2013-2014 School Year

School Name: Cox Mill High School

Strategy: Continuation of the Global Schools Network partnership

43% of Cox Mill teachers added a global awareness strategy as part of their PDP in the 2012-13 school year
CMHA scored at 36 points on the UCPS Global Schools rubric which represents level 1 in the 2012-13 school year.
43% of Cox Mill teachers added a global awareness strategy as part of their PDP in the 2012-13 school year
We met our goal of 35 points (level 1) on the UCPS global schools rubric.
We have enough students for 4 sections of Cultural Studies class with a waiting list.
Aimy Steele (API) attended the Global Schools Network conference Summer 2013. / Opportunities For Improvement?
Use the UCPS Global Rubric as a self-assessment tool for teachers
The opportunities for improvement come from the areas on the rubric where we scored a 0.
·  Business Partnerships with a focus on globalization needed
·  Web 2.0 Professional development within departments and PLCs
·  International Faculty member visits all classrooms to share culture
·  Faculty meeting or professional development held via an internal online format (webinar)
·  Individual teacher websites highlighting globalization (sentence or two)
·  Main web site- gather globalization photos and information from all classrooms & post regularly
·  International service project
·  Environmental service project
·  Students graduating with global scholars degree
Identify which classrooms have participated in cultural awareness projects this school year via a survey of all teachers. (35% of teachers completed cultural awareness projects last year 2011-12)
For 2013-14 school year- 51% of teachers should have global strategies and activities on their PDPs.
Encourage teachers to add something to PDP’s about sharing their global activities with others
Encourage teachers to add something to their PDP’s about participating in global staff development
Encourage teachers to add information about global activities going on in their classrooms to their web sites, and to share photos and information to be posted on the main web site
Encourage teachers to share global ideas at department and PLC meetings
International Club can partner with the Cultural Studies class to work on projects together / Information/Data needed that you do not have.
Need the Global Schools rubric
Look for ways teachers can participate in globalization professional development opportunities.
-UNCC Professor
-how to integrate globalization in specific departments
-using technology for communication (Skype, message boards, etc)
Need to build in time for teachers to look at global lessons and share with others, reflect on lessons.
Goal Team Chair:
Goal Team Members: / Aimy Steele, API
Yamaro Scott, Kelly Kumar, Kellie Pierrot, Corey McNeill, Zackary Hubbard, Joyce Camp, Tracy Bridgers / Date: / 8/5/13
SMART Impact Goal
(3-year projection) / By June 2014, Cox Mill High School will achieve a status of 2nd level (45-59 points) as measured by the Global Schools Network rubric or the CMHS Global Schools rubric in the absence of the GSN rubric
SMART Fidelity Goal
(3-Year Projection) / By June 2014, Cox Mill High School will achieve a status of 2nd level (45-59 points) as measured by the Global Schools Network rubric or the CMHS Global Schools rubric in the absence of the GSN rubric.

Identify the measures you will use to determine the effectiveness of the strategy.

A.  List the measure(s) the team will use to determine if the strategy was implemented/ completed? (Completion Data)
Measure / Reported When
Scoring at least 45 points on the CMHS rubric to meet level 2 / June 2013
/ B. List the measure(s) the team will use to determine if the strategy was implemented correctly? (Fidelity)
Measure / Reported When
Scoring at least 45 points on the CMHS rubric to meet level 2 / June 2013
/ C. List the measure(s) the team will use to determine if the overall goal was met? (Impact)
Summative Measure / Reported When
CMHS Rubric score of at least 45 / June 2013
Formative Measure / Reported When
Use CMHS rubric to determine current progress / At the end of each quarter

Indicate the steps you will need to take to implement this strategy.

