MOCAN Steering Committee Meeting

September 19, 2013

Attendees: Steve Wenger, Pat Simmons, Jace Smith, Angela Jenkins, Mary Ellison, Mary Trelthorst, Jon Stemmle, Robin Gammon, Katie Duggan, Sarah Hampl, David Ross, Mahree Skala, Dave Zellner, Ellen Wheeler, Sam Seeman, Donna Mehrle, Cindy DeBlauw

Sustainability plan implementation

Pat- the final budget is due to CDC by September 30th. DHSS continues to work on the plan for the 7 strategies. The MCH funds-$20,000 for MOCAN has been obligated. The MCH funding will be provided to MOCAN until 9/30/14.

AFRI-the 2nd year budget has been submitted. Donna will be working with food systems work group on the plan. $46,000 has been cut from the 2nd year budge. This cut will be taken out of personnel costs.

Legislative visits

Infograph information from all work groups is due tomorrow. Infographs have been received from the Food System work group. The schools/child care group plan to turn in their key points next week. The child care group plan to have legislative “asks” in their infographic.

HCRC will provide feedback on key points for all groups. Robin will talk to MU-FNEP graphic designer about designing the inforgraphics. For Deadline for infographic is October MOCAN meeting. Each work group will have their own infographic. The drafts of the infographs will be reviewed by the entire membership and changes will be made based on the group feedback.


The MOSKIP group had a call last week. The Missouri call to action needs to be updated with IOM report and BRFSS data. The updated version will need to go through DHSS approval channels. The final version will be tweeted out and sent to MOALPHA. The current plan is on DHSS site but difficult to find. Suggestion- place the updated plan on MOCAN site. Katie will bring the updated copy to the MOCAN meeting. Links to its location on the website would be helpful for distribution of the update.

MOCAN has agreed to support the KC project by serving as a grant applicant. But information has not been received about next steps. A sub-group is seeking other grant funding sources for the KC project. DHSS funding for corner stores will seek to provide cohesion in all of the healthy food projects throughout the state. DHSS is developing an implementation guide.

New Steering Committee Meeting day

Steering committee meetings will be held the third Thursday of each month 10-11am. Some members have conflicts at this time and will not be able to participate in the calls. Members who can’t attend should ask another committee member to participate in the steering committee meetings.

October MOCAN agenda

Coverage of award will be done by MU Extension and DHSS

CANAL report -Rachel Tabak or Amy Eyler

MODOT –unable to participate in October- a replacement is needed. MODOT representatives suggested using the MODOT website or Governor’s MO 100 Mile Challenge for a presentation. Pat can bring materials for this challenge to the October meeting.

Other possibilities for October:

Healthy corner stores- they prefer January- but can do October if needed

Patty Miller- YMCA State Leadership Alliance

Legislative issues discussion- Jace, Steve, Mahree, Dave will collaborate to lead the discussion. Dave will take the lead on organizing the group. Weakening PE restrictions is typical legislation that is proposed each year. This time could also be used to discuss how work groups could focus more on policy issues. Healthcare group is interested in policy regarding physician reimbursement. They would like input of policy group.

January MOCAN agenda

Healthy Corner Stores- Pat will arrange the speaker

Healthy Nevada- Cindy will follow-up with John Gulick

MODOT-Steve will check with speakers about availability

100 Mile Challenge- MOCAN could participate as a group. MOCAN may check on being a sponsor. Donna will check with Patty Miller about a speaker for the meeting. Pat will send Donna contact information for Governor’s office if needed. The Challenge will likely continue beyond the first year.