Accounting, Economics and Finance - Frenchay

SU Forum Unconfirmed Minutes

Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 21st October 2014 in 2S708 at 12:00

Present: Lily Vo, Tim Chambers, Ermira Masha, Adam Turgoose, Mark Smith, Olivia Frazer, Roisin Evans, Owain Atkinson, Pippa Hicks, Richard Horig, Joella Bartson Umuliisa, Dalia Al Shayeb, Cameron Mackinnon, Linda Berryman, Natalie Bate, Stephanie Downes, Timothy Griffiths, Katie Earl, Colin Daglish, Joshua Bertin, Erlo Tayamen, Sophie Van Der Valk, Laura Mcneill, Quang Tran, Henry Eastman, Luther Yeates, Prasidha Dhoj Karki, Lisha Yang, Jeremy Chung Chung, Bethany Kornarski, Reece Williams, Chantelle Manns, Amylia Sharif, Glenn Tomlinson, Joyce Mboumien, Jialu Bai.

In Attendance: Sarah Hickie (Secretary / Chair, UWESU)

Apologies*: Linda Berryman, Shaofan Jin, Alexander Svanidze, Shuhui Wang, Lucy Dance- Matthews, Anish Gurung, Thea Cowie, Harry Fletcher, Seraphine Wijaya, Henry White, Gemma Luck*, Mark Smith*

*- across both Frenchay and Bower forums.


001/1415 Welcome and introductions

001.01 Sarah Hickie (Representation Support Coordinator, Secretary and acting chair) welcomed Reps present to the first SU Forum of the yr

002/1415 Election of Department Chair

002.01 Two members ran for this position, George Abouzolof (Banking and Finance) and Steff Downs (Economics). Both were invited to give a brief manifesto to the rest of the forum. The forum voted and Steff was duly elected as department chair.

003/1415 Deputy Department Chair

003.01 Three members ran for this position, Colin Daglish (Economics) Cameron (Economics) and Josh ??? (Economics). As above they were invited to give a brief manifesto to the rest of the forum. The forum voted and Cameron was duly elected as Department Deputy Chair.

004/1415 Department Committee members (Three delegates)

004.01 Seven members ran for these positions, Alex Briat (3rd Yr Economics), Amyla Sherif (1st Yr Accounting and Finance), Glenn Tomlinson (1st yr Accounting and Finance) Colin (2nd yr Economics) Tim Giffiths (3rd yr Economics) Joyce Mboumien (MSC Accounting) and Josh ??? (1st yr Economics). As above they were invited to give a brief manifesto to the rest of the forum. The duly elected departmental committee members were Joyce Mboumien, Tim Griffiths and Colin.

005/1415 Study Spaces

005.01 Sarah Hickie introduced the agenda item and provided an update into the background of the Study Spaces Project the JJ the VP is working on.

005.02 An Economics 1st yr Rep complained that the tables are too high in the cafeteria and are too wobbly for use with laptops. They also felt the old comfy sofas were missed.

005.03 A 2nd yr Economics Rep felt the group study space in the library is hard to make use of as it is usually fully booked up far in advance. This is a problem as students have 2 group projects.

005.04 Another student advised that some library computers are not accepting USB sticks.

Acton: Reps to raise with ITS and report back.

005.05 MSC Finance Rep advised that the masters’ student room block 4C only have 5 computers and not many other facilities.

005.06 An Economics Rep reported they had not yet received their free £15 printing credit. Sarah Hickie explained that there had been some delays with this, and that they should have had an email to their UWE account. The sum is expected to go into the accounts of all registered UG students by 31st October – very early November.

005.07 A 3rd yr Economics Rep expressed that it is an issue to work out which computers have certain software needed (microfit). Colin explained this was bought up in DC and should now be sorted. The library website should be advising that there are 2 study rooms available for the business school.

005.08 First yr student Rep expressed that the library should have better signposting about how to reach different floors.

005.09 A Rep echoed that it would be useful to have a list of every room in the university including what facilities are where and to be able to search for facilities and a number of rooms be generated, so you could then go to the relevant room.

005.10 A 2nd yr Economics Rep suggested that it would be a good idea to have a part of the UWE app where you could be able to see “computers near me”, so you can find available computers near you. The room felt this would be really helpful.

005.11 Economics 2nd yr Rep advised that some students aren’t aware you can book group study rooms from home, using the library website.

005.12 A 2nd yr Banking and Finance student (others echoed) that group study that is BYD in some rooms doesn’t have connections suited to Macs. They also feel that the library needs better signposting and more computers.

005.12 A Rep from 2nd yr sent apologies with the following feedback: From talking to students on my course I have found that the majority of students thought that there were enough study spaces available but they didn’t really know where they were and how to find out where they are.

The majority of students I spoke to were happy with finding everything in the library and understood the running of it. However, not many students knew about the other places where computers are available in different blocks such as the 24 hour study rooms.

To improve this I would make a list easily available on the UWE website and show each student where this list is available from and maybe even give them a tour of the study rooms available in their block at the start of the yr.

A worry that many students had with the library is that for the majority of the day a lot of the computers are taken up, especially on level 4, and the library gets very busy which makes it harder and sometimes prevents many students being able to work. This could easily be resolved by publicising other rooms available for studying more.