Step / Action Steps / Person Responsible / Evidence of Completion / Start Date / Completion Date / Completed?
1 / Aimy Steele attend Global Schools conference / Aimy Steele / Conference / 7-18-13 / 7-20-13 / yes
2 / Meet with teachers about global schools goal / Aimy Steele / Agenda from meeting / 8-19-13 / 8-31-13 / yes
3 / Update Global Schools rubric to reflect CMHS/CCS initiatives instead of UCPS initiatives. Change the Global Teachers and Visiting Staff/Students section / Joyce Camp / Updated Rubric / 8-19-13 / 9-30-13 / yes
4 / Give staff a copy of the rubric to use while planning activities to implement in their classrooms, Mrs. Steele will email teachers after Mrs Camp places rubric in Global Lessons shared folder. / Aimy Steele, Joyce Camp / Copy of Rubric in Global Lessons shared folder in the Teacher Shared folder / 8-19-13 / 9-30-13
5 / Determine teachers who have global awareness on their PDP (Goal is for 75% of teachers in each dept. to include a global goal.) / Aimy Steele / PDPs / 8-19-13 / 9-30-13
6 / Teacher created extra credit assignments that incorporate a global theme (Example- extra credit given for students that attend iFest at UNCC) / Aimy Steele / List of assignments collected in Global Lesson folder inside the Teacher Shared folder / 8-19-13 / 11-30-13
7 / Re-connect with partner school in China / Aimy Steele, Xin Wang, Amber Whitley / Communication log / 8-19-13 / 11-30-13 / yes
8 / Research global travel opportunities / Aimy Steele / Emails/meetings / 8-10-13 / 1-30-14
9 / Post the Global Scholar requirements in the Teacher Shared folder for teachers to access as needed when encouraging students to participate in the program. Mrs. Steele will also email to the staff. / Aimy Steele, Joyce Camp / Copy of the requirements in Global Lessons shared folder in the Teacher Shared folder / 9-1-13 / 10-30-13
10 / At least 50 students, faculty, and community members attend the UNC Charlotte iFest (International Festival) on 9-28-13 / Aimy Steele / Photos or artifacts from festival, list of teachers attended / 9-28-13 / 10-30-13 / yes
11 / Update Action Steps to be sure all areas of what we would like to do this year corresponds to the Cox Mill rubric / Kelly Kumar, Joyce Camp / Updated Action Steps / 10-1-13 / 11-30-13
12 / Create bite-sized one page of ideas for teachers to integrate global strategies in their classrooms / Zackary Hubbard / Page of ideas, embassy contact info. This will be posted in the Global Lessons folder on the shared drive / 8-19-13 / 11-30-13
13 / Create committee to make/assemble 5 culture kits to begin circulating in the Charger Media Center / Kellie Pierrot, Amber Whitley, Laurie Lewis, Donna Furr / Kits for checkout. Kits will be in the form of tubs with artifacts from various countries, articles about recent events in that country, information about foods, customs, traditions, holidays, etc. / 8-19-13 / 11-30-13
14 / Research additional partner schools from other countries / Zackary Hubbard / Contact log / 8-19-13 / 1-30-14
15 / Establish partnerships with Office of International Programs at UNCC and/or Cannon School / Kelly Pierrot / List of partnerships ongoing throughout the school year / 8-26-13 / 1-30-14
16 / Find/Create global curriculum integration games and activities / Zackary Hubbard / List of games posted in the Global Lessons folder in the Teacher Shared folder or games available in Media Center for checkout / 8-26-13 / 1-30-14
17 / Initiate a CMHS Global Teacher Recognition program to match the changes on the CMHS Global Schools rubric / Aimy Steele / Global Teacher Recognition program guidelines / 10-1-13 / 3-31-14
18 / Organize International Festival (to be held in early Spring) / Yamaro Scott, Amber Whitley, Erin Taylot, NGC / Festival Documentation (photos, videos, etc) / 9-1-2013 / 3-31-14
19 / Conduct assessment of CMHS scoring on global schools rubric / Aimy Steele / Scores on Global Schools rubric / 8-19-13 / 4-30-14
20 / Band, Dance, Chorus classes will learn cultural music and dances, then showcase them at the International Festival at CMHS / Corey Mcneill, Jennifer Smith, Joe Earp, Liz Crawford / Lesson plans / 8-26-13 / 4-30-14
21 / Determine how the diplomas will be marked this year to designate those students that have completed the Global Scholar requirements / Graduation Team, Joyce Camp, Zackary Hubbard, Corey McNeill / Diplomas with the seal or other item to distinguish the Global Scholars designation / 9-30-13 / 4-30-14
22 / Continue to ask for assistance from the county where needed as we develop this pilot program / Aimy Steele / List of questions/answers about the Global Schools program / 9-1-13 / 6-12-14
23 / Foster PLC collaboration to incorporate Global Strategies across the curriculum / Kelly Kumar, PLC Leaders / Lesson plans collected in Teacher Shared folder / 8-26-13 / 6-12-14
24 / API Work with Amber Whitley on developing Cultural Studies curriculum / Aimy Steele and Amber Whitley / Developed Curriculum Units / 8-1-13 / 6-12-14
25 / NGC Club – promote global awareness / Amber Whitley and Erin Taylor / List of ways the club has promoted global awareness in the school / 10-30-13 / 6-12-14

