Year 11 Home Economics, Food and Nutrition Revision Timetable

1 :Nutrition,Dietand Health ThroughoutLife
Topic / You need to be able to: / Revise week commencing / Revised yes/no
Dietary GuidelinesandFoodChoice / Identifyandunderstandcurrentdietary guidelinesassetbygovernmenttargets.
What are the eight healthy eating guidelines? Why should we be having more fibre in our diet? Why do we need to cut down on the amount of salt in our diet?
Investigateandexploreeatingpatternsandanalyse the implicationsofpresentdayeatingtrendsonhealth– fastfood,cook-chill food,readymeals,convenience foodsandpreparedorpartiallyprepared,e.g.stir frypacks.
How have the above changed the way that we eat? What impact has this had on our health? Why is there a demand for this type of food? / 20/2
Nutrients / Identifythemicroandmacronutrientsandstatetheirsources,functionsandtheimplicationsofdietarydeficiencyorexcessonhealth. Protein, fat, carbohydrate (macro) vitamins and minerals (micro). Know their function, deficiency, sources, excess. / 6/3
Terminology / Understandcurrentnutritional terminology– EARs,RNIs,DRVs
What do these mean and who do they apply to?
EnergyBalance / Understandhowenergyismeasuredandconsiderenergy valueoffoods andevaluate food inrelation to energycontentandindividualneeds. Energy is measured in joules. How much energy does, fat, protein, carbohydrate provide per gram.
Nutritional NeedsofIndividuals / Understand the relationshipbetweendietandhealth
(i)demonstrateknowledgeofpresentdaydietrelatedillnesses–coronaryheartdisease,type 2 diabetes,diverticulitis,obesityanddentalcaries. You need to know what these mean, treatment, prevention.
(ii)applyknowledgeofnutritional requirementsofdifferentgroupswithin amulti-culturalsociety – age andgender,pregnantwomen,vegetarians,lowincomeandthosewitheatingdisorders. How do their nutritional requirements vary? Why do they need more of/less of?
(iii)recognisethatspecial dietsexist– coeliacs,lactoseintolerance,anaemia. What do these mean? How can they be treated?
Applyanddemonstratenutritional understandingto developandproducesuitable food itemsforanintendedpurpose. Be able to design a food item for a specific target audience e.g coeliac, toddler, teenager, lactose intolerant? / 13/3
FoodCommodities / Understand the roleoffood commodities (Meat, fish eggs, cereals etc),applyanddemonstratenutritional understandingto developandproducesuitable food itemsforanintendedpurpose. Selecting the correct ingredients for different nutritional needs to produce a suitable dish. / 20/3
2 : FactorsAffectingConsumerChoice
FactorsAffectingConsumerChoice / Statewhy peopleeatandidentifythereasonsforfood preferences. Why do people like different types of food? (Religion, travel, money, how they have been brought up, where they live, availability of food etc)
Showanunderstandingofthemanydifferentfactorsthataffectpeople'schoiceoffood–lowincome,cost,age,lifestyles,social/economic/environmental factors,religion,culturalandracial diversity,andmediainfluence
Applycostingwhenmakingfood selectionstakingintoaccountingredients,preparation,cookingmethodandtime–you did this in coursework –costing dishes to make affordable to teenagers.
Considerthe effectsofvariousmarketingandadvertisingtechniquesandstate/explaintheirinfluenceonconsumers'food choices. How can advertising affect people’s food choice, BOGOFF offers etc. / 27/3
CurrentFoodDevelopments / Considertheimpactofcurrentdevelopmentson food choice,healthandlifestyle,e.g.organicfoods,geneticallymodifiedfoods,functionalfoods,ethical foods– fairtradefoods,farmassured foods,nanofoods (you need to know what all of these mean and the symbols of each)
Identifyandevaluate avarietyofnewfood products,and justifyconclusionsontheirsuitabilityforinclusioninfamilymeals. Forexample,alternativeproteins (quorn tofu, tvp),smartfoods(modified starch that is used in industry to make ready make meals. By using this starch water will not be squeezed on and sit on top of product). Whatotherdevelopments have there been e.g. benecol (lowers cholesterol) can you think of any more? / 3/4
Packaging / Identify a range ofpackagingmaterialsuseddomesticallyandevaluatetheirfitnessfora varietyofpurposes,e.g.packedmeals,cookingandstorage. Considertheuseofrecycled,biodegradableandsustainablematerialsandtheireffectsontheenvironment / 10/4
FoodLabelling / DemonstrateknowledgeoftheFoodLabellingRegulationsandcurrentfood labellingguidelinesandtheireffectonconsumerchoice. What must a label have on it by law? What colour coding information is available on packing and how is this helpful for the customer?
