Volunteer Leave Guideline

GUIDELINE:Volunteer leave

Parent Policy:Code of conduct

Effective Date:21 June 2017

Applies to:Suncorp New Zealand

Approved by:EGM People Experience Suncorp New Zealand

Table of contents

1.Purpose and Scope



3.1.Considering volunteer leave

3.2.Brighter Futures

3.3.Arranging volunteer leave activities

3.4.Volunteering during a natural disaster

3.5.Conduct and safety


5.References and related documents


7.Further information


Suncorp New Zealand values the communities in which our employees live and work and takes our role as a responsible corporate citizen seriously. Suncorp New Zealand encourages employees to get involved and make a real difference to their communities by donating their time and individual skills through volunteer leave.

The Volunteer Leave Guideline (the “guideline”) provides leaders and employees with information regarding their volunteer leave entitlement and how they can get involved.

This guideline applies to all permanent part-time and full-timeemployees and fixed-term and employees of Suncorp who have at least 3 months’ continuous service.

This guideline is subject to the relevant provisions in the Suncorp New Zealand Individual Employment Agreement or Collective Agreement. This guideline should also be read and applied in accordance with the Code of Conduct.

Key term/abbreviation / Definition
Charitable and community organisation / A not-for-profit organisation that is registered as an income tax exempt charity.
Direct Access / Payroll and Leave Management System
Suncorp New Zealand / Suncorp’s partially or wholly owned subsidiaries incorporated in New Zealand excluding AA Insurance Limited
Suncorp / The Australian and New Zealand legal entities that make up Suncorp.
  2. Considering volunteer leave

Eligible employees are entitled to take the following paid leave each financial year to participate in a volunteer activity with a charitable and community organisation:

  • 1 day;
  • 2 half days; or
  • A series of segments which collectively add up to 1 day.

Employees and leaders are encouraged to explore the Brighter Futures Website for volunteer activities that are available to support. The Brighter Futures website contains information on volunteer opportunities as well as a listing of many other organisations that have ongoing requirements for volunteersthroughout the year. Alternatively, employees may wish to participate in an activity organised with a charitable and community organisation of their choice.

Examples of suitable volunteer activities may include:

  • A door knock to raise funds for a charitable and community organisation;
  • Selling pens or badges to raise money for a particular charity during their annual co-ordinated appeal; or
  • Participating in an organised tree planting activity with a not-for-profit community group that is registered as an income tax exempt charity.

Volunteer leave will not be approved for:

  • Organisations which are involved in unlawful activities under any laws in New Zealand;
  • Political activities, including protests or rallies;
  • Activities involving persuading members of the community to adopt a particular religion; or
  • Organisations that refuse or fail to complete and abide by the Volunteer Leave Agreement.

Participating in volunteer activities can be a rewarding team building exercise. Leaders should consider whether this approach would suit the business requirements of their team and whether the charity would reasonably be able to accommodate the request.

In some circumstances it may be more appropriate for employees to participate in volunteer leave activities as an individual or with a small group of colleagues.

3.2Brighter Futures

To help support employees in organising a volunteer day, Suncorp New Zealand has developed a dedicated website, Brighter Futures, which has a list of suggested charities, address information and contact details. Employees shouldcontact the NZ Brighter Futures team () before contact is made with with the charity.

After contact has been made with the NZ Brighter Futures team, employees can then liaise directly with the charity to organise a suitable date and time for their volunteer leave.

3.3Arranging volunteer leave activities

The employee should contact the NZ Brighter Futures teamand their leader when a volunteer activity is identified. The employee shouldprovide their leader with a minimum notice of 10 working days of the confirmed volunteer day; however shorter notice may be acceptable at the discretion of the leader and subject to operational and business requirements.

Where volunteer leave is not approved, the leader should discuss the reasons with the employee and other options that may be available.

Payment for volunteer leave is based on the employee’s salary or total fixed remuneration for the ordinary hours during the period which the leave is taken. Travel to and from the charity or community organisation and any associated costs will be paid by the employee.

The employee must ensurethe charitable or community organisationhas provided their Risk/Hazard register and Health and Safety policies to be reviewed by Suncorp New Zealand before the volunteer day is confirmed. If the charity does not have a Risk/Hazard Register then the leader should complete a Risk Assessment. Once reviewed and approved employee must ensure the charity completes the Volunteer Leave Charity Agreement. The employee must also complete the Volunteer Leave Employee Declaration.

