Brinkley Parish Council

Minutes of the meeting held on 1st July 2015

At 7:30pm in the Memorial Hall, High Street, Brinkley

Councillors present: Cllr. I. Monks, Cllr. N. Beamish, Cllr. M. Shuter, Cllr. H. Belsey & Cllr. M.Coley

Present: Hayley Livermore, Clerk. 3 members of the public.

Item / Action
15/07/1 / Public Forum – LGA 1972, Section 100(1):
The issue of speeding in Brinkley was raised and the idea of applying to have 30mph roundels on the approach roads to the village. Many other villages have this including Burrough Green. Cllr Shuter indicated that this would cost in the region of £1800. Residents are hoping to resume speed watch in the village and the highway gates will be painted. Better and more signage of 30mph speed limit is needed in the village.
15/07/4 / Local Authority Reports:
Cambridgeshire County Council
Cllr shuter reported that plans to create a business centre on the 3rd floor of the central library in Cambridge have now been scrapped due to a problem of integrity with the developers. The community services committee are going to consult with library users on the use of this space.
East Cambridgeshire District Council
No representative present and no report sent.
Cambridgeshire Police – SNT
No representative present and no report sent.
Accepted Apologies for absence - LGA 1972, Section 85(1) & (2):
Cllr. J. Mitchell
15/07/5 / Members Declaration of Interest (for items on the agenda) – LGA 2000 Part III:
Cllr Shuter declared interest in item 15/07/10 iii.
15/07/6 / Minutes of the last meeting - LGA 1972, Schedule 12, para 41(2):
The Minutes of the Extraordinary meeting held on 25th June 15 were signed by Cllr Beamish who acted as chairman for this meeting.
15/07/8 / Correspondence:
  1. Brinkley Lion as an Asset of Community Value- The council has received an email from CAMRA regarding listing The Red Lion as an Asset of Community Value. This means that any pub listed as an ACV could not be demolished or converted to any other use without planning permission having been obtained. It was agreed that it would be in the interest of the community of Brinkley to pursue this and therefore the Clerk will proceed with this. Cllr Monks to inform Adrian of this decision.
  2. Donation thank you letters- The clerk read out Thankyou letters from Burrough Green School, Brinkley PCC and the Village Voice.
  3. Lucy Frazer MP- We have received a letter from Lucy Frazer MP detailing that she will be in our area late July and Early August should we wish to organise a meeting with herself and Brinkley residents. It was agreed that it would be more beneficial for Lucy to attend one of the forthcoming Parish council meetings. Clerk to email dates and invitation to meeting.
  4. Electoral review of East Cambridgeshire- The Local Government Boundary commission has commenced an electoral review of East Cambridgeshire District Council. There is a10 week consultation period ending 31st August and individuals and organisations are being asked for their views on warding patterns across the district. It was agreed that BPC would put forward our wish to be grouped with Burrough Green, Westley Waterless, Dullingham and Stetchworth. Clerk to action this.
Planning Applications:
None / Clerk
15/07/12 / Finance:
Cheques for signing and approval
Resolved 15/07/09.01
It was agreed to approve the payments of the following outstanding invoices and the cheques were approved and signed by Cllr. Ian Monks and Cllr. Nick Beamish
H Livermore / 278 / Overtime payment / £128.70
H Livermore / 279 / Expenses / £167.83
G Elliott / 277 / Reimbursement for Goalpost / £250
ECDC / 276 / Play area inspection / £24.00
Cheques payments since the last meeting.
Resolved 15/07/09.02
Cheques payments since the last meeting. Signed by Cllr. N Beamish and Cllr. Harry Belsey.
ECDC / 274 / Uncontested election fee / £100
K Izaaks / 275 / Bin stickers / £210
Audit update- The accounts were approved and signed off at the Extraordinary meeting of 25th June. The internal audit will take place in the next 3 weeks. Annual return must be submitted to external auditors by 27th July.
Budget- It was agreed to revise the budget to allow £500 for maintenance of the Bus Shelter.
Parish Matters:
  1. Play area –Recent inspection reports and work to be undertaken.
  2. The Weeping Silver Lime just to the High St side of the play area which was planted last year doesn’t look healthy- Cathy White from ECDC is coming to have a look and will hopefully advise on this.
  3. Robin Waterhouse was the previous handyman that did jobs for us, we last commissioned work from him in November 2014. He has been in contact and will be returning unused materials and invoicing for work done.
  4. Cllr Belsey has put an advert in the V.V. for a local handyman. There have been a few replies to the advert and Cllr Belsey will follow this to obtain quotes for work.
  5. ECDC inspections-There is a new ECDC inspector, Chris Light. He has lengthened the list of things needing attention on the play area. None are listed as dangerous or needed immediate attention. Cllr Belsey would very much like to accompany him on his next inspection to complete a scope of work for the handyman.He has not returned telephone calls (x2) or emails (x2). Two original suppliers have been tracked down Playdale; and Playscape Designs. Playdale supplied the aerial zip wire; Neither claim knowledge of the rope ladder on the activity cube. Tilbrooks Landscape of Tuddenham supplied the last batch of play area quality tree bark (4 cubic metres). Playscape have offered to make a new rope ladder and come and fit it. The village sign needs rubbing down and repainting and the bus shelter needs repainting and the wood retreated. Cllr Shuter to follow up on this with ECDC to get hold of Chris Light to arrange a meeting.
  1. Allotments- Following letters of concern from allotment holders the Clerk and Councillor Mitchell visited the allotments and found that upkeep was not being maintained. There was one plot in particular that was extremely overgrown. It was agreed to write to this allotment holder regarding the upkeep of their plot and whether they wish to keep their plot. All other allotment holders will be sent a letter to remind them that as per the allotment agreement they are required to keep the plot and the areas around it in a tidy state. Vacant allotment to be advertised in next edition of Village Voice
  2. LHI Bid Funding- It was agreed to apply to the Local Highways initiative for funding for 30mph speed roundels on the roads leading in to Brinkley. This is likely to cost £1500-2000 and BPC will fund £250 towards this. Clerk to complete application form and send to Cllr Shuter for further assistance.
  3. Grass cutting–There have been a few complaints from residents regarding the quality of Grasscutting in the village. It was agreed to put the contract out to tenure in the autumn when it expires with CGM. It was agreed to ask CGM to extend the area in which they cut the grass. Clerk to action.
  4. Wheelie bin 30mph sticker distribution- The bin stickers are now with the clerk. Cllr Monks read out the proposed letter to be sent out to residents with the stickers. It was agreed that an additional paragraph would be added stating that it is Brinkley Parish Council’s first step in addressing the speeding problems in the village. It was agreed that the letter would be signed by Cllr Monks and Cllr Shuter and then distributed with
the stickers by Mike Lawford and Cllr Shuter. Clerk to action
Items for next meeting:
LHI bid
Date of meetings for 2015:
The next meeting is to be held on Wednesday 9th Septemberat 7:30pm, in the Memorial Hall.
Further meetings will be held on
  1. Wednesday 11th November 7.30pm
There being no further business the Chairman thanked everyone for their attendance and declared the meeting closed at 21:15pm. / MS