Course Design for ISU College of Business – Business 100
Step 1: Long-term Behaviors
Self-director learner who constantly is prepared, actively engages at the highest level, and is only satisfied when they reach a level of performance that exceeds both the class expectations as well as their own.
Table Group 1
Long Term Behaviors
Takes initiative to build a better business vocabulary and stay current with the changing business world.
Welcomes and seeks opportunities to communicate his/her ideas and is able to communicate them, written and orally, and enjoy giving public presentations
Is a pro-active participant in the course, seeks and enjoys learning new concepts and processes.
Is not afraid of being challenged, open to new and opposing ideas and is able to articulate and defend his/her position.
Enjoys questioning, analyzing and synthesizing information presented and developed.
Team 2
Self-challenging learners who set high expectations for themselves and others in their upper level classes.
A self-directed, demonstrated sense of professionalism and pride in all that they do.
An understanding that professional success is dependent upon what the individual student learns and how that student synthesizes (integrates) their new knowledge and skills to effectively solve problems that are “new” to them.
They consistently make connections to prior knowledge. They are able to extend prior knowledge toward the solution of problems that are “new” to them.
They establish reasoned positions and are able to articulate, both verbally and in writing, the reasoning behind that position.
The ability of students to devlop and evalute multiple perspectives of any given situation.
The ability to see a comprehensive big picture so they can identify and clearly state business problems, use prior knowledge to develop alternative solutions to those problems, articulate the reasoning behind the solutions, and to lead/participate in reaching a group consensus on determining the best solution and then implementing that solution.
Synthesized List for other courses
Capstone Course: Consistently sees a comprehensive/big picture within an organization so they can identify and clearly state organizational problems, effectively use prior knowledge and previous solutions to develop new innovative and alternative solutions to those problems, articulate the reasoning behind the solutions, and to lead/participate in reaching a group consensus on determining the best solution and then implementing that solution.
Synthesized List for Business 100
These students:
*Effective in developing and using disciplinary language for processing information and producing internal and external communications.
Pursue the inquiry of important topics leading to an integrated understanding through the evaluation of multiple perspectives of any given situation.
Enjoy reading, questioning, analyzing and synthesizing information to build stronger knowledge skills.
*Are self-directed learners who constantly are prepared, actively engage at the highest level, and are only satisfied when they reach a level of performance that exceeds both the class expectations as well as their own.
Very aware of societal issues and their implications to organizations, nature of business, and to their profession.
Consistently produced effective reasoned positions articulated professionally in oral and written forms.
*Consistently produces professional work products and performances so that they have pride in all that they do.
*Have a strong direction based upon an update life vision including a career and educational plan where they initiate the semester by semester strategic planning of their courses to meet their needs.
Welcome and seek opportunities to improve their communication of ideas through public presentations.
*Are not afraid of being challenged and open to new and opposing ideas
Effectively use self-assessment for growing personal and professional performance on a consistent basis throughout their weekly efforts.
Step 2: Course Intentions (Includes learning objectives)
1. To market to quality student retention during the first two years.
2. To change student behavior about their role in the teaching/learning process
Learning Objective
The identification of a career interest and the assumption of the responsibility for working with university and college resources to establish a course of study that leads to successfully gaining an entry level position in that field.
To increase communication skills in both oral and written form
Takes initiative to build a better business vocabulary and stay current with the changing business world.
Step 2 – Course Intentions
Establish a norm for College of Business student responsibilities and behavior within the learning process.
Develop an understanding of working in a successful team environment and provide activities for students to model appropriate group behaviors.
The identification of a career interest and the assumption of the responsibility for working with university and college resources to establish a course of study that leads to successfully gaining an entry level position in that field.
Facilitate student selection or confirmation of major area of study within the COB.
Provide an overview of business disciplines, including an understanding of terminology.
An introduction to understanding how the different business functions interrelate within an organizational environment.
Exposure to current events through the use of outside resources and periodicals where application of course objectives are realized.
Course Intentions
To provide an understanding of inter-firm relationships and business’s role in society.
