- Complete walk around all floors for all buildings checking the following:
- Dry Ice order through Reddy Ice, normally weekly order of 150 pounds, Friday normally is not a good day to make a request.
- Call Manny the day before it is needed at 526-5671.
- Record the order and cost in the spreadsheet and deliver the invoice to Cyndi (departmental accounting of they will not be paid).
- Dry ice is free for departmental user.
- Outside (biology, etc. must have advance notice and currently pay $2/pound via an Index number.
- Tom (Stockroom collects the invoices every few weeks for accounting). The pink copy goes to the customer the rest to Tom. The information is also recorded by each person in the lab note book. No record keep required for the supervisor.
- In the past I’ve kept records on the amount used by each chemistry or biochemistry group. Excessive use such as to cool GC must have advance notice to prevent total consumption with nothing for the organic labs, who are the main users. It is used to keep the vacuum pumps being contaminated.
- Check and punch down level of ice in machine outside of room 230. Make certain it has not failed.
- See daily check list which include:
- Observing and recording the temperatures of the cold rooms 4oC,
- The -80 deep freezers (if freezer temperature is outside of the normal range check with users who may have just opened the door)
- DI water consumption (If the consumption is excessive there may be a DI tap left on in the building)
- Electronic alarms for deep freeze, balance alarms, water, temperatures with police warning. Needs upgraded.
- NMR daily QA checks, as shown below.
Magnet / Location / Temp, oC / Off Gas N2 / Off Gas He / % Full Helium
VNMR J 300 / 130
Unity 400 / 130
Unity plus 500 / 41
Mercury 200 / 38
- Daily walk around includes observation of building problems and any hall lights that need to be replaced. A written OFS work order is required to get new ballast of bulbs, minor building repairs, etc. Tracking of the work orders with date of issue and completion date along with any associated charges, if an Index number was required.
- Enter all daily data from the check list into the spreadsheet and file the hard copies which will have daily notes and suggestions:
Red = Order or New Tank / Probe / Probe / 500, Rm 40
Deg C / Electronic / U 400 / U 500 / U500 / NMR Rates
Date / Day / Ice Maker / Dry Ice / LoTemp. / RO H2O / Anti-Theft / Temp, 0C / Temp, 0C / %Fill He / LN2 / LHe
27 Jul 09 / Mon / Full / 70 lbs / -79/-81/-80/ / 18.0 / OK / 25 / 25 / 25 / 10 / 160
- Status of repair work in progress and estimate of completion time. Normally work is not critical but must be completed in a timely fashion. All repair work requires an INDEX number to charge the time and parts to the shop account.
- Repair of major instrument is announced to the department head and via eMailto faculty as well as when the instrument failed and what alternatives can be used until the repair is funded and completed.
- A special protocol is designed to transfer funds to the shop account.
- Details are given under monthly procedures. Always complete a shop work order before accepting work and tag pending work:
- In the past when the work load has been high we have not noted the problem or owner of equipment.
- Work Example: HPLC/MS in W186 can’t pull enough vacuum to start the turbo-molecular pump. The Pirani gauge showed the roughing pump pumped down better than it has in the recent past but it did not reached the critical vacuum required. There is a major leak in the MS block.
- Reset Procedures after an Electrical Power Failure for Chemistry Buildings 65 and 95. Donot initiate any of the following steps if the power is fluctuating between on and off. Wait until the power has been on for at least half an hour. If a power outage is announced turn off computer and critical instruments.
1. Room 230, turn the RO High Purity Water system off (the read out screen will be black). If it has been off for some time it may be necessary to allow the system to regenerate itself until it produces 18 MOhm water. Frequently a problem when users do not follow posted procedure also given on the Instrument Web site.
2. At the alarm box in room 230 for all alarms Enter the 4 digit code (XXXX) to acknowledge the alarm, then XXXX (to clear memory) and XXXX to reactivate the system.
See proper web pages for the complete protocol.
- After Normal Working Hours problems
After hours contact for primary and secondary home phone number are with the police department and listed on the ‘black’ board in room 130. No decision has been made on the safe way to keep the contents of the -80 freezers save during a power outage. The freezers can go without electricity for a few hours without damage to the stored materials. Normally power failure happens only in chemistry building 95 and it is possible to run long extension cords to building 65 for power. If all building are without power dry ice is used to keep the contents safe. The alarm system signals an unsafe increase in temperature.
