Lillian Public School Council Meeting -February 12, 2015 – Minutes

Welcome, Introduction

  • Agenda reviewed and minutes from previous meeting were approved with one change made to date of teacher appreciation lunch. It will now to be held on Wed, April 22.

Principal’s Report

  • Clubs / teams continuing at lunch – soccer for primary, floor hockey for juniors, track and field, primary dance club, boys book club, girls book club (new), scrabble/chess club
  • Continue with the Scientist in the School visits
  • Spirit Days: Red/White/Pink Day will be held on Feb 12th, Tropical Day will be held on March 13th in connection with the Dance-athon
  • Computer Update – updated the operating system as per Board instructions – has slowed down the computers - order has been placed for the off-lease desk-tops for the computer lab – next will be focusing on laptops, then potentially Ipads or White Board technology
  • Friendship Grams –
  • over 500 have been sold
  • all funds raised will be donated in support of Liam’s Brigade to Sick Kids for Neuroblastoma
  • grade 4 student has been spear-heading this campaign
  • Eco Schools / WWF fundraiser –
  • 416 cupcakes for WWF fundraiser were sold
  • Another sale will be done in March- probably on tropical day
  • Upcoming events:

Feb 12-13: Parent Teacher Interviews

Feb 13: PA Day

Feb 20:Electives Day

Feb 23-27:Tennis

Feb 26: Character Development Assembly

Mar 6:Kinder Electives Day

Mar 13:Dance-athon

Mar 16-20:March Break

Mar 23-Apr 10:Climbers in the gym

Blue Spruce has started with guest readers each week (10 weeks in total)

Ongoing – PD opportunities for staff (Math, ESL, Early Years, etc).

Treasurer’s Report

  • May needs to submit an information return form. Still trying to figure out our charitable status although a PSAB report was filled out the previous 2 years. We were under the impression that the council is no longer considered a charity. May will check with CRA and Anita Gaskin at TDSB to see where we stand.

Ms. Dority’s art workshop proposal

  • Mrs. Lord presented a proposal for a ½ day workshop ($3825) and a full day workshop ($6800). It was decided that the money raised by council will not be spent on this workshop.

Future Events Updates

  • Dance-a-thon will be held on Friday, March 13.Beverley will put out flyer and will ask Ms. Doyl to make announcements leading up to the event. Debbie will purchase water for the students.
  • Spring Bulb fundraiser – Parisa will distribute order forms/brochures after the March Break. Half of all proceeds will go to the school.
  • Parent Workshop will be held April 29 from 6-7:30. Jennifer Kolari will present “Going with the Flow”. The cost is $1500. Council will provide childcare and water. Parisa suggested using PEN (Parent Education Network) for our parent engagement next year. They offer 2 hour seminars for $400. Debbie will apply for PROgrant in the spring with this in mind.
  • Staff Appreciation Lunch will be held on April 22 from 11:30-12:30.
  • Magic Show will be held on May 27. There will be 2 shows (4-5pm and 6-7pm) with pizza sold between 5-6pm. Debbie will arrange distribution of tickets and refreshments (drinks and chips) to be sold.

Other Business

  • Lunch room issues: – 1)request for megaphone for lunch supervisors for more effective noise control; unfortunately, if the supervisors do not request such a device, and they haven’t, they will not use them. Lunch room noisier on sub and pizza days and indoor lunches. 2)request to use upper gym for lunch; unfortunately, it cannot be used for lunch as there are programs that run at lunch time.

Future meeting dates

  • Apr 9, May 14 at 1:30pm