Central Texas Section



Subject: Austin Chapter Committee Meeting

Date: July 10, 2007 @ 11:30 am Place: Catfish Parlour

Agenda by: Mike Noth Location: Austin, Texas


Name: / Organization / Title / Present
Mike Noth, P.E. / IEEE / Chairman / Yes
Stacy Smith, P.E. / IEEE / Vice Chairman / No
Rheuben Hair / IEEE / Treasurer / Yes
Stan Friend / IEEE / Secretary / Yes
Don Drumtra / IEEE / Webmaster / Yes
Ron Brown / IEEE / Past Chair / No
Steve L. Kanetzky, P.E. / IEEE / Past Chair / No
Walter May, P.E. / IEEE / Past Chair / Yes
Roy Matthews, P.E. / IEEE / Past Chair / Yes
James Mercier, P.E. / IEEE / Past Chair / Yes
Bobby Spears / IEEE / Guest / Yes

Recorded by Don Drumtra. If this differs from your understanding, please notify Don.

Description of Subject Matter / Action / Action By
1. Student involvement. Discussed ideas to encourage student attendance / Mike to start dialog with Dr. Grady. No response yet.
2. June PES meeting in Tampa. Stacy provided a summary of the meeting. Three award presentations provided good opportunities for the chapter: Outstanding Engineer, High Performance Chapter, Outstanding Chapter, and Website Contest.
3. IEEE and PES Certificates. We may have to be more disciplined in our management of certification in the future.
4. 2007 Calendar, All programs arranged.
5. 2008 calendar. We will plan for two NEC 2008 classes, the third Friday and Saturday in February. Friday will be an eight hour class for engineers and Saturday a four hour class for electricians. Stacy called Grayboy to see if they are interested in teaching the class. They are. / Stacy to call Grayboy to finalize class.
Mike to call Thad to finalize use of JATC facility.
6. Engineer of the year award. We should submit a nominee. / All look for possibilities.
7. Officers rotation and other required actions in Bylaws / Stan to look for copies of the Bylaws in the chapter records.
8. CTS Planning Meeting is Aug 18 in San Marcos. / All think of agenda items.
9. Recruiting for next year's Chapter Committee team. / All consider possible candidates.
Future Meeting Ideas - Smart Grid.
Possible tours: Valmount Steel, UT new generator and SF6 Substation, JJ Pickle, Long or Bass Concert Center, DVR @ AE, LCRA dam, Power Lab @ UT, SMI Cement Plant, Sequine, AFD – City codes for wreck-out, etc..