Terms of Reference:

Technical Advisory Group: Painting and Decorating

Version: 2.0


The Painting and Decoratingtechnical advisory group (TAG) is being formed to provide specialist advice and make recommendations to the Construction Industry Reference Committee (IRC) into the review of the Painting and Decoratingcomponents of the Construction, Plumbing and Services Training Package.

Expert guidance is sought from the TAG to update the structure and composition of:

  • One qualification:
  • CPC30611 Certificate III in Painting and Decorating
  • Seventeenunits of competency:

Unit of Competency Code / Unit of Competency Title
1 / CPCCPD2011A / Handle painting and decorating materials
2 / CPCCPD2012A / Use painting and decorating tools and equipment
3 / CPCCPD2013A / Remove and replace doors and door and window components
4 / CPCCPD3021A / Prepare surfaces for painting
5 / CPCCPD3022A / Apply paint by brush and roller
6 / CPCCPD3023A / Apply texture coat paint finishes by brush, roller and spray
7 / CPCCPD3024A / Apply paint by spray
8 / CPCCPD3025A / Match specified paint colour
9 / CPCCPD3026A / Apply stains and clear timber finishes
10 / CPCCPD3027A / Apply wallpaper
11 / CPCCPD3028A / Apply decorative paint finishes
12 / CPCCPD3029A / Remove graffiti and apply protective coatings
13 / CPCCPD3030B / Apply protective paint coating systems
14 / CPCCPD3031A / Implement safe lead paint and asbestos work practices in the painting industry
15 / CPCCPD3032A / Apply advanced wallpaper techniques
16 / CPCCPD3033A / Apply intumescent coatings
17 / CPCCPD3034A / Apply advanced decorative paint finishes

The Case for Endorsement for these components and the associated Companion Volume Implementation Guide are to be submitted to the Department of Education and Training on or before 1 December 2018.

The work of the group is subject to the scope of activity order TPD/2017-18/002 as follows:

A full update and review of the structure and composition of the qualification and associated units of competency for the:

  • CPC30611 Certificate III in Painting and Decorating

In addition, the above components that are native to the CPC08 Construction, Plumbing and Services Training Package are:

  • Transitioned to the 2012 Standards for Training Packages as outlined in Artibus/AA/2015-16-002
  • Developed in context of:
  • Feedback from industry about the need for further work to be undertaken in relation to the components.
  • CPC and CPC08 training packages including other qualifications which share these components

Provide the IRC’s advice, as part of the Case for Endorsement, as to how the new/modified components will support implementation of the November 2015 COAG Industry and Skills Council training package reforms summarised at:

Other information of use:

  • Draft Project Scope and Management Plan

2.Rolesand responsibilities of the technical advisory group

The TAG will:

  • provide guidance, feedback and advice to support the development and implementation of the Project Scope and Management Plan
  • contribute to identifying and validating the current and future industry training needs
  • provide guidance, feedback and advice to support the development of unit content and the approach to the structure of qualifications and skill sets
  • provide guidance and advice on articulation, pathways, specialist tools, equipment and software and industry conditionsto help inform the Companion Volume Implementation Guide
  • facilitatebroader consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders
  • monitor identified and emerging risks and advise on their prevention, mitigation and management
  • assist in promotingthe final products and their take-up by industry and other stakeholders.

3.Role of individual group members

The role of the individual members of the TAG is to commit to:

  • participating in regular meetings
  • actively contributing to the TAG’s work both during and between meetings
  • nominating a proxy and advising Artibus Innovation if unable to attend a meeting
  • facilitating access to additional and specialised industry expertise
  • demonstratinga genuine interest in the initiatives and advocating for the project’s outcomes
  • acting in the public good


The TAG will be chaired bythe IRC Chair, or a nominee from the IRC. The Chair will:

  • operate as an independent Chair
  • facilitate meetings to achieve consensus (i.e., TAG members develop, and agree to support a decision in the best interest of the project outcomes)
  • manage disputes in accordance with the SSO Funding Agreement.


The TAG shall be comprisedof:

  • one representative of the training system (if it is appropriate to have an RTO)
  • one representative of a National Regulatory Forum (if appropriate)
  • one employee representative (if appropriate)
  • five representatives of industry
  • a minimum of one representative from each IRC where the scope of work covers both the CPC Construction, Plumbing and Services and CPP Property Services Training Packages

Other members may be included in the group as required.

Process for selecting TAG Members:

  • Members will be chosen through apublic nomination process managed by the SSO. The SSO will provide the TAG Chair with a criteria assessment of applications.
  • All applicants will be notified of their standing once nominees have been reviewed by the Chair in conjunction with the SSO.
  • The Chair will recommend the makeup of the TAG to the IRC which will validate the membership. Any subsequent changes to the TAG require further validation by the IRC.
  • Due consideration will also be given to the requirements of States and Territories, particularly in terms of geographic coverage if, and when required.


Meetings will be facilitated by the Chair.

A quorum will be half the regular membership plus one.

Artibus Innovation will provide meeting support and:

  • forward agenda items to the Chair byseven working days prior to the scheduled meeting
  • distribute the agenda and meeting papers to the TAG members at least five working days prior to the scheduled meeting
  • inform the Chair of any proxies
  • provide minutes and action items to TAG members no later than five working days after the meeting
  • provide a summary of the meeting outcomes to the IRC, to enable informed decision making.

7.Travel support

Artibus Innovation will support one face to face meeting of each TAG, in accordance with Artibus Innovation travel policy at a location agreed by the Chair and Artibus Innovation.

Technical Advisory Group Terms of Reference – Version 2.0Page 1