April 2008IEEE 802.11-08/0494r0

IEEE P802.11
Wireless LANs

April 30th 2008 TGs Telecon Minutes
Date: 2008-04-30
Name / Affiliation / Address / Phone / email
Stephen G. Rayment / BelAir Networks / 603 March Road, Kanata, ON, Canada / +1 613 254 7070 x112 /





The Chair convened the call at 10:06 EDT

The telecon announcement included the following informational pointers:

IEEE Patent Policy

Patent FAQ

LoA Form

Affiliation FAQ

Anti-Trust FAQ


IEEE 802.11 Working Group Policies and Procedures

The Chair inquired if everyone was familiar with the IEEE 802 IPR policy and if there were any potentially essential patents, patent applications, or claims or LoAs which participants should bring forward at this time. No-one indicated unfamiliarity with the policy and no new patents or applications were identified.

The Chair reviewed the proposed Agenda:

1. Attendance
2. IPR and other relevant IEEE policies (see pointers above).
3. Agenda for this call
4. Items scheduled:
4.a Santa Clara ad hoc logistics.
4.b Comments received so far in LB 126.
4.c Santa Clara ad hoc agenda 11-08/461r1.
4.d Jacksonville agenda 11-08/462r1.
5. Adjourn

There were no objections or suggested additions to the Agenda.

4.a Santa Clara ad hoc logistics. 14 people have indicated they will attend. Note that today is the cut-off day for group hotel registration. If you plan to attend and have not notified and , please do so.

4.b Comments received so far in LB 126. Chair has received 12 sets of comments, 2 from one person. Chair will summarize all in a spreadsheet and distribute in document 11-08/493r0 [Has been uploaded.]. Version r1 will be a complete replacement with the official comment resolution spreadsheet.


  • How to provide comments at separate times?
    No official rule. Chair recommended submitting a complete replacement document each time, but in this case he will try to merge together if necessary. Otherwise there is no way to withdraw comments. Chair will ask Adrian Stephens.

4.c. Santa Clara ad hoc agenda. See document 11-08/461r1. As usual there will likely be 4 subgroups for comment resolution: General, MAC, Security and RFI. If any one subgroup has excessive comments, the Chair may further sub-divide that group. Hoping for less than 1000 comments ;-( Chair has obtained permission for a group photo from the 802.11 chair if TGs agrees. There were no comments or suggested changes to the agenda.

4.d. Jacksonville agenda. See document 11-08/462r1. Chair received a request for presentation on the 12th from an MIT author. Will put it in the 1:30-3:30 slot. We have a lot of meeting time. Expect to go through many comment resolutionss from Santa Clara meeting. There were no comments or suggested changes to the agenda.

The Chair asked if there were any further topics for the call. There were none.

The Chair adjourned the call at 10:18.

  1. Donald E. Eastlake 3rd – Motorola
  2. Stephen G. Rayment – BelAir Networks
  3. Dan Harkins – Aruba
  4. Meiyuan Zhao – Intel
  5. Michael Bahr – Siemens
  6. Tony Braskich – Motorola

Submissionpage 1Stephen G. Rayment, BelAir Networks