Scheme of Learning
TLC Upper & Lower term 1& 2
Year - 2016/17
Weeks / Key Learning Theme / Resources / Key Learning / Marking and Assessment / Speaking and listening, baseline maths ,reading and writing .
Term 1 & 2 / Home Management
Life Skills / Computers/ipads. Lined / blank paper
Postcard templates Paint paintbrushes and
Use of computers/ paper booklet
Seeds/ garden tools/ paint/ sandpaper
Cake ingredients & Use of kitchen / Back to school/getting to know you activities.
To include familiarisation of classrooms and understanding the timetable.
Classroom rules – written and agreed jointly
Hopes for the year
Teambuilding games and activities (to include all classes)
Sharing holiday news/events in written and art based form. (Postcards/posters/factsheet/paintings/drawings/collage)
Listen to a partner share their weekend/summer hol then feedback to the rest of the class what they can remember.
Begin to share some vocab relevant to Home Management module. Students to use the photographic evidence of them helping to pack up and tidy the classrooms ready for the move into our new rooms. They should create a photo instruction book of how to pack up boxes safely. They could make a list of instructions of how they left the TLC clean and tidy. (Module 4, Section A, Challenge 3)
Visit a local supermarket to and make a plan of what is on each aisle – take photos. Make a shopping list of all household items (food cleaning materials etc) an average household might need for a week. Compare shopping list costs on two home delivery sites. Create maths word problems to solve about the shopping lists (Module 4, Section A, Challenge 6)
Arrange to help on the farm or in the TLC garden area to make an outside learning area, i.e. cable reel table & chairs, painted). Students could also help weed and plant items in the tyres on other similar task on the farm. Create a photo diary of all the help given - adult to sign (Module 4, Section A, Challenge 11)
Students collect recipes and explore ingredients. Could they find healthier option/ specific diet req. recipes?
Students choose a simple recipe to follow to create a cake to be decorated. They will need shop for the ingredients. Students to arrange a cake sale for their produce. Students to taste test the cakes and complete peer feedback. (Module 4, Section A, Challenge 12)
Students to focus on Life Skills booklet tasks - link in with IFPs. Continual study across term 1 & 2 / SEMSC / Taking turns and being considerate of other people’s needs. Asking questions and finding answers.
Understanding of the consequences of their behavior and actions (M)
IT / Use of computer/ipad to produce holiday news
ILS / Using a clear speaking voice. Making friends, working in a group.
Numeracy / Wk 1 Number – Counting, place value, addition, subtraction
Wk 2 Number – Multiplication, using calculators (division for higher)
Assessment of MA1
Communication / Speaking to an audience. Writing news – chronological report (recap features)
Weeks / Key Learning Theme / Resources / Key Learning / Marking and Assessment / Personal skills booklets/ASDAN folders
Home Management / Laptop trolleys / Students to research food hygiene using the internet/interview kitchen staff? They should design 3 leaflets or posters suitable for display in a food preparation area.
They should cover:
  • Importance of cleaning the food preparation area
  • Importance of maintaining good personal hygiene when working in a food prep area
  • The importance of storing food correctly
Students could visit a local food establishment and interview staff or tour the kitchen area to see what they should look like.
. (Module 4, Section B, Challenge 4)
. / SEMSC / Making an independent choice
IT / Use of computer
iPads – record findings of local visit
ILS / Working in a group
Numeracy / Number -Odds and evens
SSM – 3d shapes and estimating
Week 3 – Reading analogue and digital times – calendars and dates.
Week 4 – Ma1 – patterns & predictions
Communication / Speaking and listening. Working as a team.
Weeks / Key Learning Theme / Resources / Key Learning / Marking and Assessment
Term 3 & 4 / Number Handling / Maps, timetables, money for bus journey / Show students a range of maps – discuss vocab and how to follow a map. Practise using co-ordinates.
Arrange a visit to a park and answer given Qs following a map of the park.
