September 12, 2012

The regular meeting of the Honey Brook Township Board of Supervisors was called to order at 6:30 p.m. Supervisors Lew Wertley, John McHugh, and Joe Fenstermacher were present, as was Township Administrator Antoinette Antonini and Township Engineer Michael Reinert.

In accordance with Resolution 2-2012, it was announced that the meeting was being filmed by Scott Stilson of 275 Vincent Drive.

Consent agenda.

Minutes of the August 8 regular meeting; bills/receipts; treasurer’s report; Motion by Joe Fenstermacher, seconded by John McHugh, to approve the consent agenda. All in favor—Motion carries.

Treasurer’s Report-August 31 2012

Assets--Gen Fund / 934,741 / General Fund Receipts / $113,587.76
Assets--Cap Reserve / 980,410 / General Fund Expenditures / $87,280.22
Assets--Op Reserve / 350,330
Assets--State Fund / 137,214 / Cap Reserve Receipts / $26,006.30
Assets--Land Pres / 1,271,440 / Cap Reserve Expenditures / $0.00
Total Assets / $3,674,136
Op Reserve Receipts / $56.53
Assets in Restricted Account / Op Reserve Expenditures / $0.00
Gen Fund--Recreation / 64,183
Gen Fund--Hlth Reimb / 11,201
Land Pres Fund / 1,271,440 / State Fund Receipts / $57.30
State Fund Expenditures / $108,076.36
Liabilities--Gen Fund / 96,200
Liabilities--Cap Reserve / 1,030,440 / Land Pres Fund Receipts / $76,549.35
Liabilites--Op Reserve / 0 / Land Pres Fund Expenditures / $27,698.20
Liabilities--State Fund / 79,288
Liabilities--Land Pres / 365,605
Total Liabilities / $1,571,533 / Sinking Fund (Loan)
Assets / $17,291
Equity--Gen Fund / 838,541 / Liabilities / $4,209,976
Equity--Cap Reserve / -50,030
Equity--Op Reserve / 350,330 / Land Preservation (Loan)
Equity--State Fund / 57,926 / Assets / $149.41
Equity--Land Pres / 905,835 / Liabilities / $1,499,851.00
Total Equity / $2,102,602
Suplee Turnback (State)
Less Restricted Acct / 981,220 / Assets / $129,890.78
Working Capital / $1,121,383 / Expenses / $4,736.65

Departmental Reports

Parks & Recreation Committee: Joe Fenstermacher mentioned a candy drop at a designated area, dropped from Joe’s plane, on Saturday, October 20. Drop point is James A. Umble Memorial Park on Suplee Road. If purchase pumpkin for $1, then child can participate in candy drop.

John McHugh mentioned the committee’s sponsoring a demonstration of Pickle-Ball at Harmony Day at James A. Umble Memorial Park.

Township office has had no other residents indicate interest in serving on the committee.


Township Fall newsletter to be released end of September. Will be on website

John McHugh pointed to announcements on the website about Wounded Warriors event at the Golf Club in October & date for general election; also, last day to register to vote and to submit for absentee ballot.

1st week of September, lost four servicemen. We should take a moment to remember those serving our country.

Open Forum.

Leslie Siebert, Icedale Road & member of Planning Commission. A friend of hers works for Audubon Society of Pennsylvania. Colleague of hers asked if HBT would like to be a “Bird Town.” There are levels of commitment for what that means. Short list: like with Tree City, USA (which promotes planting of trees), sign to …. Improved ecology, increased pride & marketability, economic development, maintenance times reduced, cleaner air/water, educational component for community & in schools, community pride in the outdoors. Meets MS4 for educational outreach. Struble Lake, a rich bird area. Renewed ecosystems & better informed constituency. Residents can improve properties to attract birds & education at township level. She has more information. Wanted to get the conversation started as to what would be required.

John McHugh mentioned Parks & Recs will discuss this topic at their meeting next week for a possible program in 2013. Allentown, PA is celebrating their first year in the program.

Question came up regarding linepainting and when it would be done. The Township has inquired with vendor and due to weather and other matters beyond our control, the schedule has had to be revised and pushed back. Honey Brook Township is on the schedule and we are following up with the vendor quite often.

John McHugh mentioned Route 10 should be completed within the week. Lew Wertley agreed to hearing the same.


Adopt/not Adopt Ordinance 163-2012, maximum speed limit of 35 mph on Talbotville, Icedale, Mill, Meadville and Forrest Road

Lew Wertley opened public hearing at 6:50 pm. No public comments.

Hearing closed 6:51 pm.

