software which allows users to share electronic versions of documents, presentations, spreadsheets, and PDF files with people across the globe.

Google Docs users can:

·  View and save the documents for themselves.

·  Have the rights to make changes to the documents.

·  Collaboratively work with team members by doing and revising work in real time.

·  Invite others to work with them or send a link to anyone to view documents.

·  Restrict access to posted documents.

·  Leave storage devices at home and still be able to work productively.

Do you need a Google account?

No! All you need is a valid e-mail address and you can set up a Google Docs account.

Is it complicated and time-consuming?

No! It is user-friendly and easy to navigate. Follow the 4-step tutorial below to get a head start on developing and using your own Google Docs account. It is free!

Step 1: Create your account

1.  Go to http://docs.google.com.

2.  If you already have a “gmail” account, log in with that e-mail address and password.

3.  If you do not have an account, create a new one.

4.  Enter the information requested in the screen below. Create a password and agree to the Google terms.

Step 2: Create (or) upload documents

1.  Click on Upload in the top left-hand portion of the screen. Find documents from your files to upload to the site.

2.  Follow the upload directions in the next window. You will be asked to add and then upload the documents.

3.  OR, you can create new files by clicking on Create New in the top left-hand portion of the screen.

a.  You can make PowerPoint, Excel, or Word files to share with others.

Step 3: View and make changes to documents

1.  Once you have added or created documents, they will show up like in the window above.

2.  Click on the document and it will open. You can make any changes at that time and save it like you would any other Microsoft Office document.

a.  The window looks much like an Office window.

Step 4: Share your documents with others

1.  While your document is “open”, like in the window above, click on the Share button. At that point, you will be taken to a screen that looks like this.

2.  Enter e-mail addresses of people with whom you would like to share this document.

3.  As long as they have a Google account (it is free), they can see the same documents, make changes, and you can see the changes in real time!

Ideas for Google Docs. in the classroom:

*Note: Students need an e-mail address, so they may need to go home and create one before you can proceed.

1.  Use it to allow students to submit assignments to you from home or anywhere (they need an e-mail address though).

2.  Use it to give students immediate feedback on assignments submitted.

a.  Insert Comments in Word that they can see

3.  Allow students to work collaboratively on a large project. This will allow students to stay in contact with each other, even when they are not in school.

4.  Allow students to assignments from their Google Docs. account and work on them when they are sick or cannot be in school for whatever reason.

5.  Use it to give students a way to always see your PowerPoint presentations or class work if they need an extra copy or just for easy access.

6.  Use it as a thread/blog:

a.  You pose a question or problem.

b.  Students must respond to the question or problem with an answer or solution of some sort, interacting with each other.

7.  Allow students to pose questions about your class so that you can respond to it, or so that other students can help them solve their problem.

8.  Allow students to post their assignments to this account so that they have school access to them (student personal e-mails are not accessible at school).

a.  For example, students could run a presentation from Google Docs. and present to the class.

9.  Use it as a collaboration tool for your department.

a.  Let teachers post student work or other assignments that they want your department to review.

b.  Have others make comments on your assignment(s) to give you feedback and help you improve.

10.  Use it at home:

a.  Budgeting documents, keep in touch with children and spouse

11.  Use it for its templates!

a.  Resumes, calendars, personal finance items, calculators, letters, presentation designs, albums and flipbooks, etc.

12.  Other ideas: