Gannet flying low over Burghead, 1 February 2014 (David Main)
31/1/2014Little Gull 3 (2 adult, 1 1st winter)Lossiemouth (off harbour) Dave Pullan
31/1/2014 (late morning)Little Auk 2,Glaucous Gull 1 (immature) flew west past Burghead Dave Pullan
Glaucous Gull off Burghead, 31 January 2014 (Dave Pullan)
31/1/2014Little Auk 1Burghead (just outside harbour entrance) Charlie Gervaise
31/1/2014 Water Rail 1 Loch Spynie Charlie Gervaise
31/1/2014Little Auk 3 flew westNairn per Birdguides
31/1/2014Shoveler 3,Pintail c.184 Findhorn Bay (east side by runway lights) Allan Lawrence
31/1/2014Goosander 1 male Loch Belivat Alison Ritchie
30/1/2014Grey Phalarope 1,Little Auk 1,Great Northern Diver 3 off Nairn west golf course Alan & Dean MacAskill
30/1/2014Long-tailed Duck 300+ between Nairn-Burghead Alan & Dean MacAskill
30/1/2014 Little Auk 1Burghead Alan & Dean MacAskill
30/1/2014Water Rail 1,Jay 2,Redwing 7 Loch Spynie Alan & Dean MacAskill
30/1/2014Fulmar 100+ on ledges,Song Thrush 5Portknockie coast Lenny Simpson
30/1/2014Long-tailed Duck 56,Red-throated Diver 1 Cullen Bay Lenny Simpson
30/1/2014Little Gull 3 (adults),Black-throated Diver 1Lossiemouth (off harbour) Tony Backx
Little Gull off Lossiemouth, 30 January 2014 (Tony Backx)
30/1/2014Slavonian Grebe 1Burghead (beside harbour) Richard Somers Cocks, Tony Backx
Slavonian Grebe at Burgheadharbour, 30 January 2014 (Richard Somers Cocks)
30/1/2014Little Gull 4 (2 adult, 2 1st winter)Lossiemouth (off harbour) Martin Cook, Mike Collins
30/1/2014Little Auk 2 flying east,Great Northern Diver 9,Black-throated Diver 1 off Burghead Martin Cook, Mike Collins
30/1/2014Red-breasted Merganser 2 females Loch Spynie Martin Cook, Mike Collins
30/1/2014Purple Sandpiper 10Hopemanharbour Mike Collins, Martin Cook
30/1/2014Great Northern Diver 1 off Hopeman Martin Cook, Mike Collins
30/1/2014Great Northern Diver 2 Findhorn (1 off east dunes and 1 at north end of the bay) Gordon McMullins, Richard Somers Cocks
Great Northern Diver, Findhorn Bay 30 January 2014 (Richard Somers Cocks)
30/1/2014Blackcap 2 females Elgin (Academy St.) Charlie Gervaise
30/1/2014American Coot. As this bird has never made the 200m swim across Loch Flemington to enter Moray & Nairn water, news of its presence on the loch will no longer appear on this web site. But if anybody ever does observe it on the far side of the loch do please let us know! And the same applies to the Yellow-browed Warbler reported at the loch today.
