Minutes of Board of Directors Meeting

February 18, 2010


Mindy Howes (Pres)Eric Guess (Treas)Jeff Howard/ (Director)

Heather HowardKaren Guess

Robert NelsonMark Karr (Sec)

Approval of previous board meeting minutes

Minutes have been approved

Treasurer’s Report

Eric presented Treasury report.

Wilson, haven’t heard anything back. All lot privileges have been revoked.

Lots of delinquencies on lot dues, sending out another letter by the end of the month. Move 25k of the checking to the money market account was approved by the board.

Caretaker’s Report

Barn building AC is complete. Steve did an excellent job.

Plow truck is being used less do to backhoe doing more of the heavy work.

Lodge, shower stall and sliding doors are on the list of repair’s to be done at the lodge


Husmans, Heather will contact the county to confirm, for REVA building guidelines benefit, as to their eaves requirements. Someone from the board or ECC (not assigned yet) will draft a letter to the Husmans regarding their non-compliance to their approved plans.


Robert, review of caretaker role is on going with Jeff Howard.

Letter with Bear Mnt. Ranch went really well. Thanks to Guess family and Howards for the effort.


The board approved one hour or less backhoe work on the loops. This will be at no charge to the loops. This will be addressed in the backhoe document.

Rev caretaker is not required to help individual homeowners/members. At the caretaker’s discretion and on his own time the caretaker from time to time may assist homeowners/ members and charge a personal fee of $25.00 an hour.

Rabbit tracks will be done by the end of Feb.

New locks for lower gate, lodge and barn building have been approved.

Lodge phone, being used for long distance use. The board voted to take away long distance on phone. Eric is going to cancel it.

Jeff Howard, will be submitting a bill for plowing that he has done this winter. Jeff, will be paid $75 an hour for using his heavy equipment, fuel and his time.

The board is thinking of doing a summer party. It will be discussed at the next meeting.

Meeting minutes will be sent out to the board within one week of the meeting. The board will review and approve the minutes via email. Once approved, they will be posted in a much more timely manner on the website.

Next board meeting will be held April 6th at 6:30 pm via teleconference.

The board has agreed this is subject to change in order to accommodate the attendance of a majority of the board members.