ICC Agenda for Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Nelson Hall East, Room 106
1. Approval of Minutes
2. Consent Calendar
nothing this week
3. Academic Policies Committee –
- Procedural Question: does the ICC think we need to APROVE APC resolutions before they go to the Senate or do we simply need a chance to offer feedback?
- Any APC work for us to discuss?
4. Program Planning and Assessment Committee
quick report?
5. AMP
Recommendation to Eliminate the Natural Resources: Wastewater Masters Program (see Memo)
Schedule for Interim Program Review Process – information item:
Process for the 2009-2010 reviews:
• Review is submitted to the office of the department’s college by March 1, 2010
• The dean reviews the reports and works with the department to draft a Memo of Understanding that identifies a common set of expectations, consulting with the Provost as appropriate.
• The Review and its accompanying draft MOU are submitted to the ICC via the Academic Programs office by April 1, 2010.*
• The ICC sends the department and the dean any suggestions it has for MOU revisions by May 1, 2010.*
• Final MOU and Review go to the Provost and the Senate as information items. The latter is expected to occur at the first meeting of the Senate in Fall, 2010.*
*These dates were determined by the Academic Planning Committee on 01/27/2010.
GIS: Recommendation to form an ad-hoc committee to address most efficient/effective ways to teach GIS skills at HSU. Many of present offerings are applications/tools of how GIS applies in specific discipline. Maybe we should shift to a conceptual framework of GIS on intro level, and focus on UD courses like GIS in Social Sciences, GIS in Natural Sciences, etc. Ad hoc committee would consist of a representative of departments—Forestry, Geography, Geology, NRPI, Sociology, ITS rep, Vice-Provost, Associate Deans from Colleges involved. NRPI has requested suspension of GIS Major. Cindy will (soon – by Tuesday’s meeting) write a letter supporting that.
6. CDC
quick report?
7. Forms – online vs. printed? Meet in computer room – Report from Hillary! Borrow laptops from Media Services (we could have a maximum of 5 or 6 if they are not needed for instruction that day), have a laptop & projector come to each meeting? Buy Netbooks for each committee member?
8. Assessing All-University Outcomes: How should we proceed in response to the Educational Effectiveness Review Task Force Report?
9. Next meeting – Subcommittees on Feb. 9