3 : Nutritional,Physical,ChemicalandSensoryProperties ofFoods in Storage,PreparationandCooking
AnalysingFoodFunctions / Demonstratescientificawarenessandhavebasicunderstandingofthenutritional,physical,chemical and sensory propertiesandcharacteristicsoffood inrelation to preparationandcookingtechniquesusedinthehome– heattransfer,vitaminloss,colloidalsystems,denaturation,gelatinisation,thickening,aeration,emulsification,coagulationandcaramelization. You need to know the definition of each of the terms and provide an example of the food that they are evident in. / 17/4
FoodandtheSenses / Useevaluationtechniquesas ameansofidentifyingthesensorycharacteristicsoffoods inorderto make informedchoices– hedonicranking,rating,triangletest,starprofileandcandidates'owninitiatives. We did this activity in yr 10.
CookingMethods / Understandanddemonstratewhy food is cooked,therangeofcookingmethodsandhowcookingmethods(steaming, roasting, grilling, frying, boiling, bake)usedinthehome(moist,dry andmicrowave)affectthequalityofdishes– nutritional,sensory,consistency,palatability / 24/4
Preservation / Understandwhy food needsto bepreserved and investigatemethodsusedinthehomethatprolongfood qualityand the affectoftheseonsensory qualitiesoffood. Know different methods of food preservation that you can do at home e.g pickling, jamming ect and know the effect that these have on the sensory qualities of the food. / 1/5
Additives / Identifythemaincategoriesofadditivesusedin food productionandevaluatetheirfunctionandrole. Preservatives, colourings, flavourings and sweeteners, emulsifiers and stabilisers, thickeners –what are they used for, evaluate them.
MenuPlanning / Apply anddemonstrateknowledgeofthefunctionsoffood ingredientsin the planninganddevelopingofmenus. Know why certain ingredients are selected e.g. some for flavour, aroma, texture, thickeners, coagulation, gelatinization, dextrinistation. / 8/5
DevelopingandModifyingRecipes / Develop,adaptormodifyrecipesthroughpractical work. You did this in your coursework –task 2. / 8/5
4 : FoodHygieneandSafety
FoodSpoilage / State the types offoodspoilagethatcan occur andexplain themicrobiologicalchanges thattake place–yeasts,moulds,fungi, enzymesandbacteria / 15/5
Health,Safety andHygiene / Recognise the importanceof a high standard ofhygieneand thetechniquesrequired forthe safe handling offoodwhenpurchasing,storing,preparing andcooking. Know cross contamination, correct storage of food (in transit from shop to home, correct temp of fridge/freezer) Core temperature of cooked meat. How should food be stored? Coloured coded chopping boards, wash as you work, personal hygiene ect. / 22/5
RiskAssessment / State and explain currentlegislation–the Food SafetyActand FoodHygieneRegulations andothercurrentfoodhygienestandards andregulations. What is their role?
Demonstrate knowledge ofthe role ofstatutoryagencies thatmonitorFood HygieneStandards andensure thatfoodis fitforconsumption,i.e.EnvironmentalHealth Departments andthe Food Standards Agency. What is their role? / 29/5
Process,ManufactureandStorage / Knowandunderstandthe methodsused forfoodstorage,cooking andreheating in the homein relation to temperaturecontrol;chilling,freezing,microwave ovens. Nedd to know temp of fridge/ freezer, how to check that food is cooked properly in the home. How to use a microwave properly etc. / 5/6