CSC: Can you tell me a little about your family?
Daniel: My family is my older brother, his girlfriend, and my three sisters. My family is very supportive and we all like sports.
CSC: Are you going to school?
Daniel: Yes, I attend Piedmont Hills High School.
CSC: What is your favorite subject?
Daniel: P.E.
CSC: Have you considered going to college?
Daniel: A little bit. I’ve been thinking about it.
CSC: What do you like about your CSC?
Daniel: She’s cool, she’s nice, and if I need help I just have to text her or email her.
CSC: Would you like to work?
Daniel: Yeah, because you get to have your own money.
CSC: Have you tried to work?
Daniel: No.
CSC: But I know you are gonna participate in the summer Workability program right?
Daniel: Um-hmm
CSC: What are you hoping that would be like?
Daniel: Fun…you get to meet new people.
CSC: What would be your dream job?
Daniel: To play pro sports.
CSC: What dreams do you have for Daniel?
Brother/Guardian: I really hope that he can become a responsible adult and obtain a college degree and have a full time job as he gets older.
CSC: What does CaPROMISE mean to you?
Brother/Guardian: Support and relief honestly just because trying to raise Daniel is kind of hard being a 24 year old so with this extra support we’re able to conform him to try to be that responsible adult that I really dream to have him as one day. And then it also helps us add another voice to try to get him to be productive and lead down the right direction.
CSC: What CaPROMISE activities have you participated in?
Brother/Guardian: We participated in the person driven planning and then we got familiar with how the program works. We also participated in a job fair.
CSC: What are some things your CSC has helped you or your family with?
Brother/Guardian: She has helped us in trying to find like a home that has like affordable housing. Honestly just everything really in our lives.
CSC: What do you like about your CSC?
Brother/Guardian: Uh everything. She is very open and we have just constant communication with her. And she is very easy to get in touch with as well. Just having that easy contact is probably the best thing.
CSC: Is there anything else you would like to share?
Brother/Guardian: Yeah I just wish this program could be able to stay open because my child’s academic achievements they have drastically improved. I mean he went from having an F in one class to actually having a C in passing and that’s just from the constant support. I would hope that a program like this would be able to stay open so they can help other children like mine who are struggling and who do need the support.