Meeting of Takeley Parish Council

held on Wednesday, 7th April 2010, at 7.30pm at Takeley Station House.

Present: / Clr Richard Cheetham
Clr John Green
Clr David Daykin
Clr. John Gregory
Clr Brian Baldwin / Clr. Trevor Allen
Clr. Carol Pratt
Clr Geoff Bagnall
Clr John Orpin
Clerk Jane Heskey
Apologies: / Clr. Alan Jones, Clr Tricia Barber & District Cllr Jackie Cheetham
Visitors: / Daniel Sell & James Hadley (7.35pm) re Dirt Jump Bike Course - Sports Field
10/53 Welcome and apologies: Chairman Clr. Richard Cheetham opened the meeting, welcomed members, and received apologies as above.

10/54 Declarations of Interest: None.

Members were reminded that they should declare relevant interests at each meeting for items on the agenda and to request a ‘Change Form’ if their circumstances have changed and their register needs amending.

10/55 Minutes:
The minutes of the 3rd March 2010 meeting, which had been circulated previously, were approved as a true record and signed by the Chairman.
10/56 Matters Arising:
District Clr Jackie Cheetham reported (in writing) on UDC redundancies:
October 2007 - 10 voluntary redundancies
April 2008 - 7 compulsory redundancies
County Clr Susan Barker has forwarded an email from Roger Moore Head of Property Management and Strategy, Essex County Council, re the Parish Council’s Station House Tenancy.
‘Cabinet member Clr Derrick Louis is happy to take officers’ recommendation and for the matter to be dealt with in accordance with normal estate management practice’. A review of options will be conducted before reporting to the Parish Council in mid May.
TPC will request a meeting with either Clr Louis, his advisor Mr. Paul Abbott or Mr. Roger Moore in County offices asap. Explaining that TPC is of the understanding that Clr Sarah Candy had agreed that the Station House would be designated a community building.
10/57 / Dirt Jump Bike Course
Chairman Richard Cheetham reported that the position of the course has been agreed (eastern end of field beyond the top pitch).
Michael Perry (Asst Chief Exec UDC) has intimated that planning permission is not required. Written confirmation is awaited.
Chairman Richard Cheetham requested that the group should specify the size of the obstacles to be constructed. Clr Trevor Allen suggested a site visit to mark out the proposal (basic & intermediate courses).
TPC agreed access to the site via the designated track to the north of the field is suitable for lorries to pass. / Report May agenda
10/58 / UDC Strategy - Preferred Option Consultation Feb 2010
(draft response previously circulated)
TPC approved the draft response to be submitted to UDC by 9th April.
A copy of the response will be attached to these minutes. / Clerk
will report to UDC
10/59 / UDC Consultation - Decision Making Structure
(leaflet circulated to members)
This consultation is open until 31st May. TPC agreed to appoint 4 members to make recommendations and report to the May meeting. / May agenda
10/60 / UTT/0372/10/FUL Stansted Airport
(circulated to members via email prior to meeting)
Removal of planning condition restricting the use of commercial buildings within the perimeter of Stansted Airport to uses ‘directly related or associated with the activities carried out at Stansted Airport’.
As a result of an administrative error by UDC, Takeley Parish Council has not had the opportunity to consider the above application fully but has submitted an interim statement of objection for consideration at the Development Control Committee meeting on Wednesday, 7th April.
TPC approved the above statement and has reserved the right to make further comment following the TPC Planning Committee meeting on Mon. 12th April & before 22/4/10. / May agenda/
Clerk to submit further comment before 22/4/10
10/61 / March 2010 Financial Report
(previously circulated)
Financial transactions for March 2010 were tabled & agreed.
TPC noted completed bank reconciliation. / All note
10/62 / Actuals v Budgets 2009/10 - 12mth
(previously circulated)
TPC approved the statement for 12 months / All note
10/63 / RCCE Village Hall/Community Building Affiliation fee
TPC approved proposed membership (Priors Green Community Hall) and authorise payment of £35 / All note
10/64 / EALC 2010/11 Affiliation Fees
Fees based electorate figures.
TPC authorised payment of the affiliation fees for 2010/11 = £475.40 (last yr £456.42) / All note
10/65 / War Memorial cleaning & re-engraving
The Clerk reported advice from the War Memorial Trust, regarding the procedure for grant application and confirmed that their policy supported restoration works only; which included replacement of materials on a like for like basis.
TPC approved a recommendation to proceed on the basis of the advice received.
§  Authorise cleaning of the memorial before authorising any re-engraving
§  Add WW2 dates to the top of the memorial
§  Clean the civilian stone and arrange required re-lettering.
The Clerk will make an application for a grant from the ‘Small Grant Scheme’ (War Memorial Trust) towards the cost of the maintenance and will also seek revised quotes from J Day & Sons.
TPC noted that a single private donation has been received towards the cost of the renovations. / Clerk/ May meeting
10/66 / Uttlesford Home Start
TPC agreed to re-schedule this item for the May meeting following receipt of 2009/10 accounts and details regarding the number of Takeley families this group have supported. / May agenda
10/67 / Report on Highways Matters
§  Following the footings of a new bus shelter being established in the wrong position in Takeley Street (outside Yew Tree Cottage), TPC requested that ECC re-instate the verge. This work has still not been completed. TPC has forwarded a photo and letter from the occupants of Yew Tree Cottage to ECC. TPC agreed that it would also suggest that ECC should impose financial penalties and consequences on sub contractors who operate incorrectly and fail to make good areas damaged by their work.
§  TPC has submitted a letter of complaint on behalf of a local resident regarding an accident in Parsonage Rd. Whilst riding her bike the resident hit a pothole and was thrown from her bike. TPC has previously notified ECC about the danger of this particular pothole on several occasions including the Planned Parish Visit survey in January 2010.