Motion made by John McHugh and seconded by Joe Fenstermacher to adopt Ordinace 163-2012 . All in favor. Motion carries.

Adopt/not Adopt Ordinance 164-2012; Western Chester County Council on Government (WCC COG) Ordinance/Agreement.

Lew Wertley opened the public hearing on Ord 164-2012; Western Chester County Council of Government (WCCCoG) at 6:52. No comments from the public.

Hearing closed at 6:53.

$250 first year; $500 per year after that. Covers cost & legal services for running COG. Might be more than what is needed so cost can be adjusted going forward. Opportunity to discuss matters with other municipalities and have joint efforts. Primary rep & back-up need to be designated. John McHugh volunteered to be primary; Lew Wertley volunteered to back-up.

Motion by Joe Fenstermacher to approve Ord 164-2012; seconded by John McHugh. All in favor; motion carries.

Authorize/not Authorize advertisement of Ordinance 165-2012; Amendment to Western Chester County Regional Uniform Construction Code Board of Appeals (WCCRUCCBOA) Intergovernmental Co-op Agreement

Litigation going on in the western part of the Commonwealth.

Discussion was had regarding what this appeals board does.

Mr. Reinert stated if there is a dispute or appeal of an interpretation made by the Building Code Official for the Township regarding the Uniform Construction Code, this board would hear that case. There is a listing of qualified professionals consisting of architects, engineers, contractors and related individuals making up the Board. Township has been a participating member since 2009 and only one case has been heard in that time.

Lew Wertley stated he would like more information, to hold off till litigation settled and to go over with Township Solicitor before making a motion for this item.

Joe Fenstermacher and John McHugh agree.

Adopt/not Adopted Resolution 9-2012; Establish WCCRUCC Board of Appeals.


Authorize/not Authorize participation in the 2013-2016 Household Hazardous Waste Program.

Toni Antonini stated this is a three year program. Get a 50% reimbursement from DEP as long as a member. This is a program from the Chester County Solid Waste Authority for things not accepted at the landfill.

The Township gets a bill from the the County 2x a year for recycling events for household hazardous waste drop-offs each year. When you participate in the program, the municipality receives a percentage back from DEP.

Discussion was had regarding how residents would be made aware of events. Will post on website and at Township building

Motion was made by Joe Fenstermacher to participate in program. Seconded by John McHugh. All in favor; motion carries.

Approve/not approve TDR Analysis recommendation Lot #1 and Lot #2 of Margaret Faulkner Subdivision.

The Board reviewed the TDR recommendation letter dated August 14, 2012 prepared by the Township Engineer for two properties consisting of the previously recorded Margaret Faulkner Subdivision located on Dampman and North Birdell Road. The analysis was requested by Ms. Faulkner and Ms. Elizabeth Haas, owners of the two properties, in order to determine the number of TDR’s on each property following the subdivision. Mr. Reinert explained his recommendation letter to the Board and noted that each property was determined to yield 23 TDR’s.

Mr. Fenstermacher asked what was the cost of this review/certification? Mr. Reinert stated it is paid by applicant and Ms. Antonini will invoice the applicant accordingly.

Joe Fenstermacher motioned to approve 23 TDR’s for each of the two properties per the Technicon letter of August 14, 2012; seconded by John McHugh. All in favor, motion approved.

Sweetwater Business Land Development Phase 1 Final Plan.

Mr. Reinert provided summary of the project and explanation that the original land development plan was approved in 2009, however the applicant has decided to submit a phased plan since only the improvements for the diner are completed at this time. There are no immediate plans to complete the remaining portion of the previously approved plan, which consists of an office/retail building. In order to release the funds currently secured with the Township, the improvements must either be completed or a phased plan submitted for the portion already completed, which was the choice of the applicant.

A number of waivers are being requested by the applicant, which are similar to the ones granted under the 2009 plan. The Board referenced the letter from the Township Engineer dated August 27, 2012 and the review letter dated August 17, 2012. The applicant agreed to comply with the review letter.

Motion by Joe Fenstermacher, seconded by John McHugh to approve the following waivers per the letter of August 27, 2012: §22-604.2.A, §22-612, §22-615.3.C, §22-618.1, §22-619, §22-621, §22-626.1, §22-629.4 & §22-629.5.E provided the applicant relocates the eight trees previously proposed to be planted along the western property boundary to the western edge of the parking lot area. These plantings shall be included in the Phase 1 proposal. All in favor, motion carries.

Motion by Joe Fenstermacher, seconded by John McHugh, to grant conditional final plan approval contingent upon the applicant satisfying all comments outlined in the Township Engineer’s review letter dated August 17, 2012. All in favor, motion carries.

