How I Spend My Time Circle Graph Assignment

Outcome:F3Construct and interpret circle graphs F9 Evaluate data interpretations that are based on graphs and tables

Make a list and a circle graph of the information in the list, to show how you spend your time during a typical day (24 hours) and a typical week (168 hours).

In your typicalday, you might include the following items: School, homework, sleeping, eating, watching TV, using technology (cell phone, internet, gaming, etc), hanging out with family or friends, etc.

In your typical week, you may want to add extra-curricular (ex. sports, cadets) that you attend, time that you spend doing weekend outings (ex. shopping), babysitting, part-time work, etc.

Fill in the chart below with the activities you will include for a typical day and a typical week; round your times off to the nearest hour to make your calculations simpler.


Activity / Fraction of Day
/ Decimal / Sector Angle (⁰)
Multiply decimal by 360⁰ / Percent (%)
Multiply decimal by 100
TOTAL / Be sure it adds up to / Be sure it adds up to 360⁰ / Be sure it adds up to 100%


Activity / Fraction of Week
/ Decimal / Sector Angle (⁰)
Multiply decimal by 360⁰ / Percent (%)
Multiply decimal by 100
TOTAL / Be sure it adds up to / Be sure it adds up to 360⁰ / Be sure it adds up to 100%

Using your calculations from your chart, create a circle graph to represent how you spend your time daily below(include a title for your graph, label and percent for each section):

Using your calculations from your chart, create a circle graph to represent how you spend your time weekly below(include a title for your graph, label and percent for each section):

Circle Graph Analysis:

1)Looking at the daily circle graph, what is the majority of time spent doing?


2)Looking at the daily circle graph, what is the least amount of time spent doing?


3)Looking at the weekly circle graph, what is the majority of time spent doing?


4)Looking at the weekly circle graph, what is the least amount of time spent doing?


5)Looking at either or both daily and weekly circle graphs, what surprises you the most about the data you have represented?