29/1/2014Snow Bunting 20Lossiemouth east beach per Birdguides
29/1/2014Little Gull 5 (3 1st winter, 2 adult)Lossiemouth (off old shipyard) David Main
29/1/2014Velvet Scoter 1 male Loch Spynie David Whitaker
29/1/2014Great Northern Diver 1Burgheadharbour Gordon Biggs
Great Northern Diver, Burgheadharbour 29 January 2014 (Gordon Biggs)
29/1/2014Little Gull 2Lossiemouth west beach Gordon Biggs
29/1/2014Water Rail 1 Loch Spynie Gordon Biggs
29/1/2014Black Guillemot 1,Long-tailed Duck 4Hopemanharbour Alison Ritchie
Long-tailed Ducks and Black Guillemot, Hopemanharbour 29 Jan 2014 (Alison Ritchie)
29/1/2014Dunlin 1261,Knot 376,Bar-tailed Godwit 36 Findhorn Bay Richard Somers Cocks
28/1/2014Little Gull 2 (adult, 1st winter),Purple Sandpiper 15Lossiemouth west beach Richard Somers Cocks
Adult [left] and 1st winter Little Gulls, Lossiemouth west beach 28 January 2014 (Richard Somers Cocks)
28/1/2014American Coot 1 Loch Flemington (north-east shore in front of houses) Gordon Biggs
American Coot [left] with Coot, Loch Flemington 28 January 2014 (Gordon Biggs)
28/1/2014Little Gull 2 (adults)Lossiemouth (behind old shipyard) David Main
28/1/2014Little Gull 1 (1st winter)Lossiemouth (off the marina) Tony Backx
28/1/2014Northern Eider (subspecies borealis) 1 maleBurgheadharbour Tony Backx
Northern Eider in Burgheadharbour, 28 January 2014 (Tony Backx)
28/1/2014Blackcap 1 female Elgin (Academy St.) Charlie Gervaise
27/1/2014King Eider 1 maleNairn (off west golf course) per Birdguides
27/1/2014Great Northern Diver 1,Black Guillemot 1Burgheadharbour Gordon Biggs
Great Northern Diver in Burgheadharbour, 27 January 2014 Gordon Biggs
27/1/2014Purple Sandpiper 10Lossiemouth west beach Gordon Biggs
27/1/2014Long-tailed Tits 24 Loch Spynie (on feeders) Charlie Gervaise
27/1/2014Glaucous Gull 1 (1st winter),Iceland Gull 1 (adult)Lossie estuary Charlie Gervaise
27/1/2014Little Gull 2 (adult and 1st winter) Lossiemouth (mouth of river) Charlie Gervaise, Gordon Biggs
Adult Little Gull at Lossiemouth, 27 January 2014 (Gordon Biggs)
27/1/2014Common Crane no sign at Roseisle (Martin Cook) but 2 seen near Dingwall today were perhaps the same birds
26/1/2014 (c.13:45)Common Crane 2 in fields south-east of Roseisle Distillery (NJ1265) Allan Park
26/1/2014King Eider 1 maleNairn (off Golf Club house) per Birdguides
26/1/2014Iceland Gull 1 adultLossie estuary David Main
Iceland Gull on Lossie estuary, 26 January 2014 (David Main)
26/1/2014Little Gull 1 adultLossiemouth Bob Proctor, David Main
Adult Little Gull, Lossiemouth 26 January 2014 (David Main)
26/1/2014Pink-footed Goose 1500-2000Hempriggs (Coltfield) David & Carol Shaw
26/1/2014Eider 60,Long-tailed Duck 10Burgheadharbour David & Carol Shaw
26/1/2014Little Auk 1Lossiemouth (flew east) Bob Proctor
26/1/2014Scaup 1 female,Gadwall 1 male,Water Rail 1 Loch Spynie Lenny Simpson, David Main
Female Scaup on Loch Spynie, 26 January 2014 (David Main)
26/1/2014Little Gull 2 (adult and 1st winter)Lossiemouth (mouth of river) Lenny Simpson