1st Check/Act Cycle – to be completed at the end of the 1st quarter:

Did you review the measures indicated in the original document for completion, fidelity and impact?

Insert data collected from the measures identified? (Insert data or put data in summary form. If too large, reference the data’s location)
What strengths were noted from that data?
120 students are eligible to qualify for the Global Scholars designation on their diploma this year.
At least 12 students, faculty, community members attended the iFest at UNCC this September. Photos of event were posted on web site.
Mrs. Steele has contacted EF Travel about a trip to China in Summer of 2014 (week after school gets out). It has been approved by the county office.
We have reconnected with our partner school in China and we have started having Skype sessions with them.
About 75% of teachers have added global strategies to their PDP
Mr. Hubbard conducted a session on Global Strategies on the 10/18 PD half day
The international club has changed to the New Global Citizens club.
This change means that they can be part of the National NGC Club / What opportunities for improvement were noted in that data?
Did not meet the goal of recruiting 50 parents, students, faculty, community members to attend iFest.
Use the UCPS Global Rubric as a self-assessment tool for teachers
The opportunities for improvement come from the areas on the rubric where we scored a 0.
·  Business Partnerships with a focus on globalization needed
·  Web 2.0 Professional development within departments and PLCs
·  International Faculty member visits all classrooms to share culture
·  Faculty meeting or professional development held via an internal online format (webinar)
·  Individual teacher websites highlighting globalization (sentence or two)
·  Main web site- gather globalization photos and information from all classrooms & post regularly
·  International service project
·  Environmental service project
·  Students graduating with global scholars degree
Identify which classrooms have participated in cultural awareness projects this school year via a survey of all teachers. (35% of teachers completed cultural awareness projects last year 2011-12)
Encourage teachers to add information about global activities going on in their classrooms to their web sites, and to share photos and information to be posted on the main web site
Encourage teachers to share global ideas at department and PLC meetings
International Club can partner with the Cultural Studies class to work on projects together / Information/Data needed that you do not have.
Waiting on the school board to change the policy about international travel so we can begin to disseminate info to students about the trip to China in 2015.
Determine what the global scholars seal will look like on the diplomas and what they symbol in the program will be to distinguish students with that designation.
Look at the Union County rubric and create a rubric for CMHS to use to recognize teachers that are globally minded in the classroom

Indicate the steps you will need to take to implement this strategy during the 2nd quarter.

