Template for Extended abstarct for the 5thInternational Statistical Conference 2014, Institute of Applied Statistics Sri LankA (IASSL)

Title Goes Here: Forecasting Dry Spells in Sri Lanka – A Novel Approach

A B Researcher1, B C Researcher, …, and C D Researcher

(names of the authors, address and email)

Name of the author to be contacted


The Author may use this template to enter text. Replace this text with your abstract of one paragraph, notmore than 350 words. Note that the abstract is explicitly italicized text.

Customer satisfaction is the key to market Internet Banking (IB) services and the banks in Sri Lankaare targeting the unique needs of customers to succeed in providing IB services. The purpose of this study is to determine the factors that influence the adoption of IB services in a private bank in Sri Lanka and suggest some recommendation to the management. A theoretical model was first developed that conceptualizes the links between four types of different sections namely demographic, convenience, risk and security and the adoption of IB. Based on resources and time constrain two stage purposive sampling method was adopted to acquire information through a structered questionaire.Of the attributes related to demographicgender, age, educational level, awarness of the service and monthly income were identified as significantly influential varaibles on IB. Based on direct response of the responents more than 75% strongly agreed that convenience, risk and security directly influence on adoption of IB confirming our theorotical model is correct. Of the attributes related to convenience two factors namely, “bank administration” and “easy banking” were found to be significant on the adoption of IB. Of the attributes related to risk, “reliability” and “confidential” were found to be significant on the adoption of IB. Simillarly “trust” and “instructions” were found as influential factors on adpotaion of IB based on attributes in security. As factors are linear combination of attributrs an understanding of the identified factors are more beneficial than attributes alone to improve the efficient of IB in commercial bank. Results are useful to the practitioners who plan and promote new forms of banking in the current competitive market. The methodlogy applied can be used to any banks as well.

Keywords: Adoption, Convenience, Factor Analysis, Internet Banking, Perceived risk and Security perception. (Maximum six)

1. Introduction

Please use this template in preparing your manuscript. You have to include four sections namley Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion and Conclusions. However, suitable sub titles can have under each of the main headings. All the references must be cited within the text. The reviewers must be able to gauge your paper in terms of correctness, clarity, contribution, originality, novelty, and utility by going through the information that you provide.

This section of the paper should contain the literature survey, background, and motivation. Introduce the area and your work in particular. You must interpret the literature and place your work within the existing body of literature. Then, by using a key phrase like “In this paper” you may introduce your own work. Then highlight the contributions. It is a good idea to briefly describe the structure of the paper as well.

2. Materials and Methods

In this section, data and the important theoretical aspects and your methodology must be described. It is a good idea to justify each of the choices that you have made in your methodology. Write this section to give enough information to the reader to be able to replicate your results. Therefore, do not provide a chronological description of your work, if the information is not necessary to understand the paper or replicate the results.

2.1 Subsections

Begin to enter your text here. This is the standard paragraph format. Use only one space after the period at the end of a sentence. Margins are set for A4 paper: Margins are 2 cm each.

2.2 Format

Times New Roman is used throughout. Font settings for the abstract and body of the paper are 12 point, 1.5 spaced, regular type, justified. The main title is 14 point, bold, centered. The first line indent of a paragraph is .33 cm. Section headings are 12 point, bold, centered. Subheadings are 10 point, italicized.

2.3 Staring a New File

Copy this template to your hard drive. To rename the document, click on Save as under the File menu. Then enter your text honoring the style and format outlined here.

3. Results and Discussion

This section is important as it provides information on the performance of your method. You must present and interpret your results. In regard to results, interpretation is extremely important.You can include Figures, Tables etc. with a suitable title. Each Figure and Table should be quotated in the text. Some examples are shown below.

Figure 1 - Histogram of the log price series

Table 1: Comparison of different diagnostic measure for the identified three mean equations for the log (gold price) series

P Value of the AR Parameter / AIC Value / Durbin-Watson Statistic
AR(1) p = 0.0000 / 3.008 / 2.022
AR(2) p = 0.0000 / 2.324 / 1.055
AR(1) p = 0.0000
AR(2) p = 0.8174 / -3.001 / 2.000

3.1 Section Headings and Secondary Headings

Section heads are 12 point, bold, centered. Use title-case for headings, i.e., capitalize the first letter of each word except articles and prepositions. This is applicable to the paper title as well.

3.2 Text

Text is set in two columns of 8.25 cm, with a 0.5 cm space between them. Type all the text in Times New Roman, 12 point, 1.5 spaced, justified form. The first line indent is .33 cm. There must be only one space after the period at the end of a sentence. Do not add linefeeds between paragraphs.

4. Conclusions and Recommendations

Conclusions are shorter sections of academic texts which usually serve two functions. The first is to summarize and bring together the main areas covered in the writing, which might be called "looking back"; and the second is to give a final comment or judgment on this. In addition to the conclusion some recomemdation based on the study may also include making suggestions for improvement and speculating on future directions.


It is very important to correctly format the references. Reviewers pay attention to the correct formatting of references.

Details of then refernces can be obtained in References to websites are discouraged, but may be included if absolutely necessary along with the date accessed.

If your discipline absolutely requires a different (well-known) style, please contact the Chairman, Local Technical Committee of the International Conference (Email: ).


Acknowledgemnts can be limited if it is absoltute necessary.