26/1/2014American Coot 1 Loch Flemington (north-east shore in front of houses) Lenny Simpson
25/1/2014 Grey Partridge 10, Woodpigeon c.1000Darkland David Law
25/1/2014 Blackcap 1 maleForres Alison Ritchie
Male Blackcap in a Forres garden, 25 January 2014 (Alison Ritchie)
25/1/2014Little Gull 1 (1st winter)Lossiemouth (mouth of river) Martin & Jenny Cook, Duncan Gibson, Charlie Gervaise
Little Gull at Lossiemouth, 25 January 2014 (Martin Cook)
25/1/2014Sanderling 21Lossiemouth east beach Martin & Jenny Cook
25/1/2014 Iceland Gull 1 (adult)Lossie estuary Duncan Gibson, Charlie Gervaise
25/1/2014Sanderling 12Nairn east beach David & Carol Shaw
25/1/2014Glaucous Gull 1 (1st winter) Loch Spynie Bob Proctor
25/1/2014Whooper Swan 10Pitairlie Bob Proctor
25/1/2014 Barnacle Goose 1 Troves (NJ2460) Bob Proctor
25/1/2014Goosander 17,Cormorant10 Loch Oire Bob Proctor
25/1/2014American Coot 1Loch Flemington (north-east shore in front of houses) per Birdguides
24/1/2014Little Gull 1Lossiemouth (mouth of river) David Main
Little Gull off Lossiemouth, 24 January 2014 (David Main)
24/1/2014Woodcock 2,Water Rail 1 Loch Spynie (east side) Charlie Gervaise
24/1/2014Black-throated Diver 1,Great Northern Diver 1,Red-breasted Merganser 8,Long-tailed Duck 10,Turnstone 63 between Strathlene-Buckieharbour Lenny Simpson
24/1/2014American Coot 1Loch Flemington (north-east shore in front of houses) per Birdguides
23/1/2014Water Rail 1 Half Davoch (at Mosset Burn) Roy Dennis
23/1/2014Waxwing 1Linksfield (Elgin) Derek Masson
23/1/2014TundraBean Goose 2Portknockie (between village and A98) Martin Cook, Lenny Simpson
Tundra Bean Geese (with 4 Greylags), Portknockie 23 January 2014 (Lenny Simpson)
23/1/2014Goosander 15 Loch Oire Mark Keighley, Helen Jackson
23/1/2014Velvet Scoter 8 Findhorn Mark Keighley, Helen Jackson
23/1/2014Black Guillemot 1,Long-tailed Duck3 in Burgheadharbour Mark Keighley, Helen Jackson
23/1/2014Scaup 1 female,Water Rail 1 Loch Spynie Mark Keighley,Helen Jackson
23/1/2014American Coot 1Loch Flemington (north-east shore in front of houses) per Birdguides
22/1/2014 Tundra Bean Goose 2 with 4 Greylag GeesePortknockie (between village and A98) Phil Knott
22/1/2014Little Gull 1Burghead (flew east 14:50) Brian Bates
22/1/2014Black Guillemot 5,Great Northern Diver 1,Red-throated Diver 5,Shag 30+Burghead Tony Backx
Black Guillemot in Burgheadharbour, 22 Jan 2014 (Tony Backx)
22/1/2014Iceland Gull 1 adult Loch Oire per Birdguides
22/1/2014Little Gull 2 (adult, 1st winter),Snow Bunting 20Lossiemouth (mouth of river) per Birdguides
22/1/2014Red-breasted Merganser 12Tugnet Martin Cook, Mike Collins
22/1/2014American Coot 1 Loch Flemington (north-east shore in front of houses) per Birdguides
21/1/2014Woodcock 1,Redwing c.20 Loch Loy Alan & Dean MacAskill
21/1/2014Great Northern Diver 3,Velvet Scoter c.15,Slavonian Grebe 1 off Findhorn Alan & Dean MacAskill
21/1/2014Green Sandpiper 1Netherton (Findhorn Bay south end) Alan & Dean MacAskill
21/1/2014Black Guillemot 1Burgheadharbour David Main