To clearly communicate to students what their expectations are in the College of Business.
To give them some idea about the various functional areas of a business firm and the interrelatedness of those areas.
To retain high quality students by educating and exposing them to different career paths available to them with a business degree.
Step 2: EDITED Course Intentions
Course Intentions
Establish the expectations for College of Business student responsibilities and behaviors within the learning process.
Facilitate student selection or confirmation of major area of study within the COB.
To clearly communicate to students what their expectations are in the College of Business.
To retain high quality students by educating and exposing them to different career paths available to them with a business degree.
To provide an understanding of inter-firm relationships and business’s role in society.
Develop an understanding of working in a successful team environment and provide activities for students to model appropriate group behaviors.
The identification of a career interest and the assumption of the responsibility for working with university and college resources to establish a course of study that leads to successfully gaining an entry level position in that field.
Provide an overview of business disciplines, including an understanding of terminology.
An introduction to understanding how the different business functions interrelate within an organizational environment.
Exposure to current events through the use of outside resources and periodicals where application of course objectives are realized.
Step 3: Learning Outcomes
Make significant improvement in how analytical and critical thinking is integrated into learning process and problem solving process.
Step Three - Learning Outcomes
Be able to define the roles of different functional areas of a business and their interrelatedness and give examples of their responsibilities.
Be able to delineate different career paths available to College of Business graduates.
Articulate the role of business in society, the impact that business practices and ethics have on society, and how businesses may address societal issues.
Be able to more effectively summarize, synthesize, analyze, and communicate what has been learned.
Improved ability to effectively work with others to achieve goals in a team environment.
To increase analytical, critical thinking and problem solving skills. (obj.) (movement)
Make significant improvement inhow analytical and critical thinking is integrated into learning process and problem solving process. (outcome)
To provide an understanding of inter-firm relationships and business’ role insociety. (obj.) (comp.)
Ability to discuss the impact one firm can have on another.
Provide examples of how companies have (1) contributed to societal problems, and (2) helped resolve or reduce societal problems.
Demonstrate the role ethics, or lack of ethics, can play in business behavior.
Conduct a 10-15 minute group presentation demonstrating research, analytical and communication skills on a current business topic.
Complete a self-assesment of personal skills and characteristics and apply these to an appropriate career and academic major.
Edited Learning Outcomes
Our students can:
Define the roles of different functional areas of a business, their interrelatedness, and how their responsibilities support organizational effectiveness.
Delineate different career paths available to College of Business graduates.
Articulate the role of business in society, the impact that business practices and ethics have on society, and how businesses may address societal issues.
Articulate inter-firm relationships, their impacts on each other and in the bigger picture the impact of business’ role in society.
Our students have increased:
Effectiveness in analytical and critical thinking (summarizing, analyzing, and synthesizing) through what has been learned.
Effectiveness in working with others to achieve goals in a team environment.
Problem solving skills.
Self-assess personal skills and characteristics to determine how these can be applied to appropriate career and academic major.
