INSTRUCTOR: Major Paul Adams Willard II
Classroom: 511/Phone: 804-769-3434 Ext 625
1. AFJROTC Military Science Goals: Develop informed citizens; stimulate interest in aerospace careers; strengthen character and self-discipline; encourage completion of high school and pursuit of higher education and vocational goals; promote understanding of the role of the citizen soldier in a democratic society; teach aerospace science; promote community service; and teach social values and life skills.
2. The objective of AFJROTC Military Science is to enable the cadet to:
a. Understand the need for national security, authority, and military in a democracy
b. Develop patriotism
c. Develop habits of order and discipline using the military training model
d. Develop strong morals, self-reliance, and self-esteem, leadership, and communication skills
e. Be familiar with the aerospace age, doctrine, and career opportunities
f. Be familiar with military customs, courtesies, and traditions
g. Graduate from high school and pursue higher education or vocational goals
h. Develop social skills and values and adhere to the Cadet Code of Conduct and Honor Code
i. Participate in community service activities
j. Follow the rules of parents, school administrators, teachers, and community officials
k. Develop a knowledge of Aviation history and the development of the United States Air Force
L. Understand how airplanes fly, how weather conditions affect flight, flight and the human body, and flight navigation
3. The course breakdown; Leadership & Aerospace Education/Drill & Ceremonies)/ JROTC Wellness and Fitness Program, The Science of Flight
-- LEADERSHIP EDUCATION: COMMUNICATION, AWARENESS, AND LEADERSHIP: UNIT ONE: Learning, Communication, and Personal Development UNIT TWO: Building Personal Awareness UNIT THREE: Understanding Groups and Teams UNIT FOUR: Preparing for Leadership
--AEROSPACE EDUCATION: The Science of Flight will introduce cadets to the concepts of flight, weather, navigation and the human physical aspects of flight. The course is designed to complement materials taught in math, physics, and other science-related courses. The course is aligned with the National Science Education Standards, the Math Standards and Expectations, and the ISTE National Educational Technology Standards for Students.
-- DRILL AND CEREMONIES: After successfully completing Personnel Drill and Ceremonies cadets will know the importance of drill and ceremonies.
-- FITNESS & WELLNESS: Extreme Excellence Challenge (EC2): The 20 exercises are:
1. V-Sit Reach 11. Lunges
2. Bent-Knee Push-ups 12. Arm Extended Lunges
3. Feet Elevated Push-ups 13. Reverse Extended Lunges
4. Regular Push-ups 14. Mountain Climbers
5. Plank 15. JROTC Squats
6. Left Arm Planks 16. Push Ups
7. Right Arm Planks 17. Body Builders
8. Sit-Ups 18. Squat Leaps
9. Extended Side Push-ups 19. Side Lateral Jumps
10. Flutter Kicks 20. One-Mile Run
NOTE: All Cadets: Participation in JROTC (EC2) fitness program is mandatory unless excused for medical reason *However, to receive credit for “Fitness” course work in both fitness & health will be assigned.
1. Leadership: Citizenship, Character, and Air Force Tradition
2. AFJROTC Drill and Ceremonies
3. King William High School, AFJROTC Cadet Guide, VA-20013
4. Unlocking Your Potential
5. The Science of Flight
6. Let’s Go Flying
7. Fit For Flying
5. Course Outline: JROTC uses the Competency-Based Task/Competency List for Military Science also AFJROTC Leadership Education agenda listed below
There is an annual $15.00 activity Fee for AFJROTC. Please make checks payable to King William High School and write AFJROTC Activity Fee in the memo line.
As applicable AFJROTC Curriculum is referenced to the Virginia State SOL requirements. While there is no SOL test for AFJROTC the materials covered directly support the SOL Core subjects and enhance the student ability to be successful in SOL testing.
Uniform Inspections are conducted weekly unless otherwise directed by the Instructor. A detailed description of uniform requirements and expectations will be provided to each student.
6. Organization: To enhance leadership development, each AFJROTC class will be organized as a "flight". Each flight will then be further subdivided into three or four "elements". Cadet leaders will assist the instructors with cadet training and in organizing co-curricular activities.
7. AFJROTC Program Requirements
Cadets will receive a grade of “F” with no course credit or be placed in “disenrollment” status if they do not:
- Pass the academic portion of the aerospace/leadership course.
- Abide by King William High School student rules of behavior. History of suspensions and any expulsion are reasons that may lead to course failure.
- Follow classroom rules, maintain a positive attitude towards training, and comply with classroom procedures.
- Abide by the Cadet Code of Conduct, Honor Code, or Code of Ethics.
8. Homework
Homework is to be turned in on time. Late homework will be accepted only with advance permission of the instructors. Please refer to the front of your agenda for the school policy regarding the makeup of assignments missed. Homework done in blue or black ink or pencil is accepted. Incomplete homework is not accepted and will be treated as a zero homework grade. It is the student’s responsibility to see the SASI or ASI about making up any missed assignments, quizzes, or tests from an excused absence
Grading Scale: Aerospace Science Instructors will use the following weighted grading scale and assign a letter grade using the school's published grading scale. Instructors will maintain a computerized grading system that can be reviewed at any time. Sponsors will be notified by phone of any grade and/or behavior concerns. A cadet can request extra credit work, which will be weighted into the academic categories.