To arrange a volunteer opportunity with acharitable or community organisation employees should:

  • Browse the list of charities on the Brighter Futures siteor select a charity of their choice;
  • Contact the NZ Brighter Futures Team to register an interest in the volunteer activity
  • Contact the charity they have chosen and coordinate their request directly with the organisation including:
  • A request that the charity provides their Risk/Hazard Register and Health & Safety policies for their leader to review
  • Leader reviews the Risk/Hazard Register and Health & Safety policies – if support is needed due to unfamiliar risks/hazards, insufficient controls or guidance on safety and risk management please contact NZ Brighter Futures.
  • If the charity does not have a Risk/Hazard Register then the leader should complete a Risk Assessment.
  • If the selected activity is deemed appropriate following the review and the leader and NZ Brighter Futures team is supportive of the

elected activity, organisation, and dates the employee should:

  • Request the Charity to complete the Volunteer Leave Charity Declaration
  • Complete the Volunteer Leave Employee Declaration; and
  • Submit a request for volunteer leave via the @me portal on the intranet and include the name of the charity in the comments field
  • The completed Volunteer Leave Declaration, the Charity Agreement and the Risk Assessment should be sent to People Connect and NZ Brigher Futures to be uploaded to the employees file.
  • Volunteering during a natural disaster

Where an employee wishes to volunteer during working hours to support disaster relief activities during a natural disaster, he or she is expected to follow this guideline and refer to the NZ Brighter Futures teamfor guidance in selecting avolunteer organisation.

For further guidance on individual circumstances and to discuss eligibility for volunteer leave, employees must contact their leader.

3.5Conduct and safety

Suncorp New Zealand wants to ensure that employees who participate in volunteer leave activities do so in a safe environment.

Leaders must be satisfied that employees are not at risk by participating in the volunteer leave activities before approving the request.

All employees have responsibilities for their health, safety and conduct. These responsibilities include:

  • Taking reasonable care for their own safety and that of other people;
  • Complying and co-operating with instructions and procedures given, to ensure the health and safety of themselves and others;
  • Using equipment provided correctly and reporting any faults;
  • Promptly reporting hazards, incidents or accidents to their leader and recording this in Safety Centre; and
  • Acting in a professional and friendly manner.

Employees should refer to the Health, Safety & Wellbeing page on the Suncorp New Zealand intranet page when a volunteer opportunity is identified. Specifically the Incidents and Injury Management tab and Risks and Hazards tab.

Leaders should refer to the Health, Safety & Wellbeing page on the Suncorp New Zealand intranet page when a volunteer opportunity is identified. Specifically the Leader guide - non-standard risk assessment and the Risk assessment form

As an employee, and thus a representative of Suncorp New Zealand, employees on volunteer leave are expected to act in a professional manner at all times, and ensure they behave in accordance with the Suncorp Code of Conduct.


Role / Accountabilities
Employee /
  • Understand and comply with this guideline and related documents;
  • Provide their leader and the NZ Brighter Futures team with appropriate notice when applying for volunteer leave;
  • Ensure a Volunteer Leave Agreement, Volunteer Leave Employee Declaration and a Risk Assessment have been completed;
  • Submit a request for volunteer leave via the @me portal on the intranet ; and
  • Follow recommended conduct and health and safety procedures.

Leader /
  • Understand and comply with this guideline and related documents;
  • Ensure the NZ Brighter Furtures team are aware of the volunteer day before it has been confirmed;
  • Ensure that the employee applying for volunteer leave meets eligibility requirements;
  • Ensure that the volunteer activities and organisation meet the relevant criteria;and
  • Process requests for volunteer leave via the @myteamportal on the intranet and ensure a Volunteer Leave Agreement, Volunteer Leave Employee Declaration and a Risk Assessment have been completed.

  • Brighter Futures
  • Code of conduct
  • Pay and leave intranet site
  • Volunteer Leave Charity Agreement
  • Volunteer Leave Employee Declaration
  • Risk Assessment

To the extent that this guideline imposes obligations on Suncorp , it is a guide only, and does not form a contractual term, condition or representation.

Suncorp reserves the right to alter this guideline on a case by case basis, where Suncorp considers it appropriate to the circumstances.


For further information, employees should contact their leader in the first instance or contact People Connect by logging an online enquiry or phoning 09 363 8376..