21/1/2014Raven 1,Stonechat 2 (pair)Portknockie Lenny Simpson
21/1/2014King Eider 1 male off Nairn golf course early morning then flew north out to sea, also Great Northern Diver 2 Dean MacAskill
21/1/2014American Coot 1 Loch Flemington (north-east shore in front of houses) Alan & Dean MacAskill
20/1/2014Little Gull 3 mouth of River Spey David Devonport
20/1/2014Gadwall 2 (pair) Findhorn Bay Richard Somers Cocks
Male [left] and female Gadwall in Findhorn Bay 20 January 2014 (Richard Somers Cocks)
20/1/2014Barn Owl 2 near Portknockie Lenny Simpson
19/1/2014American Coot 1 Loch Flemington (north-east shore in front of houses) Kate Clarke, Jonathan Clarke
19/1/2014Pink-footed Goose 6000,Shelduck 96,Pintail 239,Shoveler 2,Red-breasted Merganser 17,Peregrine 1,Greenshank 1 Findhorn Bay Frank Antley,Brian Etheridge, Gordon McMullins, Richard Somers Cocks
19/1/2014Grey Plover 7,Sanderling 106,Knot 1780 (different flock to Nairn Bar)Culbin Bar Alastair Young
19/1/2014Scaup 1 female Loch Spynie David Law
Scaup [right] at Loch Spynie, 19 January 2014 (David Law)
19/1/2014Brent Goose 64 (containing birds from the Nairn Bar flock), Black-throated Diver 1,Purple Sandpiper 9Delnies-Nairn Duncan Gibson
19/1/2014Brent Goose 54,Shelduck 111,Knot 2200,Sanderling 17Nairn Bar Graeme Prest
19/1/2014Jack Snipe 2,Snipe 30Kingsteps (east of Nairn) Graeme Prest
19/1/2014Sanderling 23Lossiemouth Bob Proctor
19/1/2014American Coot 1 Loch Flemington (north-east shore in front of houses) per Birdguides
18/1/2014Scaup 2,Water Rail 1 Loch Spynie Dave Pierce
18/1/2014Smew 1 redhead Loch na Bo Dave Pierce
18/1/2014 Purple Sandpiper 4,Turnstone 24Hopeman Charlie Gervaise
18/1/2014Crossbill sp. (probably Common) 100-150,Raven 1,Fieldfare 67 near Croftglass (Glen Rinnes - NJ2430, 2530) Martin Cook
18/1/2014Northern Eider (subspecies borealis) 1 male,Eider 92,Purple Sandpiper 19 Alison Ritchie
18/1/2014American Coot 1 Loch Flemington (north-east shore in front of houses) Dave Pierce
18/1/2014King Eider 1 maleNairn (off golf course early morning but flew off west), Snow Bunting 8+ per Birdguides
17/1/2014King Eider 1 maleNairn (c.800-1000m west of golf club house) Brain Bates
17/1/2014Northern Eider (subspecies borealis) 1 male with EidersBurgheadharbour Peter Stronach
Northern Eider in Burgheadharbour, 17 January 2014 (Peter Stronach)
17/1/2014Eider 71Burgheadharbour Alison Ritchie
17/1/2014Iceland Gull 2 adults Loch Oire Martin Cook
17/1/2014Brent Goose 74Nairn west beach Richard Somers Cocks
17/1/2014American Coot 1 Loch Flemington (north-east shore in front of houses) Bob Proctor
16/1/2014Scaup 2 females,Whooper Swan 18 Loch Spynie Martin Cook
16/1/2014 King Eider 1 male,Brent Goose 47,Purple Sandpiper 6Nairn west beach Seamus McArdle
Purple Sandpipers with Brent Geese, Nairn west beach 16 January 2014 (Seamus McArdle)
16/1/2014King Eider 1 maleNairn (off golf course) Tony Backx
16/1/2014American Coot 1 Loch Flemington (north-east shore in front of houses) Richard Somers Cocks
