Percy Hedley School– Curriculum Map S

Coverage S – Foundation Subjects
Art and Design / Computing / Geography
Pupils have the opportunity to:
Explore materials systematically e.g. tearing and scrunching paper to make a collage (AD1)
Make marks on a paper intentionally on a surface with fingers or tools (AD2)
Repeat an activity to make the same or a similar effect (AD3)
Choose tools and materials which are appropriate to the activity (AD4)
Purposefully choose colours or techniques (AD5) / Pupils have the opportunity to:
Make selections to communicate meanings e.g. identifying a symbol or creating a sound. (CP1)
Make connections between control devices and information on screen e.g. pressing a specific gadget on a touch screen. (CP2)
Use a keyboard or touch screen to select letters and/or images for their own names (CP3)
Respond to simple instructions to control a device. (CP4)
Operate some devices independently. (CP5)
Choose equipment and software for a familiar activity. (CP6)
Use ICT to communicate and present their ideas e.g. taking photos of their work (CP7)
Load a resource and make a choice from it e.g. favourite tracks from a CD. (CP8)
*Integrated across the topic cycle / Pupils have the opportunity to:
Handle materials and artefacts given to them e.g. using a bin to collect litter. (G1)
Recognise familiar places and people and what they are there for. (G2)
Follow set routes around familiar places (G3)
Answer simple questions about places and people. (G4)
Make simple maps of familiar areas (G5)
Express what they think about people and environments. (G6)
Represent and record key features of a place using models and symbols. (G7)
Care for their own environment e.g. watering plants. (G8)
Use simple geographical language to communicate their ideas. (G9)
Recognise simple symbols or representations on maps and plans. (G10)
Express their views on features of the environment which they find attractive/unattractive. (G11)
Design and Technology
Pupils have the opportunity to:
Assemble components provided for an activity e.g. placing bricks together. (DT1)
Explore options with a limited range of materials e.g. adding grapes to a fruit salad. (DT2)
Demonstrate preferences for products, materials and ingredients (DT3)
Use a basic tool, with support (DT4)
Use basic tools in or equipment in simple processes, chosen in negotiation with staff. (DT5)
Express preferences in their designing and making (DT6)
Integrated across the topic cycle
History / Music / *Personal Development
Pupils have the opportunity to:
Link the passage of time with a variety of indicators e.g. week-end/school activities(H1)
Use single words to confirm the function of everyday items from the past e.g. ‘cup’, ‘bed’, ‘house’ (H2)
Listen and respond to familiar stories about their own past.(H3)
Recognise some obvious distinctions between the past and present in their own lives. (H4)
Indicate if personal events and objects belong in the past or present. (H5)
Use some common words, signs or symbols to indicate the passage of time e.g. now/then, today/yesterday (H6)
Recount episodes from their own past. (H7)
Answer simple questions about historical stories and artefacts. (H8) / Pupils have the opportunity to:
Listen, attend and join in familiar musical activities, with support (M1)
Repeat, copy and imitate actions, sounds or words in songs and musical performances.(M2)
Pick out a specific musical instrument, when asked.(M3)
Play loudly, quietly, quickly and slowly in imitation. (M4)
Listen to a familiar instrument behind a screen and match the sound to the correct instrument on a table. (M5)
Join in and take turns in songs and play instruments with others. (M6)
Explore the range of effects that can be made by an instrument or sound maker (M7)
Copy simple rhythms and musical patterns or phrases (M8)
Play groups of sounds indicated by a simple picture or symbol based score. (M9)
Respond to prompts to play faster, slower, louder, softer. (M10)
Listen and contribute to sound stories (M11)
Make simple compositions (M12)
Understand and respond to words, symbols and signs that relate to tempo, dynamics and pitch. (M13)
Create simple graphic scores using pictures or symbols (M14)
Make and communicate choices when performing, playing, composing, listening and appraising. (M15) / Pupils have the opportunity to:
Engage in parallel activity with others (PD1)
Follow familiar routines and take part in familiar tasks or activities with support.(PD2)
Show an understanding of ‘yes’ and ‘no’ and recognise and respond to animated praise or criticism.(PD3)
Maintain interactions and take turns in a small group, with support.(PD4)
Carry out routine activities in a familiar context in order to show an awareness of the results of their own actions (PD5)
Move, with support, to new activities which are either directed or self-chosen.(PD6)
Choose, initiate and follow through new tasks and self-selected activities. (PD7)
Treat living things and their environment with care and concern.(PD8)
*Integrated across the topic cycle
Languages / Religious Education / Physical Education
Pupils have the opportunity to:
Respond to a variety of new religious experiences e.g. music, drama, colour.(RE1)
Engage in moments of individual reflection.(RE2)
Listen to and begin to respond to, familiar religious stories, poems and music.(RE3)
Make their own contributions to celebrations and festivals.(RE4)
Evaluate their own work and behaviour in simple ways.(RE5)
Find out about aspects of religion through stories, music or drama.(RE6)
Communicate their feelings about what is special to them.(RE7)
Listen attentively to religious stories or to people talking about religion.(RE8)
Learn about the significance of religious artefacts, symbols and places.(RE9)
Reflect on what makes them happy, sad, excited or lonely. (RE10)
Treat living things and their environment with care and concern.(RE11) / Pupils have the opportunity to:
Respond to simple commands e.g./ ‘Stop!’(PE1)
Recognise familiar pieces of equipment.(PE2)
Follow simple instructions (PE3)
Explore a variety of movements. (PE4)
Recognise and collect, on request, familiar pieces of equipment.(PE5)
Work in pairs and in small groups cooperatively.(PE6)
Move in a variety of ways.(PE7)
Use small and large apparatus showing some basic control.(PE8)
Throw and kick a ball.(PE9)
Share and wait their turn.(PE10)
Follow and imitate sequences and patterns in their movements (PE11)
Play simple games, keep score and follow rules, with support.(PE12)