Knowledge Table
What do we want the students to know: 40 items for a 3 credit course – 26 items for a 2-credit course
Time to learn a knowledge item:
Level 1 – informational knowledge 15 to 45 minutes
Level 2 – comprehension and understanding – 60 to 120 minutes
Level 3 - application – ability to transfer to a new context – 120 to 180 minutes
1. Ethics 3,3,3,1,2,1 (concept) ethical reasoning (process) being ethical (WOB) examples of different situations (context) professional code of ethics (Tool)
2. Marketing 2,3,3,1
3. Information Technology 3,3,2
4. Operations Management 2,2,1,3
5. Professionalism3,3,3, (WOB)
6. Globalization 3,1,3,
7. Accounting 3,2,2,1
8. Principles of business 3,2,1
9. Leadership 3,2,1
10. Finance 3,2,3
11. Management processes 3,2,2
12. Critical Thinking 2,3,1 (Process)
13. Corporate Responsibility 2,3,2
14. Management 1,2,2,2
15. Life-long Learner 3,2,1 (WOB)
16. Communication 3,2,1 (Process
17. Personal finance 3,3
18. Customer 2,3
19. Career Paths of Business 3,2
20. Human Resource 3,2
21. Problem Solving 2,3 (Process)
22. Standards of performance 2,3 (WOB)
23. Information Systems 2,3
Additional Items requested
General model of an organization
- functional interrelationships
25. Profit 2,2
26. Entrepreneurship 1,3
27. Empowerment 2,1
Knowledge Item / FormEthics / WOB
Marketing / Conceptual / Exchange / Marketing Mix / Relationships / Role and Purpose of the function
Information Technology / Tool / Word processing / Email / Search engines - libraries / Search engines - libraries / Internet
Operations Management / Conceptual / Production Systems / Quality (WOB) / Role and Purpose of the function
Professionalism / WOB / Strong performance takes time – 140 hours/class / Standards of performance (WOB)
Accounting / Conceptual / Financial Statements (tools) / Role and Purpose of the function
Globalization / Contextual / Cultures (language) / Economic Systems / Markets
Critical Thinking / Process
Principles of business / Conceptual
Leadership / WOB
Finance / conceptual / Role and Purpose of the function / Basic tools / Personal finance (WOB)
Organization / Contextual / Interrelationships of functions
Management / Conceptual / Role and Purpose of the function / Basic Processes / Human Resource
Corporate Responsibility / Contextual
Learning / Process / LPM / LAJ (Tool)
Communication / Process / Writing / Presentations
Customer / Contextual
Career Paths of Business / WOB / Professional Profiles / Self-assessment (process)
Problem Solving / Process
Information Systems / Conceptual / Role and Purpose of the function / Basic Tools
Management 2
28. Professional Development
29. Business Media
30. Formal Presentations 3
31. Market Segmentation
32. Marketing Mix
33. Organizational Culture 2
34. Financial Statement
35. Production Systems
36. Diversity 1
37. Exchange 2
38. Time value of money 2
39. Teaming 1
40. Social/Group Dynamics
41. Latest Impacts of Technology on Society/Business 2
42. External Implications – Legal
43. External Implications – Environment 2
44. Quality 2
Step 5: Themes
Note: Processes, WOB, or Tools
Career Path Planning
Step 6: Designing the methodologies for the key processes within the course
Learning, Problem Solving – we already have the methodologies
1. Career Path Planning
Step 1: Direction – start & end
Need has been established -> Documented career plan meeting specifications
Step 2: Issues about quality (at least 70 % of the issues impact)
Not knowing the professional profile
Not knowing preferences
Self-analysis of current strengths and areas for improvement
Knowledge about the general movement within disciplines (job advancements)
The advancements of the disciplines over time
Education requirements
Job positions and salaries
Availability or market demand for this expertise
Flexibility of movement within and across disciplines
Life constraints within the business
Regional focus of the discipline – locations
Personal network
Investigation of current professionals to gain insight
Access to information
Trials of experimenting that discipline
Step 3: Larger system or context
Educational planning process for the College of Business
Step 4: Performance criteria for the methodology
Process Product
1. self-challenging 1. Systematic
2. honesty of self-analysis 2. Meet Specifications
3. holistic 3. Demonstrate ownership
4. efficient 4. Directive – provides for clear action steps
5. Effective 5. Clear
6. Thought provoking 6. Consistent to personal values
7. Engaging 7. Realistic
8. Experiential/exploratory 8.
9. Flexible
10. Appropriate for audience
Step 5: obtain an expert
Step 6: Designing the methodology (Read PC – Life Vision Portfolio product)
Step 1: Affirm the need has been established
Step 2: Study the set of profiles of the potential disciplines
Step 3: Self-analysis personality profile – Myers/Briggs
Step 4: Self-analysis of preferences and values – Keirsey
Step 5: Career analysis – alignment of skills and desires to disciplines – SIGGY+
Step 6: Prioritize the top three discipline choices for investigation
Step 7: Investigating the life profile of each discipline through 3 models (people with at least 20 years of professional experience) for each discipline