American Coot at Loch Flemington, 16 January 2014 (Richard Somers Cocks)
15/1/2014King Eider 1 maleNairn (c.800m west of the harbour) per Birdguides
15/1/2014AmericanCoot 1 Loch Flemington (north-east shore in front of houses) per Birdguides
14/1/2014Lapland Bunting 1Tugnet (flew over high up) Martin Cook
14/1/2014Great Northern Diver 2,Black-throated Diver 1,Red-throated Diver 1 off Findhorn Richard Somers Cocks, Gordon McMullins
Black-throated [left], Red-throated [centre] and Great Northern Divers off Findhorn 14 Jan 2014 (Richard Somers Cocks)
14/1/2014American Coot 1 Loch Flemington (north-east shore in front of houses) Martin Cook, David Devonport
American Coot on ice at Loch Flemington, 14 Jan 2014 (Martin Cook)
14/1/2014King Eider 1 maleNairn (distantly off harbour breakwater) Martin Cook, David & Carol Shaw, Dave Pullan
King Eider off Nairn, 14 January 2014 (Martin Cook)
14/1/2014Brent Goose 64Nairn west beach David & Carol Shaw, Martin Cook
Brent Geese off Nairn west beach, 14 January 2014 (David Shaw)
14/1/2014Iceland Gull 1 adult Loch Oire Martin Cook
14/1/2014Snow Bunting 40+ between Mosstodloch and Garmouth Alex Gordon
13/1/2014Velvet Scoter 5,Slavonian Grebe 3,Great Northern Diver 1 off Findhorn Richard Somers Cocks, Gordon McMullins
Velvet Scoter off Findhorn, 13 January 2014 (Richard Somers Cocks)
13/1/2014 Mandarin Duck 1 male Cooper Park lake (Elgin) Martin Cook
13/1/2014Pink-footed Goose 2200 west of Coltfield Dick Hewitt
13/1/2014King Eider 1 male off Nairnharbour per Birdguides
13/1/2014American Coot 1 Loch Flemington (north-east shore in front of houses) Gordon Biggs
American Coot at Loch Flemington, 13 January 2014 (Gordon Biggs)
12/1/2014Smew 1 redhead Loch na Bo Hugh Clark
Smew on Loch na Bo, 12 January 2014 (Hugh Clark)
12/1/2014Turnstone 10Nairn (at rivermouth) Carol & David Shaw
12/1/2014Pink-footed Goose c.500 near Coltfield (NJ106634) Gerry Cross
12/1/2014Fulmar first 5 pairs back on cliffsCummingston (west end) Dick Hewitt
12/1/2014Slavonian Grebe 2,Long-tailed Duck 21 off Findhorn Richard Somers Cocks
Slavonian Grebe [left] and Long-tailed Ducks off Findhorn, 12 January 2014 (Richard Somers Cocks)
12/1/2014 Iceland Gull 2 adults Loch Oire per Birdguides
12/1/2014Little Egret 1 Loch Flemington (flew along south shore) Ian Fisher
12/1/2014American Coot 1 Loch Flemington (north-east shore in front of houses) per Birdguides
11/1/2014Jack Snipe 2,Snipe 14Kingsteps (west of Nairn) David Jardine
11/1/2014Lesser Black-backed Gull 1 Loch Oire Dave Pullan
11/1/2014Cormorant (Continental sinensis race) 1,Scaup 1 female Loch Spynie Dave Pullan
11/1/2014Smew 1 redhead Loch no Bo Dave Pullan
11/1/2014Fieldfare 80+ Muir of Linksfield (Elgin) Henry Farquhar
11/1/2014 Iceland Gull 2 adults Loch Oire Gordon Biggs, Robert Carberry
Two adult Iceland Gulls on Loch Oire, 11 January 2014 (Gordon Biggs)
11/1/2014Peregrine 1 Findhorn Bay Richard Somers Cocks
Peregrine in Findhorn Bay, 11 January 2014(Richard Somers Cocks)
11/1/2014Ptarmigan 16,Merlin 1 Ben Rinnes David Main
11/1/2014American Coot 1 Loch Flemington (north-east shore in front of houses) Charlie Gervaise
10/1/2014Smew 1 redhead Loch na Bo Roy Dennis
10/1/2014Iceland Gull 1 adult,Gadwall 1,Goosander 11 Loch Oire Roy Dennis
10/1/2014 American Coot 1 Loch Flemington (north-east shore in front of houses) per Birdguides
10/1/2014Iceland Gull 1 adult Loch Oire David Main
10/1/2014Long-tailed Duck 25Portgordon Carol & David Shaw
9/1/2014Goldfinch c.100Lossiemouth Margaret Sharpe
9/1/2014Mandarin Duck 2 (a pair)Sanquhar Loch (Forres) Roy Dennis
9/1/2014Shoveler 4 Findhorn Bay Richard Somers Cocks
Shovelers in Findhorn Bay (Richard Somers Cocks)
9/1/2014 Tree Sparrow 4 at garden feederForres Alison Ritchie
Tree Sparrows in a Forres garden, 9 Jan 2014 (Alison Ritchie)
9/1/2014Iceland Gull 1 adultLossie estuary per Birdguides
9/1/2014Iceland Gull 1 adult,Gadwall 1 male,Goosander 6 Loch Oire Martin Cook
9/1/2014Smew 1 redhead Loch na Bo per Birdguides
9/1/2014Iceland Gull 2 adults Loch Oire per Birdguides
9/1/2014 American Coot 1 Loch Flemington (north-east shore in front of houses) per Birdguides
8/1/2014Sanderling 47Lossiemouth west beach Henry Farquhar
8/1/2014Merlin 1Lossiemouth golf course Henry Farquhar
8/1/2014Pintail 206,Shoveler 3,Shelduck 58,Dunlin 1336 Findhorn Bay (south end) Gordon McMullins, Richard Somers Cocks
8/1/2014American Coot 1 Loch Flemington (north-east shore in front of houses) Henry Farquhar
7/1/2014Black-throated Diver 6 off Findhorn Richard Somers Cocks
Black-throated Divers distantly off Findhorn, 7 January 2014 (Richard Somers Cocks)
7/1/2014Water Rail 2 Loch Spynie Gordon Biggs
Water Rails near the hide at Loch Spynie, 7 January 2014 (Gordon Biggs)
7/1/2014American Coot 1 Loch Flemington (north-east shore in front of houses) Bob Proctor, Alan MacAskill
6/1/2014 American Coot 1 Loch Flemington (north shorein front ofhouses) Martin Cook, Richard Somers Cocks, Tony Backx, Roy Dennis, Gordon Biggs
American Coot at Loch Flemington 6 January 2014 (Richard Somers Cocks)
6/1/2014Iceland Gull 1 adult Loch Oire John Watson
6/1/2014Linnet c.200 near Duffus Gordon Biggs
6/1/2014Brent Goose (pale-bellied) 69,Purple Sandpiper 2Nairn west shore Martin Cook, Roy Dennis
Brent Geese on Nairn west shore, 6 January 2014 (Martin Cook [left] and Roy Dennis)
6/1/2014Red-throated Diver 7,Long-tailed Duck 81 off Nairn Martin Cook
6/1/2014Velvet Scoter 19Burghead Bay Martin Cook
6/1/2014Great Northern Diver 1,Slavonian Grebe 3 off Findhorn Richard Somers Cocks
Great Northern Diver (left) and Slavonian Grebe off Findhorn 6 January 2014
6/1/2014Snow Bunting 7 Findhorn beach Richard Somers Cocks
5/1/2014American Coot 1 Loch Flemington Simon Eaves, Dave Pullan, Bob Proctor [Loch Flemington is mostly in the Highland recording area(the north-east 75% of the loch including all the north shore beside the road and most of the open water). However the south shore, and the bay on the south side, is in Moray & Nairn recording area. The bird is currently near the north shore in front of the houses. If the bird is seen in the Moray & Nairnarea, please inform the Moray & Nairn bird recorder via the 'Contact' form on this site]
5/1/2014Red-throated Diver 21Spey Bay (between Tugnet-Boar's Head Rock) Martin Cook
Red-throated Diver off Lossiemouth, 5 January 2014 (Gordon Biggs)
5/1/2014Brent Goose 38Nairn west shore Allan Lawrence, David & Carol Shaw
5/1/2014Knot c.600Nairn east beach David & Carol Shaw
Knot at high tide roost on Nairn east beach, 5 January 2014 (David Shaw)
5/1/2014Linnet c.100Darkland David Law
Linnets at Darkland, 5 January 2014 (David Law)
4/1/2014Pink-footed Goose 140Coltfield Roy Dennis
4/1/2014Black Guillemot 2,Razorbill 8Burghead Roy Dennis
4/1/2014Pied Wagtail 19Forres (in newly ploughed field) Roy Dennis
4/1/2014Great Northern Diver 1 off Carse of Delnies David Law
4/1/2014Brent Goose 61,Purple Sandpiper 4Nairn west shore David Law
Brent Geese, Nairn west shore 4 January 2014 (David Law)
4/1/2014Snow Bunting c.20Lossie estuary Dave Wheeler
4/1/2014Peregrine 1Spynie canal Dave Wheeler
4/1/2014Ringed Plover 30Hopeman Carol & David Shaw
4/1/2014Great Northern Diver 1,Black-throated Diver 1,Red-throated Diver 2,Black Guillemot 2Lossiemouth (on sea) Bob Proctor
4/1/2014Red-throated Diver 6,Black Guillemot 1 past Lossiemouth in 30 mins Bob Proctor
4/1/2014Gadwall 1 male,Goosander 8 Loch Oire Bob Proctor
4/1/2014Goosander 1 male Cooper Park (Elgin) Bob Proctor
4/1/2014Yellowhammer 30Burghead Henry Farquhar
4/1/2014Snipe 1Lossie estuary Gordon Biggs
Snipe on the Lossie estuary, 4 January 2014 (Gordon Biggs)
3/1/2014Shelduck 40 Findhorn Bay David & Carol Shaw
3/1/2014Woodcock 1Pitgaveny David Main
2/1/2014Mandarin Duck 1 maleSanquhar Loch (Forres) Karen Guthrie
2/1/2014Tree Sparrow 8Earnhill Karen Guthrie
2/1/2014Fieldfare 48 Mains of Moy Karen Guthrie
2/1/2014Hooded Crow 1 Crofts of Buinach (Kellas) David Law
2/1/2014Brent Goose 58Nairn west beach Beryl Blackhall
2/1/2014Red-throated Diver 2,Stonechat 1 Findhorn Richard Somers Cocks
2/1/2014Great Northern Diver 1,Slavonian Grebe 2 off Findhorn Gordon McMullins
2/1/2014Smew 1 redhead Loch na Bo Martin Cook
1/1/2014Great Northern Diver 1,Slavonian Grebe 4 off Findhorn dunes Gordon McMullins
1/1/2014Arctic Skua 1 past Lossiemouth David Law
1/1/2014Linnet 400, Stock Dove 1Darkland David Law
1/1/2014Fieldfare c.70Sheriffston David Law
1/1/2014Slavonian Grebe 2 off Findhorn Richard Somers Cocks
Slavonian Grebe off Findhorn, 1 January 2014 (Richard Somers Cocks)
1/1/2014Smew 1 redhead Loch na Bo Charlie Gervaise
1/1/2014Water Rail 1 Loch Spynie near hide Charlie Gervaise
1/1/2014Blackcap 1 female Elgin (Academy St.) Charlie Gervaise
1/1/2014Black Guillemot 2,Red-throated Diver 1,Song Thrush 3 between Portknockie-Tronach Head Lenny Simpson
1/1/2014Great Northern Diver 1 Cullen Bay Lenny Simpson
1/1/2014Song Thrush 1 Half Davoch Roy Dennis
Gannet Flying Low Over Burghead, 1 February 2014 (David Main) 31/1/2014Little Gull 3 (2