§  Clr Daykin urged members to use the online ECC complaints procedure to report matters that are unresolved.
§  A recent public notice published in the Herts & Essex Observer (1/4/10) relating to Stansted Airport Ltd, Traffic Regulation Order 2010 relates to parking restrictions on airport roads.
§  TPC has received a letter from a resident of Elm Close extension requesting maintenance of the public land within the area. TP agreed to acknowledge this letter providing Clr Daykin’s contact details.
§  Parking problems in Elm Close: TPC agreed that if a local police initiative to alleviate parking problems in unsuccessful, residents will be canvassed to establish whether they would support a request to implement waiting restrictions throughout Elm Close. / Clerk/
All note
10/68 / Community Speed Watch
Essex Police has re-launched the Community Speed Watch Scheme for 2010. Improvements include:
-Regular liaison
-Structure training programmes
-A commitment to 2 warning letters and if appropriate further action by Essex Police
-Monitoring to ensure good practice.
TPC thanks Mr. Martin Peachey and hopes that he will remain the point of contact for Takeley.
Clr Trevor Allen is the NAPs representative. / All note
10/69 / Traffic Calming Scheme in Takeley Street
Following a meeting with Highways (7/4/10) to review the design for the proposed scheme, the Clerk reported:
§  The initial design includes 9 pinch points and 6 pedestrian crossing areas within the 30mph zone in Takeley Street. The cost of this proposal is approximately £123k.
§  TPC has applied for grant funding towards this project (maximum grant of £50k).
§  TPC will request the cost of each pinch point and crossing area so that it can establish the approximate cost of any variation to this scheme.
§  TPC agreed to canvass local residents’ opinion via the April Grapevine. A hard copy of the proposal will be available at the Station House and an electronic copy can be email if requested.
§  TPC acknowledged that the scheme is flexible and could be refined to reduce the cost whilst maintaining effectiveness.
§  TPC acknowledged that the scheme could be phased depending on funds available.
§  When TPC receives confirmation regarding the CIF grant application, it will write to ECC requesting further clarification on the A120 post implementation review which suggested traffic calming measures might be appropriate and make inquiries regarding funding from the Highways Local Development fund.
§  TPC will request information regarding a tender process.
§  The position of the VAS installed in March will be reviewed as part of this scheme.
§  TPC agreed to write to ECC Highways to acknowledge the proposal, request costing information, and commit to a response following consultation with local residents. / All note/ May agenda
10/70 / Recreation Ground & Sports Field Report
Clr John Green has completed an inspection & reported:
Recreation Ground: Tidy and equipment in order.
Sports Field: Relatively tidy. Dog signage required. / All note
10/71 / Football facilities in Takeley
Football Club/Parish Council agreement (re use of Sport Field): due for renewal June 2010. TPC review meeting 26/4/10.
Replacement portacabins explore options & costings (consider security & toilets)
Football development Plans - review meeting 14/4/10
Ditches & hedgerows: TPC will organise a volunteers day to clear ditches (grass & rubbish) and trim hedge rows & brambles.
TPC noted the minutes from a meeting with Pat Curran (TFC Chairman) 17/3/10 and agreed the current strategy / All note
10/72 / Footpaths & Trees
Clr Allen reported that he is currently working to establish the age of some oak trees at Pincey Brook on FP35, and is inspecting some oaks at Bambers Green. / All note
10/73 / Jacks Lane
Following a site visit with representatives from ECC (11/3/10), TPC acknowledged the report.
Clr Richard Cheetham reported advice from the National Trust which concluded that a ‘restricted byway’ that prevents any motorised vehicles maybe more appropriate.
TPC is now waiting for a meeting with Garry White (ECC Legal Team) to progress discussions and explore what constitutes a strong case for downgrading/restrictions. / All note
10/74 / Essex Biodiversity
Clr Trevor Allen reported on a study of the Pincey Brook area. This proposal provides a vision of the living landscape for the area. Clr Allen reported that he is very encouraged by the proposal.
TPC agreed to acknowledge the report and endorse the proposals. / All note
10/75 / Priors Green Community Hall
TPC received an update from the working group:
This working party has been sponsored by both Takeley & Little Canfield Parish Councils to make recommendations on the way forward including:
Hall users/expressions of interest
§  A rural help group is running a 10wk programme on a Thurs. evening from PG hall (managed by UDC reps).
§  A badminton group has requested use on a Thursday evening (fees to be agreed)
§  2 x 6mth posts have been agreed. Working with Gaynor Bradley (UDC) to set up procedures.
The working group agree to canvass residents of Takeley and Lt Canfield to establish how the community wish to see the hall managed and what services it should provide. A questionnaire will be distributed with the April Grapevine. Feedback will be used to formulate proposals for the future activity and management of the hall,
TPC thanks the members of the group and endorsed the recommendations of the working party. / All note
10/76 / Clerks Report
TPC noted the Clerk’s report.
Annual Parish Assembly - booked for Wed. 19th May 2010
SSE support - May agenda
EALC survey - Clerk to respond
Essex Probation Service -TPC to submit expression of interest supporting work placements.
UDC Fees & Charges Consultation - June agenda
-  / All note
10/77 / Non Agenda Report
TPC noted the report / All note

The meeting finished at 10.30pm.

THE NEXT MEETING & AGM: of Takeley Parish Council will be held on

Wednesday, 5th May 2010 at Takeley Station House at 7.30pm.

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