Artisan Paint Company: Product Information


Artisan Instant Age(Interioronly)

Artisan Paint Company |ABN:306 58 9852 461|1592 Murrumbateman Rd Gundaroo NSW 2620 Australia

T+61417 442 333| E |W

Artisan Paint Company: Product Information

Artisan Instant Age isaliquidcrackle medium,specificallyformulatedtoreplicate the aged, cracked and weathered look of antique pieces. The effect achieved will be dependent on application method- thin slightly diluted layers produce finer cracks and thicker layers produce thicker cracks. Can be used to great effect on furniture, painted timber, statuary, frames and even on feature walls to replicate aging plaster. Use it wherever you want to add instant rustic charm! For perfect results, combine with the Artisan range of products- Natural Chalk Finish, Artisan Waxes, Glazes and gilding products.


Artisan Instant Agecanbeappliedtoanyproperlypreparedinteriorsurface,suchasplaster,plasterboard,timber, concrete,cementand cementrender.Differentapplicationtechniquescanproduceavarietyofexcitingfinishes.


All surfaces must be thoroughly cleaned and free of dirt, dust, grease, loose or flaking paint and loose surface plaster. Efflorescence or mould on masonry or concrete surfaces must be treated. Flatten gloss surfaces by thoroughly sanding and wipe clean with a damp cloth. Pre- painted surfaces in good condition may need only light sanding and removal of any dust particles before proceeding.


Stircontentsthoroughlybeforeandduringusewithabroad,flatstirrerusinganupwardaction.Forafinercrackle effect,addwater,upto10%maximum.


Applyonecoatof Artisan Natural Chalk Finish in your choiceofcolour.Allow to dry before proceeding

Step2,Artisan Instant Agecoat

Apply with a 12 mm–20 mm roller or with a 50 mm–75 mm brush. For an all over crackle effect ensure the product is applied evenly to a uniform gloss, leaving no uneven patches. If the surface is patchy, apply a second coat of FX Crackle Effect after 3 hours drying time. If a random effect is required apply Artisan Instant Age randomly where age would occur. When product is touch-dry, proceed to Step 3.


Apply one coat of Artisan Natural Chalk Finish, in your choice of colour. Use a12 mm–20 mm roller or

with a 50 mm–75 mm brush. Crackle effect will start to appear in 25–30 minutes. For additional texture brush lightly over the crackled area to give a raised weathered look Leave to dry 12 hours minimum. Seal with Artisan Wax or sealer.

For a more subtle look Instant Weather may be applied between two coats of the same colour and the crackle effect highlighted with glazes or waxes

Thinner:May be thinned with up to 10 % water when finer cracks are desired.

Tinting: N/A

Method: Brush, roller or conventional spray equipment.

Drying Times (at 25 °C): Touch: 4 Hours; Recoat: 12 Hours.

Note: Do not apply paint if the air temperature or substrate temperature is below 10 °C or above 35 °C. The temperature should not fall below 10 °C during the drying process.

Clean-up: Water.

Safety and Environmental Care

Artisan Instant Age is an environmentally safe water based product however personal safety precautions are recommended when preparing surfaces, painting and sanding.

Artisan Paint Company |ABN:306 58 9852 461|1592 Murrumbateman Rd Gundaroo NSW 2620 Australia

T+61417 442 333| E |W