- Accidents and Safety
- No reagents of any kind, including aqueous buffers or even water may be in a laboratory, cold room, cold box, hood, refrigerator, or even on the bench top without an accurate and legible label. Failure to label containers will incur fines, by the EPA that begin at $3,000 per infraction.
- Fire Drill and Second Floor Fire Warden
1)Enter NMR data into spread sheet, Z0, level, shim values for 400, 300, and 200 MHz NMR’s.
2)Fill all NMR cryomangnets with liquid nitrogen on the same day of the week. The weekly process is also required at the end of the year when the university is closed.
3)Dry Ice is ordered normally ordered once a week or as needed. There is a blanket PO for it as well as for liquid nitrogen and liquid helium.
4)Turn on the helium level sensor meter for the 400 and 500 MHz NMR and record the levels.
Monthly / At least monthly or as required.- Transfer of funds from shop work order.
Enter the transaction in the spreadsheet D_Chklst.xls under Credits$ tab in two places one assigns the next sequence number and one for credit. Complete the WordPerfect for the transfer funds for signatures and Fax/campus mail to ASRC.
- Update web pages as required via Dreamweaver. All files are stored under PageMill and FTP to Praseo server. Do not load pages on line until they have been tested and found to be error free.
- I’ve been lax in making a formal written report of accomplishment to the Department Head. It must be a monthly report on what has been completed and what needs to be done, just a single page of highlights.
- This is not a monthly task but every 60 days the NMR cryomagnets must be filled with liquid helium. The order for a 100 L of liquid helium is place the week before it is needed. It arrives Friday. The process must be continued even when the university is closed at the end of each year. The source of liquid helium is frequently a problem as new suppliers are not allowed to sell to a new customer. Our supplier has been Argyle with their source in Phoenix, AZ. Another source is expensive but available in Tucson.
- Safety inspection for emergency phone contact in each laboratory as well as a check of unlabelled bottles, bad electrical connections, etc.
- Monthly accounting reports are produced at ASRC which must be reconciled to assure accuracy. There are frequent errors in assignment of the correct index number. There are only two 102557 for shop repairs and 101959 for instrumental repair but they are often incorrectly assigned. Other errors include incorrect assignment of credit card charges to one of the above accounts by others in the department.
- Monger Water (our account number is #2869 and their phone number is 575 537-0821) exchanges exhausted ion exchange cylinders under our service contract as needed. The equipment in the basement of both building 65 and 95 used to convert tap water to 16 M-Ohm water is rented from Monger, by the department. The building 65 reservoir is located on the roof. The 700-gallon reservoir for 95 sets alongside the purification equipment. Salt is added periodically and bought from Monger in 90 pound bags. Web page shows additional information:
- Unix/Linux repair on campus problems are through first through either the ICT web page or eMail at: Contacts are Shawn Cooper, Curtis Ewing 6-5945, and Mike Bock 6-3608. A physical fire wall was installed for the 300 MHz NMR because of the many attack.
Before Each Semester / Instructors should advise specific requirements.
1. Quality Control for instruments to be use, especially the Spec 20 for biochemical laboratories. Use standards to ascertain the reliability of measurements. The most common problem is the burn out source light. A full booklet describing each type of colorimeter is in the electronic shop. Readings are recorded in a spreadsheet.
2. The must be adequate supply of gases for the ICP, AAS, GC, GC/MS in 109, 109a, and 108. The ICP take large amounts of nitrogen and argon.
3. Check all lecture hall student chairs for stability and ask OFS for repair for defects.
4. Check login and response for all lecture hall and conference room projectors.
5. Fall and spring require adjustment in the time for the keyless locks (Alarm-Locks). Special training is required to learn the protocols to make a key-card and program locks.
6. The department RO ion exchange cartridges and various filters are change as required in 130 and W357. No charge for non-departmental use of high purity water, all are required to sign for the amount used.
Annually / Or when required- Agree to make annual payment for rental of four-storage sheds to OFS. Also a good to sort out junk and old boxes no longer needed. A photographic list should be kept current on the data base/spreadsheet.
- Annual property inventory which officially begins in January. The ASRC normally does not send out the request for the final report until the beginning of a new year. This department has a large inventory with the search beginning no later than November. OFS property office administers the process and has training classes for new users. This process requires close cooperation between the student who scan each piece of property and the annotation process to transfer data from the bar code reader to a computer and subsequently to the master data set. Note there is a spreadsheet with pictures of some equipment which will help new workers.
- Space Allocation may be done by the Department Head but most data is acquired and annotated. Only the new names and Index number need to be upgraded. See spreadsheet SpaceAllocation.xls under Excel as well as web pages for room occupants, etc.
