St Osyth Road East

Little Clacton


CO16 9PH

Telephone No. 01255 860210

Facsimile No. 01255 861838


Headteacher: Doug Brown

1st July 2011

Dear Parents

Despite torrential rain on days one and two of our trip to Kingswood in Norfolk with our Year 6 children, we had an amazing time with the children proving to everyone that given a challenge they are prepared to make a huge effort to test themselves to the extreme.

The children entered into every task and activity with a great degree of enthusiasm and pushed themselves to the limit. We were happily surprised to see some of the more timid and quiet children putting their all into achieving things we may well have thought they would not attempt.

I would also like to congratulate them on their general behaviour and the good manners they showed towards others throughout the visit. My thanks also go to the staff who gave up their time to make the visit possible.

District Sports

With most Year 6 children out at Kingswood we sent a reduced team to Colchester Garrison for the District Sports. We gave our budding Year 5 athletes the opportunity to compete against Year 6 children in many events and we were very encouraged with how they competed against older children.

Overall the children did their best and some made it through to the finals. Thanks to Miss Watts and the parents who helped with lifts and supported our children.

School Dinners

With the former Kitchen Manager, Mrs. Jones, now working in her new job, the school kitchen is now under new management with Mrs. Ingram appointed to the post. She and her assistant, Mrs. Minter, promise us a new approach and I am sure that if your children have had school dinners this week they will be telling you about how much they have enjoyed them.

Try the new school meals and see how they get on!!


Annual school reports will be sent home with your child today. A great deal of time and energy has been put in to their preparation. Please discuss the content of the report with your child and highlight their successes and achievements.

School Fete

Thank you to all the parents who have been working tirelessly to prepare for the fete tomorrow. We now need the support of everyone by coming along and joining in with what promises to be a great day.




11.30 a.m. – 3.30 p.m.

Sports Days Next Week

Monday 4th July Years 3 and 4 Sports Day @ 1.30 p.m.

Wednesday 6th July Years 5 and 6 Sports Day @ 1.30 p.m.

Can You Help?

Does anybody have an ice cream making machine they no longer use? If you have could Class RB borrow it for Golden Time activities please?

Engaines Art Club Carnival Float

Engaines Art Club are entering a float in Clacton Carnival on Saturday 13th August. The theme is Carnival Goes European and we are representing France. If you would like your child to be on the float there is a small charge of £3.00 which will cover the cost of decorations, entry fees etc. They will need to be in a French costume and meet at the Airfield at 4.30 p.m. They will be well chaperoned by school staff. For safety reasons the children can be picked up at the school when carnival is finished. Please complete and return permission slip below.

Knex Workshop

The Knex Workshop has been rescheduled for 13th July 9.30 – 11.30 a.m. If you put your name down and are still interested in attending please let the office know.

Parent Support Advisor Surgery

This is for parents and carers to come in and speak privately with a Parent Support Advisor, for advice, support, information or signposting relating to concerns they may have with their child. Cathy McGlynn our Parent Support Advisor will be in school every Tuesday between 8.30 – 10.00 a.m.

KS2 Team Points

1st Yellow Team 154 points

2nd Blue Team 133 points

3rd Green Team 125 points

4th Red Team 124 points

Well done Yellow Team!


Yours sincerely




NAME OF CHILD ...... CLASS ......

I would like my child to be on the Engaines Art Club Carnival float on Saturday 13th August.

I enclose £3 to cover the cost of decorations, entry fees etc.

Signed ...... Parent/Guardian