A Rep sent their apologies for the meeting and the following points

005.13* From talking to students on my course I have found that the majority of students thought that there were enough study spaces available but they didn’t really know where they were and how to find out where they are.

The majority of students I spoke to were happy with finding everything in the library and understood the running of it. However, not many students knew about the other places where computers are available in different blocks such as the 24 hour study rooms.

To improve this I would make a list easily available on the UWE website and show each student where this list is available from and maybe even give them a tour of the study rooms available in their block at the start of the year.

A worry that many students had with the library is that for the majority of the day a lot of the computers are taken up, especially on level 4, and the library gets very busy which makes it harder and sometimes prevents many students being able to work. This could easily be resolved by publicising other rooms available for studying more.

Action: VP Education to read and consider.

Action: VP Education to collate and bring to Study Spaces Working Group (newly formed).

Action: To be discussed at SRC as agenda item.

008/1415 AGM

008.01 Sarah Hickie provided an update on the forthcoming UWESU AGM, to which all student members are invited.

008.02 The forum was informed that the motion deadline for this yr’s AGM is November 6th.

009/1415 Student Matters

009.01 Business with Accounting and Finance 3rd yr Rep reported that students are having to pay for reading material from external companies.

Action: Actioned to SRSF

009.02 A 2nd yr Economics students expressed disappointment that there was/ is no graduation ball. They reported that the Marketing Society, Economics Society and ??? plan to potentially work together to organise one for Business and Accounting students.

Action: Advised to speak to VP Societies and Communication about societies and support available for society led projects. If would like support with fundraising ideas etc could also speak to Volunteering Coordinator, Sarah Hickie to email Colin Daglish details.

009.03 Economics 1st yr Rep felt that blackboard was badly designed, with poor pathways and it was difficult to navigate where to upload assignments. Maybe there could be an induction about blackboard. Another 7+ students agreed with this proposal. Sarah Hickie explained that as a temporary solution in the interim guide to Blackboard videos are on

Action: Reps to raise at SRSF.

Action: Sarah Hickie to forward over resources.

009.04 3rd yr Economics students expressed that there is a 2 week window to make module choices and then they are locked into modules 1 and 2. They felt 1 week was sufficient for module 1 however felt that they shouldn’t be locked into module 2. Another Economics Rep also expressed this and it meant some students were stuck on modules they didn’t want to be on.

Action: Reps to raise at SRSF.

009.05 A student advised that the machines on car park 20 are broken.

Action: Sarah Hickie to request SU President emails Transport.

009.06 1st yr Economics Rep felt that in some of the shops on campus there should be better signposting that there is a minimum spend before students have to queue. Signs could be up way before the tills.

Action: Sarah Hickie to raise with Trading Services Manager for consideration (SU outlets).

009.06 A Rep from 2nd yr sent her apologies for this forum with the

following feedback. Many students have found in the first couple of weeks this year that each of the modules have due dates at very similar times. This is causing high levels of stress and therefore lower results. I and many other students feel that each module leader should speak to each other to find out their deadline dates to try and prevent all deadlines being in the same week.

Furthermore, this year especially, many students have got big gaps between lectures, seminars and tutorials with a lot of them being at the start or the end of the day. I feel as if and have noticed this is affecting attendance and in turn results.

Action: Rep to raise at SRSF.

Action: Reps to read and consider sharing SRC 7th November 2013 minutes found here:

A 2nd year Business Management with Accounting and Finance rep sent their apologies for the meeting and emailed the following points *

009.07 Academic Personal Tutor -Level 2 Students still have not officially been assigned one / confirmation same as previous year. Emailed Craig Whittaker who chairs this and he is not replying to my emails (Level 1 Students from my PAL Sessions also expressing this frustration as well).

Action: Reps to raise at SRSFs

Action: VP Education to consider

009.08 Timetabling-​Extreme Frustrations with the timetabling this year, significant gaps in students timetables with some students having up a 6 hour gap and also 1 weeks’ notice for timetable publication at the start of the academic year.... CETTS publishes the FULL Academic Year 6 days prior to start of year.... this is not acceptable time limits to give employer in a change in timetable... can we not get CETTS to publish Semester 1 4 weeks in advanced and Semester 2 during Mid-Sem1 to spread the load and give everyone much more advanced notice.

Action: Reps to raise at SRSFs

Action: VP Education to consider.

Another Rep from Business Management with Accounting and Finance 2nd yr also sent their apologies for the meeting and the following points *

009.09* Many students have found in the first couple of weeks this year that each of the modules have due dates at very similar times. This is causing high levels of stress and therefore lower results. I and many other students feel that each module leader should speak to each other to find out their deadline dates to try and prevent all deadlines being in the same week.

Action: Rep to raise via email to Programme Manager.

009.10* Furthermore, this year especially, many students have got big gaps between lectures, seminars and tutorials with a lot of them being at the start or the end of the day. I feel as if and have noticed this is affecting attendance and in turn results.

Action: Rep to raise at SRSF.

Action: VP Education to consider.

010/1415 Time and date of next meeting

SU Forum: To be confirmed

Arts and Cultural Industries – SU Forum Unconfirmed Minutes 20th October 2014 Page 1