- Update Chemical Inventory on line for all NMR labs, room 230, and W186, Request safety’s David Shear to change the name from KBurke to the new supervisor.
- Replace centring o-rings for the NMR magnets.
- Check calibration of helium level meters.
- Check the hard drives especially for the HPLC/MS in W186 for number of files. If the computer’s hard drive is filled to capacity the software will have to be re-loaded. The user must specify which files need to be achieved. The files are transferred to the external hard drive on the supervisor’s computer.
- If the major professor does not have special instruction all NMR user’s files are transferred to the supervisors external hard drive and prepared as a DVD or CD for the professor. Once a PhD or MS graduatestudents, as well as undergraduates who have research accounts, have graduated (and left campus) their data is archived from the 400, 300, and 200 MHz NMR.
- Use Ventana (nmsu.edu:8088/ses/) to place an advertisement for a student assistant, Denise will take care of the paper work to hire after she receive the copy of the job requirements. Work Study students cost the department less than half the salary. Those posting are done by the supervisor at Students assistants may work only work 20 hours a week, except during the interim periods.
Comments and Policy
- There should only be a single key to the basement elevator of chemistry building 95. There are three keys one with the Department Head another with the Stock Room. OFS wants limited access to the area and has constructed a fence between their area and the department’s area in the front by the elevator. Stock room access is now required as empty gas cylinders are being stored near the RO water 700 gallon reservoir. Coordination between the supervisor and the stock room is required. Nothing is to be stored in the basement without permission from the supervisor. OFS has strict regulation.
- Monthly and/or occasional meeting with several key building managers has been in effect to suggest and advise OFS management of problems.
- The ice makers in the building are strictly for use in laboratory applications. The ice maker outside of room 230 may not be used for cooling anything for human consumption. The water used to make the ice is clean but frequently uses use contaminated scoops to obtain ice which pollutes the ice. Not for human consumption. Just as chemical refrigerators can’t be used for human food this ice is not allowed to be used to cool bottles or food.
- Similarly the cold room have been used to store food stuffs prior or after laboratory parties. This practice is not allowed because of the possible contamination of biochemical products with human food stuffs.
- Dry ice is cannot be used to decorate punch drinks for Halloween parties or anything which is for human consumption. The ice from ice making machines and dry ice is exclusively for technical use.
- Exception might be a technical demonstration on the making of ice cream with liquid nitrogen and for dry ice use for classroom demonstrations; astronomy buys dry ice to demonstrate comets.
- For major RO water the main sources are W357 and room 230. The uses frequently fail to follow protocol. In the past the stopcock bung for a large bottle of water has popped out and water flooded the floor and dripped through to the labs on the first floor. Similarly users have forgotten to turn off the water which over flow causing a flood for the first floor labs. The uses also forget to turn the RO water generator to standby and it does not regenerate quality water until it is recycled manually. Uses often forget to properly turn off the water or leave it running.
- There is only one complete set of keys for the storage sheds. The Department Head and one other professor (A Lara) have a single key for storage of their records or special property. Only Chemistry property may be stored in the sheds, it is never to be used for personal storage or for storage of excess property from other departments. Discarding of junk outside of the sheds is not allowed. Any junk found outside of a shed with be disposed and result in a department bill.
- There are many key to manage. Remember the building and faculty master must not be lost. Keys are also supplied for student shop workers; they are advised to never open a faculty office unless the supervisor is present. General keys are for: the basement of the building 95 elevator, dry ice freezer, padlocks for ladders, special carts, as well as the key cards for various rooms, and the supervisor left hand desk drawers.
- The second drawer contains the UV cells and standard reference cells used in instrument calibration. The cells are loaned after annotating date, professor, and user.
- Parking passes are issued for the supervisor to allow short-term parking for emergency service. Visitor parking permits are costly and no longer purchased by the supervisor but ePermits can be obtained free on line:
- Petty cash is no longer allowed by the university. A small amount of cash has been collected for the sale of dry ice to visiting college engineering students and is available for quick shopping in local hardware stores.
- The main departmental credit card is listed under the name of K Burke. There is a campus class for future owners of the card. Departmental accounting reconciles the account which may not exceed $10,000 per month and never more than $1,000 per transaction. Only the card holder is permitted to call to report or inquire about problems. All users of the card must obtain permission before use.
- There is a spreadsheet called File which lists the software, instructional manual, and contents of the electronic shop.