A 93 - 100
B 85 - 92
C 77 - 84
D 70 - 76
F Below 70
Cadets will be evaluated according to their academic and leadership performance. A cadet’s grade is derived as follows:
a. Test/Uniforms grades (Exams) 60% *Minimum of 4 Test per nine weeks.
b. End of Unit Quiz Average 20%
c. Daily/Class work Average 20%
9. Study Skills/Practices/Suggestions: Students must bring all required course materials to class and turn in any assigned homework promptly to obtain credit. A three ring binder is required to help keep study guides and handouts organized. Leadership opportunities come quicker to those who are best prepared. Students can earn extra credit by volunteering to make oral reports on newspaper/magazine articles relating to current events. Students will be required to make a 500 hundred word essay and brief during the second and fourth quarter on a “Legends of Airpower” related topic.
Cadets will not:
- Chew gum, eat food, or drink beverages in the classroom, cadet area, or instructor office.
- Talk when the instructor or a guest lecturer is talking unless recognized.
- Sleep or put head down on the desk unless authorized by instructor due to illness.
- Forget to always address the instructor or guest lecturer as "Sir" or "Ma'am" or cadet officers when in uniform or in formation in or out of uniform as "Sir" or "Ma'am."
- Come to class not prepared. Cadets will bring notebooks, workbooks, pencil(s), and pen with black or blue ink, and aerospace science books for assignments.
Classroom Procedures.
- Cadets will be seated with all personal belongings properly secured when the second bell stops ringing or be marked tardy.
- Flight Commander or Flight Sergeant will then call the flight to "ATTENTION". Any cadet not standing at ATTENTION with belongings properly secured will be reported as TARDY. The Flight Commander/Sergeant will then call the flight to "PARADE REST"
- Cadets will remain silent, take note of any assignments or announcements on the board, and be prepared to begin class immediately at the conclusion of roll call.
- With the flight at PARADE REST, Flight Commander/Sergeant will immediately call roll. Cadets will come to ATTENTION when their name is called and respond "HERE SIR/MA'AM". Cadets can then return to PARADE REST after their response. After the roll is called, the Flight Commander/Sergeant will ask each Element Leader to "REPORT". Element leaders will respond by giving the number of cadets absent from their element. For example, "TWO CADETS ABSENT SIR/MA'AM" or "ALL PRESENT OR ACCOUNTED FOR, SIR/MA'AM". Flight Commander/Sergeant will then turn to the instructor and state "ALL PRESENT AND ACCOUNTED FOR or (NUMBER) CADETS ABSENT, SIR". After the report, the instructor will direct the flight to "TAKE YOUR SEATS".
- Unexcused absences and excessive tardiness will negatively affect Outstanding Flight competition and the cadet's course grade. Being on time and attending school are qualities that will ensure success in school and later in the job market.
- As the bell sounds, Flight Commander/Sergeant will call the flight to attention. Flight Commander/Sergeant will then "DISMISS" the flight. Cadets can then retrieve their personal belongings and orderly depart the classroom.
- To show respect to Superintendents, principals, administrators, parents, teachers, and any other visitor, the cadet who first recognizes the visitor will in a confident, authoritative voice, state "CLASS, IN-SEAT, ATTENTION". All cadets will come to the position of IN SEAT ATTENTION and remain silent until directed to be AT EASE by the instructor or flight commander.
- The Flight Commander or in their absence their Flight Sergeant is responsible for the conduct of their flight during the class period. All cadets will abide by any Flight Commander/ Sergeant instructions.
Consequences, if a student chooses to break a rule:
First–Verbal warning.
Second-Counseling session with ASI and detention.
Third-Conference with SASI, parent notification, and detention.
Fourth-Conference with parent, probation, reduction in rank, ineligibility for field trips, and detention.
Fifth- Recommendation to the principal for dis-enrollment.
11. Student Disenrollment: AFJROTC is a unique program which by Public Law 88-647 and AF Instructions requires students to meet and
maintain acceptable standards of conduct, academic achievement, and personal appearance. Enrollment is a privilege, not a right. A student
may be dis-enrolled for failure to maintain acceptable standards, for indifference to training, for disciplinary reasons, or for actions that involve
character traits that are undesirable (drinking, smoking, drugs etc.). The principal has final dis-enrollment authority.
12. Field Trips: Field trips are offered as an incentive to our students. Since we represent King William High School and AFJROTC, we have the highest expectations regarding student behavior during our travel. Students who have been assigned an in-or-out-of-school suspension during the semester are not eligible. Additionally, students not passing a class that will be missed by attending the field trip, or those having less than a cumulative 2.0 GPA for the first semester, are also not eligible to go without individual approval from the Senior Aerospace Science Instructor.
13. Extra Help for Students: With an appointment, instructors are available immediately after school to assist students who need extra academic assistance. Additionally, cadet tutors can be made available upon request through their flight commanders or our honorary service organization Kitty Hawk Air Society.
14. Personal Grooming Standards: A student can do well academically but receive an overall lower grade if he/she does not meet Air Force grooming and personal appearance standards. Male cadets may not wear ear rings any time they are in class, in uniform, or at any AFJROTC sponsored function.
15. Acknowledgement: Please sign and return no later than the second week of the semester. If you have any questions, please contact Major Willard, 804-769-3434, Ext. 625 or email .
Please sign below. Bring it back signed by a parent/guardian for your first homework grade of the semester!
I have read this paper thoroughly, understand, and will comply with its contents.
Student Signature Date
Parent/Guardian: I have read this paper and expect my child to comply with its contents.
Parent Signature Date