Meet me at the lodge at Deadwood

May 18th-20th, 2011

South Dakota Society for Human Resource Management State Conference

Take the gamble and join us for

“HR . . . A Business’s Trump Card”

Where you will learn how to be that ace-in-the-hole key resource with a winning edge for your business. Obtain the advantage personally and professionally by attending this conference!

The deck is stacked to provide you with a winning hand for development!

Conference Agenda

Wednesday, May 18th

Noon – 3 pmRegistrationConference Center Lobby

1 pmOpening RemarksBallroom B & C

Janice Minder, State President for South Dakota SHRM

Shelly Kendrix, Co-Chair of 2011 SDSHRM Conference

1:15 pmIs anyone cheating?Ballroom B & C

“Corporate Social Responsibility & Business Sustainability: HR’s Leadership Role”

Howard Wallack, Director of Global Member Programs SHRM

2:15 pm“Struck Gold” Break with refreshmentsBallroom B & C

2:30 pmDouble or Nothing…

“Employment Decisions & Employment Laws: How They’ve Changed”

Lynn Jackson Shultz & LeBrun PC

3:30 pmBasic StrategyBallroom B & C

“What Would Andy Griffith Do? Emotional Intelligence”

Jon Sogn, Lynn Jackson Shultz & LeBrun PC

4:30 pmTime for some Comps! Welcome Reception (Cash Bar)Ballroom A & D

Hosted by Lynn Jackson Shultz & LeBrun PC

5 pmState Council MeetingRoosevelt Room

5:30pmPrairieberry BusConference Center Lobby

Thursday, May 19th

7 am – 3pmRegistrationConference Center Lobby

7 am – 8:30 amEarly Bird Continental BreakfastBallroom B & C

7:30 amAnte Up…Ballroom B & C

“10 Legal Topics in 60 Minutes: Surprises in Law: Tips & Techniques”

Lynn Jackson Shultz & LeBrun PC - Panel

8:45 amOpening RemarksBallroom B & C

Laurie McIntosh, Field Services Director SHRM

Deadwood Mayor Francis Toscana

9:15 amGet the House Edge…Ballroom B & C

“Turning Your HR Department Into a Profit Center”

Dr. Michael W. Mercer, Ph.D.

10:30 amPoker RunBallroom A & D

Enjoy refreshments while picking up your cards from participating vendors.

Top Vendor hands will receive prizes during the banquet.

11:30 amMaking Your Hand…Ballroom B & C

“Building Alliances Inside and Out: Harnessing the Power of Different Alliances

Laurie McIntosh,Field Services Director SHRM & John Friend, HR Manager Cetero Research

12:30 pmChip in on a great lunch while hearing how to “chip in”Ballroom A & D

Beth Cooper, SDSHRM Foundation

Also continue on your poker run!

1:15 pmConcurrent Sessions

Jackpot… “Absolutely fabulous Organizational Change”Ballroom B & C

Dr. Michael W. Mercer, Ph.D.

VIP – “Effective Individuals Reap the Rewards of a Royal Flush!”Russell Room

Jennifer M. Reecy, Consultant, Author & Life Coach

Check… “Termination Checklist & Employee Handbook Tune-Up”Roosevelt Room

Cathy Sabers & Cammy Theeler, Lynn Jackson Shultz & LeBrun PC

2:45 pmPoker RunBallroom A & D

Enjoy refreshments while picking up your cards from participating vendors.

Top hands will receive prizes at the end of the conference.

3:00 pmConcurrent Sessions

Double Down… “Incredible Teambuilding and Teamwork”Ballroom B & C

Dr. Michael W. Mercer, Ph.D.

“It’s in the Cards”… “ Making Sense of Profile Testing”Russell Room

Rick Tiemann, CEO of the Executive Group

Call… “ When Should I Call My Lawyer?”Roosevelt Room

Lynn Jackson Shultz & LeBrun PC

4:15 pmCalling Trump…Ballroom B & C

“Knowing How to Read Financial Statements & Offer Insight as an HR Professional”

David Hannah, Paystubz

5:15 pmLast Chance at the Poker Run with VendorsBallroom A & D

Silent Auction wrap up

6 pmBanquet – Best Vendor Hand & Door Prize Give Away. Silent Auction Winners announced.

Friday, May 20th

7:30 am – 8:30 amAces & Eights - Continental BreakfastBallroom B & C

8:30 amOpening RemarksBallroom B & C

Melanie Weber, Co-Chair of 2011 SDSHRM Conference

8:45 amConcurrent Sessions

Are you a King… “Effective Leadership Part I”Ballroom B & C

TJ Readon, CEO Readon Consulting

Counting Cards… “ Check Them Please: Validation References”Russell Room

Rick Tiemann, CEO Executive Group

Don’t be a Joker… “The Importance of Trust & Character” Part IRoosevelt Room

Phil Rasnick, PML Programs, LLC

10 amTime for Comps! - Break Ballroom A & D

10:30 amConcurrent Sessions

Are you a King… “Effective Leadership Part II”Ballroom B & C

TJ Readon, CEO Readon Consulting

“Legislative Regulatory: What's New, Hot What to Watch For”Russell Room

Joe Dreesen, Jackson Lewis

Don’t be a Joker… “The Importance of Trust & Character” Part IIRoosevelt Room

Phil Rasnick, PML Programs, LLC

11:45 amWho has the BEST Conference Hands? Ballroom B & CWinners of the Poker Run determined & Closing Remarks