TO: All Senate Members

FROM: Mindy Breen, Chair

DATE: April 21, 2015

The Senate will meet on Monday, April 27, 2015 at 3:00 PM in PUB 263, 265, 267


3:00 1. Call to Order

3: 05 2. Approval of Consent Agenda including:

a.  Minutes of 4/13/15

3:10 3. Additions/Changes to Agenda

3:10 4. Administrative Reports

3:30 5. Associated Students Report (C. France)

3:35 6. Chair's Report (M. Breen)

3:40 7. UFE Report (M. Conlin)

3:45 8. UBC Report (J. Anderson)

3:50 9. Council Elections/Selections/Confirmations (beginning June 14, 2015).

Julian Gomez, Music – NEED ONE Acad Integrity Board CALE Alternate

Carri Kreider, PEHR – NEED ONE Acad Integrity Board CALE Alternate

Natalia Ruiz-Rubio, Modern Languages (CALE) CPAC

Tara Haskins, Education (CALE) CPAC

Sager Alhloul, Engineering & Design (STEM) CPAC

Nicholas Larsen, Economics (CBPA) CPAC

Ginelle Hustrulid, Engineering & Design Critical Foundations CPAC

Keith Adolphson, Mathematics Faculty Values Committee

LaVona Reeves, English (2nd Term) Graduate Affairs Council

Patty Nelson, Physical Therapy (2nd Term) Graduate Affairs Council

Vince Pascal, Management President’s Advisory Committee on Intercollegiate Athletics

Anna Tresidder, Health Services President’s Advisory Committee on Intercollegiate Athletics

Philip Weller, English Program Review Committee

Sean Agriss, English Research & Scholarship Committee

Amanda Reedy, Social Work Research & Scholarship Committee

Germán M. Izón, Economics Research & Scholarship Committee

Heidi Connole, Management Undergraduate Affairs Council

3:50 10. Information Items

a.  Evaluation of Upper Administrators Update (K. Decker)

b.  Critical Foundations Update (J. Smith)

4:10 11. Unfinished Business

a.  Graduate Faculty Policy (C. Hazelbaker/R. Sauders)

4:30 12. New Business

a. Finals Schedule Revision (M. Baldwin)

4:40 13. Committee of the Whole

a. Legislative Liaison Report (P. Chantrill) (5 minutes)

b. Shared Governance (5 minutes) Critical Foundations (T. Flinn)

c. Council Mini-Report Questions (5 minutes)

5:00 14. Good of the Order

5:00 15. Adjournment

Tabled items: Changes to 301-21: i) to include faculty from CHSPH; ii) addition of Library as member of Critical Foundations CPAC; iii) Critical Foundations Director – need ex-officio language.