Deferral of plan review to Salisbury Township for Paul and Fannie Blank Subdivision.

Mr. Reinert provided summary of project, stating that the subject tract is located in both Salisbury Township, Lancaster County and Honey Brook Township, Chester County with minimal acreage in Honey Brook. There is no disturbance or development proposed on the plan and will continue as an agricultural use. The tract has positive drainage into Honey Brook and there is the potential for future construction on the lot in the municipality. The Planning Commission and Mr. Reinert suggested placing a note on the plans giving Honey Brook Township right to review if any changes or development are proposed in the Township in the future. The Board referenced the Planning Commission discussion and letter of August 27, 2012.

Motion by Joe Fenstermacher and seconded by John McHugh to defer the plan review of the Paul and Fannie Blank Subdivision to Salisbury Township provided a note is indicated on the plans subject to review by the Township Engineer. All in favor; motion carries.

Approve/not approve reimbursing funds for Pickle-Ball

Marty Renninger, Cog Hill Drive, approached Parks & Recs Commission about converting one tennis court into two pickleball courts also; so able to utilize court for either game. Parks and Recs Commission recommended to Board of Supervisors who agreed. This will be done in 2012/2013. Mr. Renninger purchased two nets and some other supplies so as to demonstrate the pickleball game during the upcoming Harmony Day event and would like reimbursed for these supplies and has copies of two (2) invoices for reimbursement.

Discussion was had regarding effect of permanent lines and confusing tennis players. Due to different paint color for lines it would resemble same idea as in gym with basketball, volleyball and other such games lined.

Lew Wertley asked where nets would be kept? If Township reimburses for nets and supplies, then Township owns and would keep on site.

Suggestion was made by John McHugh that supplies could be stored at Public Works building over winter and Twin Valley Little League has a storage shed also.

Will clarify storage and accessibility further when season approaches.

Motion by Joe Fenstermacher to approve permanent painting of 2 court pickle ball on one of the tennis courts was made. Seconded by John McHugh. All in favor. Motion carries.

Motion was made by Joe Fenstermacher and seconded by John McHugh to approve reimbursement to resident Marty Renninger for Pickle ball supplies from Park and Rec fund.

Marty Renninger also demonstrating pickle ball from 10-12 on Harmony Day. Don Welsh from New Holland will be teaching.

Approve/not approve awarding gift certificates for tennis volunteer/helpers from Park and Recs:

Terese Mauchline, Secretary of Parks and Recs Commission, spoke regarding the committee suggesting $30 or so or a gift certificate to a bookstore for helpers at tennis camp.

Motion by Joe Fenstermacher to approve awarding $30 to the helpers of the tennis camp for 2012 summer season. Seconded by John McHugh. All in favor. Motion carries.

Approve/not Approve purchase of pumpkins for Parks & Recs pumpkin event October 20, 2012.

Motion by John McHugh and seconded by Joe Fenstermacher to approve purchase of pumpkins for Parks and Recs pumpkin event scheduled for Saturday, October 20, 2012. All in favor. Motion carries.

Discussion on Recreation funds.

All funds disbursed from Recreation Account must be approved by Board of Supervisors. There is $64,183.00 in Recreation account at this time of which $12,000.00 has been budgeted to security cameras/equipment and tennis court resurfacing.

Final Open Forum

John McHugh referenced $1086.00 expenditure from Land Pres Loan account. This expense was for Solicitor’s service for loan establishment and should have been paid at the closing. Account adjusted and closed.

Correction was made to August 8th 2012, minutes to reflect John McHugh’s statement regarding Senator Brubaker’s office and DAR facilities

Question regarding what Buckley Brion Attorneys at Law, is- Mr. Lew Wertley stated the Township has two appointed Solicitors and has since 2006. Buckley Brion is handling the Honey Brook Estates litigation.

Monthly retainer? Toni Antonini responded -- no, hourly fee for services rendered.

Terese Mauchline, Secretary for Parks and Recs Commission stated the need for a trail from Honey Brook Elementary School to Honey Brook Library.

John McHugh contacted Jamie Whye, Principal of the Honey Brook Elementary Center, regarding the Trails project to determine what assistance was needed. They came to us asking what assistance could be provided. The elementary school has formed a committee and is moving forward. Need to know who would own project; what costs would be incurred; could there be grants, etc.

Lew Wertley understands this as a school district project.

John McHugh mentioned would trail be open to public, or only for school use? Township would need to know would trail be open to the public or only for school use. Would need to know cost, maintenance responsibility, ownership, etc. then Board could whether or not the Township would participate and/or allocate funds. More information is needed regarding this project.