Specific Fields Relevant for Robert P. Apkarian Integrated EM Core Users

Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM):

·  JEOL JEM-1400 120 kV LaB6 TEM with Gatan CCD cameras. Capable of all modes of TEM, including tomography of sectioned materials.

o  Accelerating voltages: 40 kV - 120 kV

o  LaB6 filament

o  Gatan CCD cameras

o  Negative sheet film

o  Image orientation system

o  Motorized goniometer allows +/- 80° sample tilting

o  Minimum Dose System (MDS) allows for imaging of beam-sensitive samples

o  SerialEM for semi-automated data acquisition

o  Beam blocker for electron diffraction work

·  Hitachi HT-7700 120 kV W (Tungsten) TEM with AMT CCD camera. Capable of all modes of TEM, including tomography and electron diffraction.

o  Accelerating voltages: 40 kV - 120 kV

o  W (Tungsten) filament

o  AMT CCD camera

o  Image orientation system

o  Motorized goniometer allows +/- 70° sample tilting

o  Low Dose System allows for imaging of beam-sensitive samples

o  SerialEM for semi-automated data acquisition

o  Beam blocker for electron diffraction work

Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM):

·  Topcon DS-130F Field Emission SEM/STEM capable of in-lens and below-lens conventional SEM, and in-lens cryo-HRSEM.

·  Topcon DS-150F Field Emission SEM /STEM with BSE (back-scattered electron detection) and capable of in-lens and below-lens conventional SEM, and in-lens cryo-HRSEM.

o  Accelerating voltages: 0.5 kV - 30 kV

o  Schottky field emission sources

o  BSE and STEM systems

o  Gatan CT-3500 cold stage

o  In-lens and below-lens imaging system

Sample Preparation:

·  Denton DV-602 Turbo Magnetron Sputter system with a chromium target

·  EMSCOPE SC-500 Magnetron Sputter system with a gold target

·  Denton Benchtop Turbo Carbon Evaporator

·  Leica UC6rt and Ultracut S Ultramicrotomes

·  RMC PT-XL Ultramicrotome

·  RMC BAL-TEC HPM 010 High Pressure Freezing machine and Leica AFS cryo-substitution apparatus

·  Leica UC6i/FC6 Cryo-Ultramicrotome

Imaging Data Processing and Analysis:

·  3 iMac workstations with Adobe, ImageJ, and IMOD software packages. Other image processing software packages installed as needed.