1 / Give staff a copy of the rubric to use while planning activities to implement in their classrooms, Mrs. Steele will email teachers after Mrs Camp places rubric in Global Lessons shared folder. / Aimy Steele, Joyce Camp / Copy of Rubric in Global Lessons shared folder in the Teacher Shared folder / 8-19-13 / 9-30-13
2 / Determine teachers who have global awareness on their PDP (Goal is for 75% of teachers in each dept. to include a global goal.) / Aimy Steele / PDPs / 8-19-13 / 9-30-13
3 / Teacher created extra credit assignments that incorporate a global theme (Example- extra credit given for students that attend iFest at UNCC) / Aimy Steele / List of assignments collected in Global Lesson folder inside the Teacher Shared folder / 8-19-13 / 11-30-13
4 / Research global travel opportunities / Aimy Steele / Emails/meetings / 8-10-13 / 1-30-14
5 / Post the Global Scholar requirements in the Teacher Shared folder for teachers to access as needed when encouraging students to participate in the program. Mrs. Steele will also email to the staff. / Aimy Steele, Joyce Camp / Copy of the requirements in Global Lessons shared folder in the Teacher Shared folder / 9-1-13 / 10-30-13
6 / Update Action Steps to be sure all areas of what we would like to do this year corresponds to the Cox Mill rubric / Kelly Kumar, Joyce Camp / Updated Action Steps / 10-1-13 / 11-30-13
7 / Create bite-sized one page of ideas for teachers to integrate global strategies in their classrooms / Zackary Hubbard / Page of ideas, embassy contact info. This will be posted in the Global Lessons folder on the shared drive / 8-19-13 / 11-30-13
8 / Create committee to make/assemble 5 culture kits to begin circulating in the Charger Media Center / Kellie Pierrot, Amber Whitley, Laurie Lewis, Donna Furr / Kits for checkout. Kits will be in the form of tubs with artifacts from various countries, articles about recent events in that country, information about foods, customs, traditions, holidays, etc. / 8-19-13 / 11-30-13
9 / Research additional partner schools from other countries / Zackary Hubbard / Contact log / 8-19-13 / 1-30-14
10 / Establish partnerships with Office of International Programs at UNCC and/or Cannon School / Kelly Pierrot / List of partnerships ongoing throughout the school year / 8-26-13 / 1-30-14
11 / Find/Create global curriculum integration games and activities / Zackary Hubbard / List of games posted in the Global Lessons folder in the Teacher Shared folder or games available in Media Center for checkout / 8-26-13 / 1-30-14
12 / Initiate a CMHS Global Teacher Recognition program to match the changes on the CMHS Global Schools rubric / Aimy Steele / Global Teacher Recognition program guidelines / 10-1-13 / 3-31-14
13 / Organize International Festival (to be held in early Spring) / Yamaro Scott, Amber Whitley, Erin Taylot, NGC / Festival Documentation (photos, videos, etc) / 9-1-2013 / 3-31-14
14 / Conduct assessment of CMHS scoring on global schools rubric / Aimy Steele / Scores on Global Schools rubric / 8-19-13 / 4-30-14
15 / Band, Dance, Chorus classes will learn cultural music and dances, then showcase them at the International Festival at CMHS / Corey Mcneill, Jennifer Smith, Joe Earp, Liz Crawford / Lesson plans / 8-26-13 / 4-30-14
16 / Determine how the diplomas will be marked this year to designate those students that have completed the Global Scholar requirements / Graduation Team, Joyce Camp, Zackary Hubbard, Corey McNeill / Diplomas with the seal or other item to distinguish the Global Scholars designation / 9-30-13 / 4-30-14
17 / Continue to ask for assistance from the county where needed as we develop this pilot program / Aimy Steele / List of questions/answers about the Global Schools program / 9-1-13 / 6-12-14
18 / Foster PLC collaboration to incorporate Global Strategies across the curriculum / Kelly Kumar, PLC Leaders / Lesson plans collected in Teacher Shared folder / 8-26-13 / 6-12-14
19 / API Work with Amber Whitley on developing Cultural Studies curriculum / Aimy Steele and Amber Whitley / Developed Curriculum Units / 8-1-13 / 6-12-14
20 / NGC Club – promote global awareness / Amber Whitley and Erin Taylor / List of ways the club has promoted global awareness in the school / 10-30-13 / 6-12-14

2nd Check/Act Cycle – to be completed at the end of the 2nd quarter: