Expectation Lesson Plan
Expectation 1: RespectDefinition
Showing consideration, understanding, and regard for people, places, animals, and things.
Rationale for having the Expectation
Our school has a large student body and a diverse population. When we respect others, we promote a safe and trusting learning environment. When we respect ourselves, we do our best and expect others to do the same.
Positive Examples: “Looks Like” / Non-examples
Considering others opinions and feelings / Defacing school property or littering
Listening to others when they speak / Insulting, teasing, or discriminating against someone
Being polite and using manners / Ignoring or insulting authority
Being mindful of the environment / Disrespecting others personal space or possessions
Resources used to teach this Lesson Plan (2-3 resources with specific websites, curriculum, programs, etc.):
- BCSB Character Education Series from the BEEP Website
Specific steps of Lesson Plan (3-5 sentences. Include lesson format, activities, and details to replicate):
Ask students what they respect. Do they only respect people? Is respect only an individual thing? Have students create a list of what they respect and who they respect. Have students apply this list of what should be respected to our school and community. Have a class discussion on why and how we can promote respect in our school and community.
Lesson Plan Dates & Times (also document in teacher lesson plans AND master calendar - minimum of 4 dates)
1. August 24, 2015
2. August 25, 2015
3. September 30, 2015
4. January 27, 2016
Who is responsible for teaching the Lesson Plan?
All staff
Expectations Lesson Plan
Expectation 2: IntegrityDefinition
Adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty
Rationale for having the Expectation
Our school has a large student body and a diverse population. When students and staff display integrity, we foster an environment that promotes honesty and integrity. When one displays integrity, we build a foundation for moral and ethical behavior that promotes good citizenship.
Positive Examples: “Looks Like” / Non-examples
EXAMPLE: Wiping down the table after eating / Leaving garbage on the table
Being honest / Not being truthful
Return items found to the front office / Keeping items found
Create a trusting environment / To judge others
Resources used to teach this Lesson Plan (specific websites, curriculum, programs, etc.):
- Morning announcements
- School mission
- Post expectations/rules matrix on the school website
- Post expectations/rules matrix around the school campus
Specific steps of Lesson Plan (Include lesson format, activities, and details to replicate):
- Student of the Month
- Staff can display posters in the classrooms
- Model during daily lessons
Lesson Plan Dates & Times (also document in teacher lesson plans AND master calendar - minimum of 4 dates)
1. August 24, 2015
2. August 25, 2015
3. September 30, 2015
4. January 27, 2016
Who is responsible for teaching the Lesson Plan?
All staff
Expectation Lesson Plan
Expectation 3: DignityDefinition
The state or quality of being worthy of honor or respect.
Rationale for having the Expectation
Our school has a large student body and a diverse population. When students and staff display dignity, we foster an environment that promotes a sense of pride in oneself and the school. When one displays a sense of pride in shared common values, we create a stronger community foundation built among all stakeholders.
Positive Examples: “Looks Like” / Non-examples
EXAMPLE: Wiping down the table after eating / Leaving garbage on the table
Acceptance of differences / Being prejudice or discriminating against others
Treating others fairly and equally / Taunting, harassing, or bullying others
Being compassionate and considerate of others / Showing no empathy for others.
Resources used to teach this Lesson Plan (specific websites, curriculum, programs, etc.):
- Morning announcements to include Student of the Month
- School mission
- Post expectations/rules matrix on the school website
Specific steps of Lesson Plan (Include lesson format, activities, and details to replicate):
- Students will create a word map for dignity and compassion. Students will provide definition, characteristics, as well as examples and non-examples.
- Student will learn about the meaning of dignity through time periods in history where we did not treat others with dignity. Students will apply these lessons to today’s world and how we can treat others with dignity.
- All staff model treating others with dignity daily.
Lesson Plan Dates & Times (also document in teacher lesson plans AND master calendar - minimum of 4 dates)
1. August 24, 2015
2. August 25, 2015
3. September 30, 2015
4. January 27, 2016
Who is responsible for teaching the Lesson Plan?
- Social Studies teachers