Louisiana Professional Engineering and Land Surveying Board

Board Meeting Agenda

July 22, 2013

1.  Call to Order

a.  Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance

b.  Public Comment Time

c.  Review of the Call and Proposed Agenda – Motion

d.  Review and Approval of the Minutes from May 20, 2013 meeting – Motion

e.  Confirm the next board meeting – September 16, 2013 – Motion

f.  Comments from the Chairman

g.  Administrative Announcements

h.  Review of the May Task List

2.  Enforcement

a.  Consent Orders for Ratification

·  2012-40 – (Crosby, Mustapha, Gammon) – Motion

·  2012-103 – (Patterson, Crosby, Williams) – Motion

·  2013-59– (Patterson, Crosby, Williams) – Motion

·  2013-40 – (Irving, Mustapha, Knotts) – Motion

b.  CRC Case distribution

c.  Compliance/Enforcement Statistics

d.  Mr. Harman’s report

3.  Surveying Committee – Mr. Gammon

·  Declaratory Order and Ruling request – Motion

4.  Enforcement Ad Hoc Committee – Mr. Crosby

·  Peer Review update

5.  Liaison and Law Committee – Mr. Moore

·  Legislative wrap up

6.  Application Review and Appeal Committees

a.  Lawrence Zimmerman – Mr. Thompson/Mr. Moore – Motion

b.  Tao Fang – Mr. Williams/Mr. Mustapha – Motion

7.  Finance Committee – Mr. Gammon

·  Review Charts and Graphs – Motion

8.  Old/New Business

a.  Annual meeting

·  Motions

·  Elections

ü  NCEES President Elect

ü  NCEES Treasurer

ü  SZ Secretary

·  Travel plans

b.  September meeting update – Lake Charles

c.  Dates for 2014 meeting – Motion

d.  Exam Irregularities – April 2013

9.  Closing Business

a.  Review of the July Task List

b.  Review of Board Member time and compensation log

c.  Consideration of Committee Actions – Motion

d.  Acknowledge and Confirm all licenses and certificates by the Board – Motion

e.  Consideration of Expenses – Motion

f.  Adjourn – Motion



Please be advised that it may be necessary for the Board to go into Executive Session