Plan a journey by public transports to and from an agreed location. Use a bus/train timetable to work out:
  • Departure and arrival times
  • Duration of journey
  • Miles travelled
  • Average speed of bus/train
Students to plan a visit to a local garden centre or shopping Centre (ASDA/The Range) to price up items for our TLC garden area. (. (Module 6, Section A, Challenge 6)
Research investing £500. Find out about savings accounts with TWO of the following:
  • High street or internet
  • Building society
  • PostOffice
  • Credit Union
Classes could arrange a visit to a bank to find the information.
Each Class could choose one way of saving to present/debate the pros/cons of which is the best option.
. (Module 6, Section A, Challenge 2)
£200 budget to research costs to take 5 friends out to cinema or concert, food and travel.
Present costs/findings
(Module 6, Secion A, Challenge 4)
Find out about and create a presentation about some of the following:
  • National minimum wage
  • Gross pay/net pay
  • Basic pay
  • Income tax
  • Pensions
Invite a member of Wiltshire payroll in to explain what the listed mean.
. (Module 6, Section A, Challenge 5)
Take students into town to various mobile phone shops. Photograph handsets and tariffs to use in their presentation back at school. Students to ask staff in shop about a discount or a tariff suitable for teenagers and ask the rules of the package.
Students should also use the internet to research different mobile phone handsets and mobile phone networks. Find the cheapest/most expensive. Find different tariff and discounts available.
Present their findings to the rest of the class. Create a leaflet of information for parents. This should show they have found the cost of owning a mobile phone
. (Module 6, Section A, Challenge 8 – 2 parts covered)
SEE PDP BOOKLET – Students to choose two tasks to show number handling (Module 6, Section B, Challenge 4)
Other agreed Challenge
TLC Enterprise challenge – Can they turn £10 into £20? Each class to create items/services to sell to earn money.
Students to carry out market research, advertising and costings.
(Module 6, Section B, Challenge 5) / SEMSC / Explore outside world – what’s in the local area?
IT / Internet research for costs, travel times, maps
ILS / Independent travel/public transport
Numeracy / Handling Data – data, tallying, tables, bar charts
Time, direction
Communication / Working in a team – enterprise
Persuasion – enterprise challenge
Sharing findings with other TLC classes
Weeks / Key Learning Theme / Resources / Key Learning / Marking and Assessment / Personal skills booklets/ASDAN folders
Term 5&6 / Module 7 Health & Survival / Egs of deodorants, shower gel, sponges, mouth wash etc.
Resources from St John’s ambulance website
(Brendon – 6th form to attend sessions)
Visit from local communitypolice officer
Parental permission, camping equip / PSHE focus – students to consider what makes a healthy lifestyle. Discuss other factors to consider – personal hygiene.
Students to research personal hygiene products – how they are used and what they cost. Students should report on the products and show understanding of the importance of personal hygiene.
Students to create a diary of hair washing/ showering/ teeth cleaning.
. (Module 7, Section A, Challenge 1)
Students should research a balanced diet and create a questionnaire to find out how many portions of fruit and veg at least 10 people eat. They should present their findings – create a healthy eating display for the hall?
. (Module 7, Section A, Challenge 5)
Students to attend some first aid sessions led by/resources from St John’s ambulance. They should use their findings to present how to deal with 3 of the following first aid situations:
  • Cuts grazes and nosebleeds
  • Minor burns and scalds
  • Suspected broken bones
  • Electric shocks
  • Sprained wrists or ankle
  • fainting
they should prepare a leaflet/poster/powerpoint to show others how to deal with these situations.
. (Module 7, Section A, Challenge 7)
Students to do some road safety research with local community police officer. Create a leaflet of good/bad places to cross in the local area for school children to follow. Consider cyclists and what road safety rules they should follow.
(Module 7, Section A, Challenge 10)
Camp outside for a night and cook a meal – students
to be arranged
(Module 7, Section B, Challenge 5) / SEMSC / Healthy lifestyles, importance of hygiene
IT / Research costs, present information found
ILS / Shopping for personal products
Numeracy / Surveys, data handling, money, time, research costs >
Communication / Asking staff in outlets for information
Asking Qs in a survey