CPIA Proud Supporter of Eliminating Ocean Plastics

Toronto, ON (March 28, 2017) – Protecting water sources and preventing any harm from plastic materials is a priority for CPIA. Canadians we enjoy access to clean water in lakes, rivers, ponds and oceans. This is a privilege. Clean water forms the basis of safe and prosperous communities and it is an increasingly scarce resource in several communities and countries around the world.

Recently The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) launched its Clean Seas campaign, a global initiative to eliminate major sources of marine litter by the year 2022. CPIA believes that approaches to marine litter are most effective when focused on improving the way plastic waste is managed and preventing its migration into our waterways.

“Litter does not belong in any waterway and like all materials, plastics can enhance our lives when responsibly used, reused, recycled and finally recovered for their energy value. CPIA works with governments, retailers, anti-litter groups and consumers to devise solutions to prevent marine debris and provide support for education programs to prevent it in the first place” says Carol Hochu, CPIA President and CEO. “CPIA looks forward to working with our global partners, policy makers and other stakeholders to affect change in managing plastics on land and how our actions impact waterways.”

CPIA is a proud member of the Global Plastics Associations for Solution on Marine Litter which includes 70 associations and 35 countries who have committed to working in public-private partnerships aimed at preventing marine debris.


Reducing marine litter starts with understanding it. CPIA works with the scientific community and researchers to understand and evaluate the scope, origins, impact of and potential solutions to marine litter.

Promoting Best Policies

CPIA promotes establishing science-based policies and enforcing regulations and local bylaws to prevent marine litter as demonstrated for example, in our advocacy for effective policies to phase out microbeads in personal care products. Find out more about microbeads.

Promoting Action and Sharing Knowledge

CPIA sponsors and takes part in activities and special events such as the Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup to clean up marine areas, and to spread the knowledge and resources gained from these and other activities. CPIA promotes effective litter management and responsible waste management practices for all Canadians and provide resources to enable municipalities and others to help spread the word. Find out more about CPIA and Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup.

Preventing Pellet Losses with Operation Clean Sweep®

CPIA promotes safe and environmentally sustainable transport and distribution of plastic resin pellets and products from supplier to customer to prevent product loss, which could result in the introduction of pellets to waterways where they can become a threat to marine and wildlife.

Learn more about reducing marine litter.

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Since 1943, the Canadian Plastics Industry Association has served as the national voice and leader for plastics industry sustainability across Canada and beyond, representing the interests of the plastics value chain including resin and raw material suppliers, processors/converters, equipment suppliers, recyclers and brand owners. Visit for more information.

For More Information:
Darlene Gray,

Canadian Plastics Industry Association,

t. 905.678.7748 ext. 239