PRAYER OF THE FAITHFUL - October 29th & October 30th
The Lord’s imperishable spirit is in all things, and so we pray for all because they belong to the Lord.… as we cry out, Lord hear our prayer...
1. For our Church as we strive to continue our Lord’s mission to seek and save what was lost …
that we might all be good stewards of this earth we share …
that all who serve our parish communities – priests, deacons, religious sisters, and lay ministers – humbly recognize the fragile humanity of the people God has given them to serve …
for the grace to respond to our Lord’s mercy as Zacchaeus did, especially during this Jubilee Year of Mercy…and for the intentions in our parish book…We pray…
2. For our brothers and sisters who are ill: Gerald Johnson, Bob Cerf, John Palazza, Vilma Perez, Baby Hewitt Campbell, Eileen Cullen, James Martinek, Laurel Hessing. (PAUSE) For all those wounded in the service of our country, (PAUSE) that they be patient in their time of suffering and soon come to the fullness of health.... we pray....
2a. (Sun. at 8:30 am)
for the intentions of Deborah Page … we pray....
2b. (Sun. at 5:30 pm)
for the intentions of Thomas Middelhoff … we pray....
3. For those dear to us who have died, whose memories are with us at this time, especially,
Sat. 5:30 pm Adrienne T. Jackman +
Sun. 8:30 am
10:00 am Virginia Monteleone
12:30 pm Lizandro Rivera
5:30 pm
(For whom this mass is offered)
Msgr. Robert O’Connor in whose memory The Bread and Wine for the celebration of the Eucharist have been offered this week… Donna De Solis in whose memory The Sanctuary Lamp burns this week… The deceased members of the Ferrario Family in whose memory the flowers that adorn the sanctuary have been offered…
Maria “Josie” Ramos, Jack Bakmezian, Robert Thomas Velline (Bobby Vee), Jean McNally who died during this past week… Those who lost their lives through violence across our nation …and all the victims of war and terrorism (PAUSE) that they may rest forever in the embrace of the one true God, we pray....
4. And let us pause now to present our own personal petitions...(PAUSE ....count to 10)...... We are still a nation at war, let us pray for our president, our elected officials, the members of our diplomatic corps (core) and all those who serve our country in our uniformed services..... may their efforts for peace and justice be fruitful;..... together, let us raise our voices in a prayer for true and lasting peace......
the words are found on the back cover of the hymnal...
O God, you love all things that are
and loathe nothing that you have made.
In your mercy hear these our payers
and grant them through Jesus Christ our Lord