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Celebrating Local Food

Amy Skeoch MHSc, RD

Summer is almost here! And it’s never too early to start thinking about the fantastic local food opportunities we have in Ontario. Did you know that June 5-11th is “Local Food Week”? As part of the Ontario government’s Local Food Strategy, local food week puts a spotlight on the many farms, food markets and initiatives that supply us with fresh delicious food. For a list of events during this week visit Foodland Ontario, or visit their Facebook page to see what’s happening in your area.

Do your kids know where their food comes from? Why is it a good idea to buy local?

It’s important for kids to see and understand how much hard work and resources contribute to the abundance of fresh food items they see in grocery stores and markets. How do strawberries and potatoes grow? How is cheese made? And where does chicken come from?

If you want to enhance your child’s understanding of the local food system you can:

ü  Visit a farmer’s market or look up some nearby farms that sell their products (see link below)

ü  Talk to the farmers that produce the foods and connect your kids to the local food process

ü  Ask your kids to look for the Foodland Ontario symbol that indicates local items, or ask them to look for items that are produced in Ontario on the label

ü  Grow your own mini-garden so they can experience growing their own food

Learning about our local food system is something we should all experience, because as you know..…good things grow in Ontario!

What produce is in season?

Is there a farm near you to visit?

Is there a farmer’s market in your area?


Keeping it cool when packing school lunches!
Here are some easy ways to keep foods cold when packing school lunches:
Ø  Choose an insulated lunch bag. This will help keep foods at the right temperature.
Ø  Use ice packs. Place a frozen re-freezable ice pack near foods that need to be kept cold, like meat sandwiches, yogurt or cheese.
Ø  Freeze healthy beverages. Add a frozen 100% juice box or water bottle in the lunch bag to help keep foods cold.
Ø  Store in thermal insulated containers. Use thermal insulated containers to keep foods like soup or leftovers at the right temperature. Thermal insulated containers can also be used to store cold foods, such as milk or smoothies.
Ø  Include whole fruit. Choose whole fruits, such as apples, pears or bananas, which can be stored at room temperature. For vegetables and fruit, remember to wash them thoroughly under fresh, cool, running water.
Ø  Add foods from the cupboard. Choose healthy foods that can be stored at room temperature, such as pre-packaged unsweetened applesauce, crackers, whole grain pita or bread. Be sure your child knows to throw away any opened containers of food afterwards.
Ø  Eat colder foods first. Encourage your child to choose foods that need ice packs for the morning snack, such as yogurt. A whole grain muffin or granola bar would be a better choice as an afternoon snack.
Ø  Keep lunch bags clean. Clean lunch bags and containers with hot soapy water after each use. Never reuse sandwich bags, foil or plastic wrap. Remember to place ice packs in the freezer for the next day!
For more information, visit:




 If your home address will be changing during the summer, please notify the office staff at your child’s school

prior to June 30. Late requests will not be reflected in the planned bus routes to commence in September and

may result in transportation services not being available for your child during the first weeks of school.

Parents will be responsible for their children getting to and from school until appropriate transportation service

is arranged.

The distance criteria for transportation eligibility must be more than: 1.0 kilometer Kindergarten and Grade 1

1.6 kilometers for Grades 2 – 4

2.0 kilometers for Grades 5 – 8

3.8 kilometers for Grades 9 – 12

If your child is moving to grade 2, grade 5, or grade 9 in the 2017-2018 school year, their eligibility status for

transportation may be changing. Eligibility information can be accessed at the website noted below.

Parents who received letters in May of this year indicating that the transportation eligibility status for their

children is being revised due to eligibility reassessment are reminded that this change will occur effective

September 5, 2017.

 All transported kindergarten and grade 1 students are required to be met by a parent/caregiver when

disembarking from their bus on their return trip from school.

 Courtesy transportation, which is assignment of ineligible students to available, empty seats on buses, will not

be initiated prior to October 2. No exceptions.

 Please be aware that during September and early October, STOPR priorities are eligible students requiring

transportation service, bus overloads, and route timing adjustments.

 Requests for additional or adjusted bus stop locations, route adjustments, and challenges to eligibility status

will not be addressed until late October.

 Please be patient. STOPR provides transportation services for approximately 65,000 students to 350 schools

on 1,400 buses. This is accomplished with an operations staff of 15. Every effort is made to complete required

adjustments as quickly as possible, but there are limitations to the volume of changes which can be

appropriately communicated and implemented each week.

 All transportation operations issues are the responsibility of STOPR and not either Board or individual


Contacting STOPR

Internet: This website provides up to date delay and inclement weather cancellation

information in addition to policy, procedures and frequently asked questions This website allows parents to access information specific to “what school do I

attend” and “am I eligible for transportation”. This site also provides parents access to specific bus

stop location and pick up and drop off times for their children if eligible for transportation

Telephone: STOPR: Phone: 905 890-6000

Toll free: 1-800 668-1140